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DLSTACK_INSTALL -- Install the Notebook Software Used in Data Lab

      % ./ [options...]

    [-h|-?|--help]        Display a usage summary
    [-a|--active]         Print active version
    [-c|--clean]          Clean up existing version before install
    [-d|--dev]            Install the dev 'datalab' package release
    [-e|--extensions]     Install JupyterLab extensions
    [-k|--kernels]        Install all kernel specs in kernel-spec dir
    [-s|--stable]         Use the stable 'datalab' release (def: True)

    [-K <directory>]      Set kernel-spec dir (def: /data0/kernel-specs)
    [--kernel-dir <dir>]  Set kernel-spec dir (def: /data0/kernel-specs)
    [-R <directory>]      Set root dir (def: /data0)
    [--root-dir <dir>]    Set root dir (def: /data0)
    [-S <ver>]            Set the active software version
    [--set-version <ver>] Set the active software version
    [--debug]             Enable debug output
    [--verbose]           Enable verbose output


This script downloads in configures a Python3 Anaconda system in the

current directory under a directory called 'anaconda3'. Additional packages not included in the base Anaconda system (e.g. AstroPy, GAVO, etc) are also installed via Conda or 'pip' commands as appropriate.

The Data Lab client package is installed from the development Git

repository if the '--dev' flag is enable, otherwise the current PyPi version of the package is installed.

Building / Configuring the Data Lab Notebook Server Software Stack

The Data Lab notebook software stack consists of one or more Jupyter

kernels in which each kernel is defined by a self-contained Anaconda software directory. The process of creating a kernel software tree is notably separate from the process of configuring the Jupyter server, in this document we'll provide an overview of both but the primary focus will be on creating the default Python kernel for the notebook server and procedures for updating or reverting versions of that kernel.


All notebook software is assumed to be located in the directory


on whichever machine is hosting the server. Within this directory are the conda installations defining each kernel, for example:

/data0/sw/anaconda2         - default Data Lab Py2 kernel (obsolete)
/data0/sw/anaconda3         - default Data Lab Py3 kernel
/data0/sw/antares-kernel    - ANTARES notebook kernel

The /data0/sw path is always assumed to be the production software directory, but in practice this path is a symlink to the "active" version. In order to efficiently support multiple users**, this version is deployed on a ramdisk typically configured to be


where the /data0/sw link points to this ramdisk mount point. The /etc/fstab creates this ramdisk at boot time using the entry:

tmpfs   /home/data0/sw.tmpfs tmpfs   nodev,nosuid,nodiratime,size=32G 0 0

Larger disk sizes can be configured as the software stack grows. The symlink to create the desired path is then done with just:

% sudo ln -s /data0/sw.tmpfs /data0/sw
% sudo chown -R datalab:datalab /data0/sw.tmpfs

Because a ramdisk is not peristent across machine reboots, data stored there must be backed-up in some way. As of this writing, a cron job is used to sync the ramdisk version of the /data0/sw directory link) to a more persistent /data0/sw.hdd directory on physical disk, this is necessary because under the current model new packages may be added to the production software stack and these additions must be preserved. In the event the production code is never expected to be modified directly (e.g. under a versioned-release model), this backup can (and should) be disabled

For maintaining multiple versions of the software tree, the /data0/sw.hdd can itself be a link pointing a timestamped directory containing that version. Thus, the production tree is always accessible as /data0/sw on fast ramdisk, its persistent backup is always at /data0/sw.hdd, and individual versions can be located anywhere. Given this setup, a basic directory structure might look something like:

    /data0/sw               --> /data0/sw.tmpfs
    /data0/sw.hdd           --> /data0/sw.2020-02-01

Switching to a new/old version of the code then requires these steps (once automated backup scripts and active notebook servers have been paused):

1) Create a new software tree containing all desired kernels.
2) Switch the /data0/sw.hdd symlink to point to this new version
3) Sync that version to the /data0/sw.tmpfs ramdisk to deploy it
   to production.

