All of the following documentation assumes that you are running on a UNIX based environment. If you do not have a UNIX based command execution environment, you can also use AWS Cloud9.
To get started run the following command in the root of this repository to install the required dependencies.
npm install
The AWS profile currently active on your shell will be used to deploy the infrastructure,
if no profile is specified, the default
profile will be used.
To specify a profile other than default
to be used, run the following command
replacing my-profile
with your profile name.
export AWS_PROFILE='my-profile'
Run the deploy script and follow any prompts by running the following command.
⚠️ The peer node used in this example can cost as much as $0.174 per hour depending on your region. It is recommended to remove these resources once they are no longer being used.
To remove all of the resources created from this example, run the following command from the root of the repository.
npm run cleanup
This will use CDK to remove the infrastructure we deployed, as well as remove the
file created by the deploy script.
- Creating a node for Ethereum Testnet: Goerli
- Deploy Contract
- Deploy API
- Testing the Front End (local)
- Front End Deployment (optional)
See Troubleshooting CDK Errors for troubleshooting details.