diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6fd95a68..c5950e0b 100755
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,7 +1,77 @@
-# CHANGELOG for v2.0.x
+# CHANGELOG for v2.x
 This changelog consists of the bug & security fixes and new features included in the releases listed below.
+v2.2.2 (23rd of October, 2024) - Release
+#  Enhancements
+* [Enhancement] - Compatibility with v2.2.2
+#  Bug Fixes
+* [Fixed] - Create and Update API ||Need to pass the validation message as per the required field for the customer create address api.
+* [Fixed] - Create and Update API ||Need to improve the validation message for the phone number and postcode field if enter invalid data while create new address.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if enter invalid id for the update cms api.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if enter already used url key for the update cms api.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create campaign without enter name and subject.
+* [Fixed] - Campaign section api's not working.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update locales without enter name and code.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update currencies without enter name and code.
+* [Fixed] - Group and decimal separator, currency position data is not available in the currency create or update api body.
+* [Fixed] - Getting validation message when create or update the currency.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update users without enter name and email.
+* [Fixed] - Validations are not working for the password field while create or update users at admin end.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update roles without enter name and description.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update tax category without enter code, name, description and tax rates.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update inventory source without enter code, name, contactName, contactNumber, contactEmail, street, country, city and postcode.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if create or update theme without enter name.
+* [Fixed] - Push Notification content is not updating on the push notification page at admin end.
+* [Fixed] - Admin is not able to create the invoice
+* [Fixed] - Able to create cart with invalid customer id.
+* [Fixed] - Need to change the "isSaved" parameter to "SaveAddress" for billing and shipping address parameter while save address.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the validation message if user enter invalid password while login.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the error message if user trying to social sign up with unfilled data.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the response message for the forget password api if smtp is not configured.
+* [Fixed] - Customer address delete api is not working.
+* [Fixed] - Need to improve the success message when add product to cart from the wishlist.
+* [Fixed] - Customer not able to create the review.
+* [Fixed] - Customer is not able to delete the review.
+* [Fixed] - "Save Payment Method" api is working after enter invalid payment method.
+* [Fixed] - Not able to create the the Simple, grouped, downloadable, bundle and virtual product from the admin end.
+* [Fixed] - Getting "Internal Server Error" after hit update Attributes Details Api with invalid id.
+* [Fixed] - Getting "Int cannot represent non-integer value" error message when update the category details.
 ## **v2.0.2 (31st of July, 2024)** - *Release*
 * [Fixed] - TokenInvalidException class updated for JWTAuth.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ecf8477d..d57510c7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 Bagisto's GraphQL API enables a seamless, headless eCommerce experience built on Laravel. This API delivers ultra-fast, dynamic, and personalized shopping experiences through a scalable, open-source platform.
-**Read our full documentation: [Bagisto GraphQL API Docs](https://devdocs.bagisto.com/1.x/graphql-admin-api/)**
+**Read our full documentation: [Bagisto GraphQL API Docs](https://devdocs.bagisto.com/2.2/api/)**
 This API was developed in collaboration with the <a href="https://www.ucraft.com/">Ucraft Team</a>.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ To install the Bagisto GraphQL API, follow these steps:
    Run the following command in your terminal to install the GraphQL API package:
-   composer require bagisto/graphql-api dev-main
+   composer require bagisto/graphql-api ^v2.0.2
 2. **Update Middleware Configuration**