- Install Unity Hub from https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download
- In Unity Hub, Click on Installs > Install Editor > Archive Tab > Long Term Support
- Change the version to "2022.3"
- Expand
and click "Unity Hub" - In the installer, include Visual Studio Community and Click Install
Note - check with your administrator regarding which Unity license to use, otherwise use a personal license for if you are doing this personal education.
- Create an account at github.com and sign in (if you don't already have an account)
- Go to https://github.com/axoverse/xworld_amb.git
- Click on "Fork" to create a copy in your personal github account
- Create your desired Unity projects directory (eg c:\users<username>\Unity)
- In Unity Hub, go to Open > New project
- Select 3D Core as the template
- Set the location to your directory above
- Enter a project name (eg username_amb)
Go to Edit > Project Settings > Package Manager and add the following scoped registry:
- Name: upm.axoverse.io
- URL: https://upm.axoverse.io
- Scope(s): io.axomem
- Click on Apply and wait for updates
- Go to Window>Package Manager and add the following packages via "Add Package by Name" (top right corner)
- Wait for updates
- If prompted to enable backends or update obsolete APIs, click Yes or 'Go ahead' and wait for restart.
- Ensure you have git installed and added to path (https://git-scm.com/downloads)
- Open a command/shell/terminal window and go to your project\Assets directory
- Use
git clone https://github.com/<githubusername>/xworld_amb.git
to clone a copy of the repository to your local machine
Open these from the Assets\xworld_amb\Scenes
- Full hospital model - "AMB_Hospital"
- Hospital Simulation / routing test - "Routing"
- Demo Hotel model - "AMB_Hotel"
- Demo Office model - "AMB_Office"
- Click "Play"