feat:folders rearranged
feat:folders rearranged
feat:minor design changes and font change
feat:minor design changes and font change
feat:removed leagacy files and code
feat:removed leagacy files and code
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0
Force push
on Oct 17, 2023
Deleted branch
on Oct 17, 2023
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0
Bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.7.0 to 17.8.0
Bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.7.0 to 17.8.0
on Oct 16, 2023
Bump archive from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8
Bump archive from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.6.7 to 17.7.2
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.6.7 to 17.7.2
Deleted branch
on Aug 10, 2023
Bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.6.7 to 17.7.0
Bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.6.7 to 17.7.0
on Aug 10, 2023
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.6.7 to 17.7.1
Bump @commitlint/cli from 17.6.7 to 17.7.1
chore(release): v1.1.2 [skip ci]
chore(release): v1.1.2 [skip ci]