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Unit tests for PSR-7 UriInterface

Tested implementations

Out of the box this package can run the tests against the following implementations (order alphabetically):

System Requirements

You need:

  • The latest stable version of PHP is recommended
  • the mbstring extension
  • the intl extension


Clone this repo on a composer installed box and run the following command from the project folder.

$ composer install


To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder.

$ composer test

You can also run different tests according to the following groups:

Group Run tests for the
uri complete URI
scheme scheme component
userinfo userinfo component
host host component
port port component
authority authority part
path path component
query query component
fragment fragment component

Or run all the test against a specific implementation

Group Run tests against
diactoros Zend\Diactoros\Uri
guzzle Guzzle\Psr7\Uri
jasny Jasny\HttpMessage\Uri
league League\Uri\Schemes\Http
phpixie PHPixie\HTTP\Messages\URI\Implementation
riimu Riimu\Kit\UrlParser\Uri
slim Slim\HTTP\Uri
spatie Spatie\Url\Url
windwalker Windwalker\Uri\PsrUri


$ composer test -- --group port
$ composer test -- --group spatie

Adding a new implementation

  • Make sure your PSR-7 UriInterface interface implementation is available on packagist first
  • Clone this repo
  • Update the composer.json file with your package
  • Add a new class in the tests directory for your implementation that extends Bakame\Psr7\UriTest\AbstractUriTestCase by providing a URI factory to bootstrap URI object creation from your library.

Here's a example to copy/paste and edit


namespace Bakame\Psr7\UriTest;

use My\Library\Uri;

 * @group my-library
final class MyLibraryTest extends AbstractUriTestCase
    protected function createUri($uri = '')
        return new Uri($uri);
  • run the test suite.
  • you can submit your implementation via Pull Request (don't forget to update the file with a link to your repo in the Tested implementation section).


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.