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Releases: basehub-ai/basehub

[email protected]

22 Mar 03:36
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Patch Changes

  • bea7eb6: Keep the read token always in the server, plus hit pump directly to improve performance.

[email protected]

16 Mar 09:32
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Patch Changes

  • 2070118: Resolve basehub with resolve-pkg for better monorepo support.
  • 2070118: Cleanup

[email protected]

11 Mar 23:48
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Patch Changes

  • add support for custom --token arg

[email protected]

08 Mar 15:46
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Patch Changes

  • f5c1b63: Improved null error handling for API responses. The toast now renders more relevant content, and your app shouldn't break on initial load.
  • a743356: add toasts by the amazing sonner

[email protected]

02 Mar 19:38
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Patch Changes

  • update @basehub/mutation-api-helpers

[email protected]

02 Mar 19:24
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Patch Changes

  • update @basehub/mutation-api-helpers

[email protected]

02 Mar 19:18
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Major Changes

  • f893a7a: ## Introducing Pump: Fast Refresh for Your Content

    This new major introduces react-pump, a component that brings realtime updates from BaseHub into your app. Via a combination of React Server Components, React Server Actions, and the existing basehub SDK, it has a very elegant API and pushes forward our vision of making content editing (and previewing) seamless.

    This is a short example of how to use it:

    import { Pump } from "basehub/react-pump";
    const Page = () => {
      const yourLogicForDraftMode = true; // in Next.js, you'd use draftMode()
      return (
        <Pump queries={[{ _sys: { id: true } }]} draft={yourLogicForDraftMode}>
          {async ([data]) => {
            "use server";
            // `data` is typesafe, of course!
            return (
                <code>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</code>

    When draft === true, Pump will mount a Client Component that will subscribe to real time updates from BaseHub, and will push does updates to your render function in real time. This gives you "fast refresh" for your content.

    Pump relies on experimental React features: React Server Components, and Server Actions. Currently, Next.js is the only framework we know of that supports these.

    You may have a lot of questions, such as "why a component instead of a hook?", "why a render function, and why does it need to be async and have "use server"?", which we'll answer in our official Docs soon.

    Breaking Changes

    The basehub/react namespace has been removed in favour of having more specific namespaces. The only affected component (because is the only one we expose as of now) is RichText. This is how you migrate:

    - import { RichText } from 'basehub/react'
    + import { RichText } from 'basehub/react-rich-text'

    Mutations API Helpers

    With the introduction of the Mutation API, we've added some helper TypeScript types that will allow you to send mutations in a typesafe manner. For example:

    import { basehub } from "basehub";
    import { Transaction } from "basehub/api-transaction";
    export function Example() {
      return (
            action={async () => {
              "use server";
              return await basehub({ cache: "no-cache" }).mutation({
                transaction: {
                  __args: {
                    data: JSON.stringify([
                        type: "create",
                        data: {
                          type: "document",
                          title: "A Document from our API",
                          value: [
                              type: "text",
                              title: "hero title",
                              value: "Hello World!",
                              isRequired: true,
                    ] satisfies Transaction),

    Enjoy, and go write!

[email protected]

24 Feb 22:13
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Patch Changes

  • d4c0021: fix multiple pusher connections being created

[email protected]

23 Feb 21:13
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Major Changes

  • b3ff244: Add next-pump: fast refresh for your content. And also go full ESM.

[email protected]

14 Feb 23:17
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Patch Changes

  • e489ff6: pass code as a string param