Releases: base2Services/jenkins-distribution
Releases · base2Services/jenkins-distribution
What's Changed
- Jenkins lts version update by @github-actions in #85
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #86
Jenkins Update
Plugin Updates
- analysis-model-api (10.17.0) -> 10.19.0
- antisamy-markup-formatter (2.7) -> 155.v795fb_8702324
- aws-secrets-manager-credentials-provider (1.189.vdb_b_86ddd16e8) -> 1.198.v839f082578db
- github-branch-source (1695.v88de84e9f6b_9) -> 1696.v3a_7603564d04
- gradle (2.0) -> 2.1
- workflow-cps (2803.v1a_f77ffcc773) -> 3520.va_8fc49e2f96f
Full Changelog: 2.361.2-b3...2.361.3-b1
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #84
Plugin Updates
- checks-api (1.7.5) -> 1.8.0
- configuration-as-code (1559.v38a_b_2e3b_6b_b_7) -> 1569.vb_72405b_80249
- dashboard-view (2.447.vda_124dd35f11) -> 2.466.vdfefd95a_b_f8d
- git (4.12.1) -> 4.13.0
- git-client (3.12.1) -> 3.13.0
- gradle (1.40) -> 2.0
- junit (1153.v1c24f1a_d2553) -> 1156.vcf492e95a_a_b_0
- jdk-tool (55.v1b_32b_6ca_f9ca) -> 63.v62d2fd4b_4793
- pipeline-utility-steps (2.13.0) -> 2.13.1
- saml (4.369.v13507586ef8c) -> 4.372.v89f13e4c9e97
- workflow-job (1249.v7d974144cc14) -> 1254.v3f64639b_11dd
Full Changelog: 2.361.2-b2...2.361.2-b3
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #83
Plugin Updates
- basic-branch-build-strategies (1.3.2) -> 71.vc1421f89888e
- configuration-as-code (1512.vb_79d418d5fc8) -> 1559.v38a_b_2e3b_6b_b_7
- docker-workflow (521.v1a_a_dd2073b_2e) -> 528.v7c193a_0b_e67c
- durable-task (500.v8927d9fd99d8) -> 501.ve5d4fc08b0be
- ec2 (2.0.2) -> 2.0.3
- email-ext (2.91) -> 2.92
- github (1.35.0) -> 1.36.0
- jackson2-api (2.13.3-285.vc03c0256d517) ->
- jaxb (2.3.6-2) -> 2.3.7-1
- junit (1150.v5c2848328b_60) -> 1153.v1c24f1a_d2553
- maven-plugin (3.19) -> 3.20
- pipeline-input-step (451.vf1a_a_4f405289) -> 456.vd8a_957db_5b_e9
- pipeline-model-api (2.2114.v2654ca_721309) -> 2.2118.v31fd5b_9944b_5
- pipeline-model-definition (2.2114.v2654ca_721309) -> 2.2118.v31fd5b_9944b_5
- pipeline-model-extensions (2.2114.v2654ca_721309) -> 2.2118.v31fd5b_9944b_5
- pipeline-rest-api (2.24) -> 2.27
- pipeline-stage-view (2.24) -> 2.27
- pipeline-stage-tags-metadata (2.2114.v2654ca_721309) -> 2.2118.v31fd5b_9944b_5
- s3 (0.12.2) -> 0.12.3436.v674b_46258039
- saml (4.354.vdc8c005cda_34) -> 4.369.v13507586ef8c
- script-security (1183.v774b_0b_0a_a_451) -> 1189.vb_a_b_7c8fd5fde
- slack (625.va_eeb_b_168ffb_0) -> 629.vf00ea_cb_40d53
- ssh-slaves (2.846.v1b_70190624f5) -> 2.854.v7fd446b_337c9
- warnings-ng (9.20.0) -> 9.20.1
- workflow-api (1192.v2d0deb_19d212) -> 1200.v8005c684b_a_c6
- workflow-cps (2802.v5ea_628154b_c2) -> 2803.v1a_f77ffcc773
- workflow-durable-task-step (1199.v02b_9244f8064) -> 1210.va_1e5d77e122b
- workflow-job (1239.v71b_b_a_124a_725) -> 1249.v7d974144cc14
- workflow-support (838.va_3a_087b_4055b) -> 839.v35e2736cfd5c
Full Changelog: 2.361.2-b1...2.361.2-b2
What's Changed
- Jenkins lts version update by @github-actions in #82
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #81
Jenkins Update
Plugin Updates
- echarts-api (5.3.3-1) -> 5.4.0-1
