ps -ef | grep mongo | grep -v grep | awk ' {print "kill " $2}'
rm -rf /u01/data/mongo01
mkdir --p /u01/data/mongo01
mongod --dbpath /u01/data/mongo01 --logpath /u01/data/mongo01/log.log --logappend --oplogSize 10 --smallfiles --fork
# # wget
mongoimport --drop -d pcat -c zipcodes /u01/demo/zips.json
Return States with Populations above 10 Million
SELECT state, SUM (pop) AS totalPop
FROM zipcodes
GROUP BY state
HAVING totalPop >= (10 * 1000 * 1000 )
In this example, the aggregation pipeline consists of the $group stage followed by the $match stage:
use pcat
db . zipcodes . aggregate ( [
{ $group : { _id : "$state" , totalPop : { $sum : "$pop" } } } ,
{ $match : { totalPop : { $gte : 10 * 1000 * 1000 } } }
] )
Return Largest and Smallest Cities by State
use pcat
db . zipcodes . aggregate ( [
{ $group :
_id : { state : "$state" , city : "$city" } ,
pop : { $sum : "$pop" }
} ,
{ $sort : { pop : 1 } } ,
{ $group :
_id : "$_id.state" ,
biggestCity : { $last : "$" } ,
biggestPop : { $last : "$pop" } ,
smallestCity : { $first : "$" } ,
smallestPop : { $first : "$pop" }
} ,
// the following $project is optional, and
// modifies the output format.
{ $project :
{ _id : 0 ,
state : "$_id" ,
biggestCity : { name : "$biggestCity" , pop : "$biggestPop" } ,
smallestCity : { name : "$smallestCity" , pop : "$smallestPop" }
] )