DOOM64EX+ Released!
In this release, the following have been fixed / changed.
- [FIXED] the crash that happened on Windows where if you tried to skip the LEGAL text, the game would crash.
- [ADDED] texture combiners back into the codebase so that maps designed with this in-mind will look as they were intended.
- [REVERTED] SDL2 sound code as it caused skipping and occational desyncs, DOOM64EX+ now has a slightly modified EX2.5 fluidsynth instead.
- [ADDED] the vanilla Red Cross on medkits - thanks OpenRift! They didn't care in 1997 and I don't care in 2023 :)
- [ADDED] extra MUS (music) slots (21 - 30) for extra music tracks.
- [FIXED] Hectic entrance text
- [FIXED] Map 38 text and early exit
Binary is for Windows 10 and 11, 64bit only. 32bit binaries have now been deprecated.