To run this:
- Install python3 and sqlite3
- Create a virtualenv:
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/babashka
- Switch to it:
source ~/.virtualenvs/babashka/bin/activate
- Run:
pip install bcoding
to install the bencode lib - Create a new db:
sqlite3 /tmp/babashka.db "create table foo (foo int);"
Then run as pod:
(babashka.pods/load-pod ["./"])
(require '[pod.lispyclouds.sqlite :as sqlite])
(sqlite/execute! "create table if not exists foo ( int foo )")
(sqlite/execute! "delete from foo")
(sqlite/execute! "insert into foo values (1), (2)")
(sqlite/execute! "select * from foo") ;;=> ([1] [2])