- junit (1144.v909f4d9978e8) -> 1150.v5c2848328b_60
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b8...2.361.2-b1
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #80
Plugin Updates
- bootstrap5-api (5.2.1-2) -> 5.2.1-3
- data-tables-api (1.12.1-3) -> 1.12.1-4
- javax-activation-api (1.2.0-4) -> 1.2.0-5
- javax-mail-api (1.6.2-7) -> 1.6.2-8
- jaxb (2.3.6-1) -> 2.3.6-2
- jquery3-api (3.6.1-1) -> 3.6.1-2
- junit (1143.v8d9a_e3355270) -> 1144.v909f4d9978e8
- plugin-util-api (2.17.0) -> 2.18.0
- popper2-api (2.11.6-1) -> 2.11.6-2
- workflow-cps (2801.vf82a_b_b_e3e8a_5) -> 2802.v5ea_628154b_c2
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b7...2.361.1-b8
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #79
Plugin Updates
- git-client (3.12.0) -> 3.12.1
- gradle (1.39.4) -> 1.40
- role-strategy (561.v9846c7351a_41) -> 562.v44e9a_e828d0e
- saml (4.352.vb_722786ea_79d) -> 4.354.vdc8c005cda_34
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b6...2.361.1-b7
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #78
Plugin Updates
- analysis-model-api (10.16.1) -> 10.17.0
- bootstrap5-api (5.2.0-3) -> 5.2.1-2
- credentials (1143.vb_e8b_b_ceee347) -> 1189.vf61b_a_5e2f62e
- font-awesome-api (6.2.0-1) -> 6.2.0-3
- forensics-api (1.15.1) -> 1.16.0
- jquery3-api (3.6.0-4) -> 3.6.1-1
- junit (1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561) -> 1143.v8d9a_e3355270
- prism-api (1.28.0-2) -> 1.29.0-1
- snakeyaml-api (1.31-84.ve43da_fb_49d0b) -> 1.32-86.ve3f030a_75631
- warnings-ng (9.19.2) -> 9.20.0
- workflow-cps (2759.v87459c4eea_ca_) -> 2801.vf82a_b_b_e3e8a_5
- workflow-job (1236.vc3a_d1602f439) -> 1239.v71b_b_a_124a_725
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b5...2.361.1-b6
What's Changed
- Jenkins plugin updates by @github-actions in #77
Plugin Updates
- ant (475.vf34069fef73c) -> 481.v7b_09e538fcca
- aws-global-configuration (100.v4619b_45d2dfc) -> 106.v106dc1d8d86e
- aws-secrets-manager-credentials-provider (1.188.v8f90a_d7942b_e) -> 1.189.vdb_b_86ddd16e8
- command-launcher (84.v4a_97f2027398) -> 90.v669d7ccb_7c31
- dockerhub-notification (2.6.1) -> 2.6.2
- external-monitor-job (192.ve979ca_8b_3ccd) -> 203.v683c09d993b_9
- font-awesome-api (6.1.2-1) -> 6.2.0-1
- git (4.11.5) -> 4.12.1
- git-client (3.11.2) -> 3.12.0
- github-branch-source (1694.vd46793a_c4a_57) -> 1695.v88de84e9f6b_9
- htmlpublisher (1.30) -> 1.31
- pipeline-input-step (449.v77f0e8b_845c4) -> 451.vf1a_a_4f405289
- script-security (1175.v4b_d517d6db_f0) -> 1183.v774b_0b_0a_a_451
- slack (616.v03b_1e98d13dd) -> 625.va_eeb_b_168ffb_0
- support-core (1174.vc46f6b_04d894) -> 1206.v14049fa_b_d860
- workflow-job (1232.v5a_4c994312f1) -> 1236.vc3a_d1602f439
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b4...2.361.1-b5
What's Changed
- bug fix: update the support-core plugin by @Guslington in #76
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b3...2.361.1-b4
What's Changed
- bug fix: promoted-builds plugin fails to load with the rebuild plugin present even tho it is an optional dependency by @Guslington in #75
Full Changelog: 2.361.1-b2...2.361.1-b3