Babylon.js 勉強会は、様々な地域やコミュニティから集う参加者に対して開かれたカンファレンスを目指しています。 そのためには、性別や人種など多様な背景を持つ、普段の生活では会わない人々同士でも、互いに敬意を払って楽しい時間を過ごせることが重要だと考えています。
以上より、Babylon.js 勉強会では相手を不快にさせるハラスメント行為、およびそれに準ずるいかなる行為も禁止されています。
本規範は ScalaMatsuri の規範に基いています。 ScalaMatsuri の規範は Geek Feminism wiki の規範例から派生しており、PNW Scala、NE Scala、および Scala Days の影響を受けています。
The Babylon.js Study Group aims to be a conference open to participants from various regions and communities. To achieve this, we believe that it is important that people who have diverse backgrounds such as gender and race, and who do not meet in everyday life, can respect each other and have a good time together.
Based on the above, Harassment behavior that makes others uncomfortable, and any similar behavior is prohibited in the Babylon.js study group.
Study group participants and related parties are expected to immediately stop their harassing behavior (whether consciously or unconsciously) if they are brought to the attention of others.
In addition, if it is determined that the behavior is clearly causing a nuisance, the organizer may, at its discretion, cancel the presentation or instruct you to leave the conference venue.
This code is based on the code of ScalaMatsuri. ScalaMatsuri's canon is derived from the Geek Feminism wiki's example canon, and is influenced by PNW Scala, NE Scala, and Scala Days.
Please watch the video below for a detailed explanation of the Code of Conduct.