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Scenario2: Shared EFS and Owned EFS Access Point

This example assumes following resources are already provisioned:

  • EFS file system exists and optionally encrypted using KMS.
  • EFS access point does not exist. It is owned by the SFTP server.
  • EFS mount points exist in the target VPC Subnets.
  • EFS Security Group exists and attached to the EFS mount points.

Use examples/efs/scenario2 to setup this scenario, if needed.


  • Terraform backend provider and state locking providers are identified and bootstrapped.
    • A bootstrap module/example is provided that provisions Amazon S3 for Terraform state storage and Amazon DynamoDB for Terraform state locking.
  • The target VPC along with the target Subnets exist and identified via Tags.
    • A vpc example is provided that provisions VPC, Subnets and related resources with example tagging.
    • The example uses the following tags to identify the target VPC and Subnets.
      "transfer/sftp/efs" = "1"
      "Env"               = "DEV"
  • Create a ssh key-pair for each SFTP client authentication. Or obtain the public key from the SFTP client.
    • Copy the public key(s) in the users folder e.g. users/
  • Modify terraform.tfvars to match your requirements. Check the values for the following variables.
    • efs_id --> File System ID of the EFS file system.
    • efs_ap_id --> null, it will be created in this scenario.
    • efs_sg_tags --> Tags to identify the EFS Security Group.
    • efs_kms_alias --> KMS key alias that is used to encrypt the EFS, if any.
    • sftp_users --> list of users along with unique POSIX profile and ssh public key.
    • sftp_user_automation_subscribers --> list of email addresses.
    • sftp_daily_report_subscribers --> list of email addresses.


  • cd to examples/sftp/scenario2 folder.
  • Modify backend "S3" section in the with correct values for region, bucket, dynamodb_table, and key.
    • Use provided values as guidance.
  • Modify terraform.tfvars to your requirements.
    • Use provided values as guidance.
  • Make sure you are using the correct AWS Profile that has permission to provision the target resources.
    • aws sts get-caller-identity
  • Execute terraform init to initialize Terraform.
  • Execute terraform plan and verify the changes.
  • Execute terraform apply and approve the changes to provision the resources.
  • The email subscribers must confirm the subscription to receive the status and the activity emails.

Use SFTP client of your choice to test the SFTP server.


Name Version
terraform >= v1.1.9
aws >= 4.13.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
sftp ../../../modules/aws/transfer n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
env_name Environment name e.g. dev, prod string n/a yes
project Project name (prefix/suffix) to be used on all the resources identification string n/a yes
region The AWS Region e.g. us-east-1 for the environment string n/a yes
server_name DNS compliant name, unique, SFTP Server Name string n/a yes
sftp_users List of SFTP Users with POSIX profile and ssh key file
name = string # unique name
uid = string # e.g. 3001
gid = string # e.g. 4000
ssh_key_file = string # e.g. ./users/
n/a yes
subnet_tags Tags to discover target subnets in the VPC, these tags should identify one or more subnets map(string) n/a yes
tags Common and mandatory tags for the resources map(string) n/a yes
vpc_tags Tags to discover target VPC, these tags should uniquely identify a VPC map(string) n/a yes
create_common_logs Create the common CW log groups bool false no
efs_ap_id EFS File System Access Point Id, if not provided a new EFA Access Point will be created string null no
efs_id EFS File System Id, if not provided a new EFS will be created string null no
efs_kms_alias KMS Alias to discover KMS for EFS encryption, if not provided a new CMK will be created. If efs_id is provided for the encrypted EFS, this must also be provided. string "" no
efs_sg_tags Tags used to discover EFS Security Group, if not provided new EFS security group will be created. If efs_id is provided, this must also be provided. map(string) null no
lambda_role Lambda Execution Role, if not provided a new IAM role will be created string null no
logging_role SFTP Logging Role, if not provided a new IAM role will be created string null no
r53_zone_name Route 53 Zone Name. Optional, if provided, a DNS record will be created for the SFTP server string "" no
sftp_daily_report_subscribers List of email address to which daily activity reports will be sent list(string) [] no
sftp_encryptions Encryption specs for the SFTP server
encrypt_logs = bool # default false
logs_kms_alias = string # new CMK will be created, if needed
encrypt_lambda = bool # default false
lambda_kms_alias = string # new CMK will be created, if needed
encrypt_sns = bool # default false
sns_kms_alias = string # new CMK will be created, if needed
null no
sftp_user_automation_subscribers List of email address to user automation information will be sent list(string) [] no
user_role SFTP User Role, if not provided a new IAM role will be created string null no


Name Description
daily_report_subscribers Daily Report Subscribers
sftp_efs_ap Elastic File System ids
sftp_iam_role IAM Roles used by SFTP
sftp_kms KMS Keys created by SFTP
sftp_security_group Security Group used by SFTP Server
sftp_server Route 53 FQDN for SFTP Server
sftp_users SFTP Users
user_automation_subscribers User Automation Event Subscribers