- Create React App
- Configured Tailwind
- Routing
- Header
- Login / Signup Page
- Form Validation
- useRef Hook
- Firebase setup
- Deployment of app to prod
- Sign-up to Firebase
- Log in user API
- created Redux store with userSlice
- Login State change flow using onAuthStateChanged API
- Header in
- Header has profile icon with signout
- Navigation to
- profile picture (hardcoded for now)
- conditional rendering if logged in
- update profile while creation to add displayName and photoURL -> update redux-store
- bug fixes: removed redundant navigation, restricted routes for logged in users and guests
- unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChanged callback
- TODO (DONE): add hardcoded values (e.g. src) to the contants file
- Register to TMDB, created app, API and AccessToken
- Fetch Now Playing movies via TMDB API
- Custom hook for retrieving now playing movies
- Build Primary (Main Movie detail + trailer in background) and Secondary Containers for
page - Main Movie Background Video (initial version)
- Custom hook for Retrieving trailer of banner movie
- Movie Slice
- TODO (IMPORTANT): Backdrop image when background image is
- Paused
- Finished
- Movie List component
- Movie Card components
- Popular Movies, Top Rated Movies and Upcoming Movies (stored in Redux store)
- Poster images
- Bug Fix: screen size was messed up
- Secondary container with multiple lists of movies
- Custom Hooks for each category of movie list
- Tailwind Styling
- TODO: Responsive Layout
- TODO: on hover show movie card details
- Login or Signup
- Signin or Signup Form
- redirect to Browse Page
- Browse Page (after authentication)
- Header
- Main Movie Hero Section
- Running Trailer in the background
- Title and Description
- Play button and Add to watch list (TODO) button
- Netflix GPT
- Search bar
- Movie suggestions (from the list of movies)
To host your site with Firebase Hosting, you need the Firebase CLI (a command line tool).
Run the following npm command to install the CLI or update to the latest CLI version.
npm install -g firebase-tools