Releases: azavea/cac-tripplanner
Releases · azavea/cac-tripplanner
Deployed September 1st, 2020
Data and minor package updates.
Deployed August 4th, 2020
Minor dependency updates and data updates.
Deployed July 1st, 2020
Data and dependency updates.
Deployed June 1st, 2020
- Updated GTFS and OSM data
- Updated JS and Python dependencies
Deployed May 4th, 2020
Minor package updates and transit feed updates.
The SEPTA bus feed used with this deployment is outdated, as the lifeline schedule feeds released so far contain errors.
Deployed March 25th, 2020
- Changed default mode temporarily to bike
- Added temporary alert to transit trips regarding reduced schedules and social distancing
- Updates to transit schedules and street network data
- Minor dependency updates
Deployed March 4th, 2020
- data updates
- new bike layer
- package updates, including to OS and PostGIS
Deployed January 27th, 2020
Updates to data sources and minor package updates.
Also increased network usage threshold for scaling down the web server.
Deployed January 16th, 2020
Fixed issue with mobile site not going to directions if map not yet loaded.
Also includes data updates and minor JS library updates.
Deployed January 6th, 2020
- data updates
- fixes issue with adding extra images to an event in the admin interface