** Python 'import' statements search the software tree to resolve the requested import, for a large kernel being accessed by many users simultaneously, the I/O load creates a performance bottleneck. Using the software from a ramdisk rather than spinning disk greatly improves the performance. However, the ramdisk is not persistent across system reboots and must be sync'd to the harddisk directory before the nbserver can be functional. Likewise when switching versions, the /data0/sw symlink shouldn't just be redirected to the new version's directory (this would then just use the slower harddisk), rather the ramdisk should be sync'd to this new version directory.

Creating the Software Stack:

The software stack (for the Python 3 kernel and Jupyter environment) is

created automatically using a script located in:

where a usage summary is as follows:

    % [options...]

    [-h|-?|--help]        Display a usage summary
    [-a|--active]         Print active version
    [-c|--clean]          Clean up existing version before install
    [-d|--dev]            Install the dev 'datalab' package release
    [-e|--extensions]     Install JupyterLab extensions
    [-k|--kernels]        Install all kernel specs in kernel-spec dir
    [-s|--stable]         Use the stable 'datalab' release (def: True)

    [-K <directory>]      Set kernel-spec dir (def: /data0/kernel-specs)
    [--kernel-dir <dir>]  Set kernel-spec dir (def: /data0/kernel-specs)
    [-R <directory>]      Set root dir (def: /data0)
    [--root-dir <dir>]    Set root dir (def: /data0)
    [-S <ver>]            Set the active software version
    [--set-version <ver>] Set the active software version

    [--debug]             Enable debug output
    [--verbose]           Enable verbose output

This script will download and unpack the necessary software for creating the default Python 3 kernel in an 'anaconda3' subdirectory of the current working directory. This is normally run from the /data0/sw directory, thus the kernel path is /data0/sw/anaconda3. So for example, on a new machine the steps would be (following the use of /data0/sw as the toplevel directory, and assuming the 'datalab' user):

% cd /data0/sw
% git clone
% ./dlstack_install/ 

The /data0/sw/anaconda3 directory will contain the Python 3 conda tree, this is sufficient to run the Jupyter notebook however additional kernels would need to be installed if required.

Conda Paths:

As with all Anaconda installations, the path to the directory is edited

into various files/environments in the tree (e.g. 'bin/conda', 'bin/pip', etc). Because we want each version created to use /data0/sw as the path (since this a link to the faster ramdisk), we must usually be in the /data0/sw for the desired path to be used in the conda script files (this is a limitation imposed by the Anaconda install script itself). Given the directory structure described above, we can't simply run the script in a new directory (e.g. /data0/sw.) and still have the desired "/data0/sw" path. Rather, we need to build the new version in a directory with the desired end path. There are two ways to accomplish this:

1) We first change the /data0/sw link to point to the new-version
   directory and begin the build, or
2) We build directly in the /data0/sw production directory, overwriting
   the existing conda tree.

In the first case, the new version must be copied to the /data0/sw.tmpfs ramdisk once the /data0/sw link is reset. In the second case, the contents of the /data0/sw.tmpfs directory must be copied to a new versioned directory. In both cases, the '/data0/sw.hdd' link pointing to the persistent disk store must be reset to the point to the active version.

The ANTARES Kernel:

The ANTARES notebook kernel is developed, maintained and updated as

needed by the ANTARES group directly. The current notebook server deployments define this to be located in


which is owned by the 'antares' user (uid:899, gid:899) to allow remote updates by the ANTARES group directly.

Defining a New Notebook Kernel:

The default Python 3 software stack created by the dlstack_install

script is what's normally used to run the Jupyter notebook server itself. Notebook kernels are defined within this tree under, e.g.


To add a new kernel, create a subdirectory (or use an existing directory as a template) containing a 'kernel.json' file defining the parameters of the kernel. Because the python path used by the kernel is from a complete conda installation, all packages loaded in that conda system are available to the kernel and independent of other kernels.

Because the kernel directory may be deleted, or simply isn't present when a new version is created, the current gp02/gp12 machines contain the directory


that contains the kernel specification for each of the implemented notebook kernels. Simply copy these directories to the jupyter kernel directory to make it available in the notebook server, but be sure to also install the corresponding conda directory tree where specified in the kernel.json file. The details of how to create that kernel and what it might contain are beyond the scope of this document,

To simplify this process, the script has a '-k' option to automatically copy all kernel files to the new anaconda3 tree, and a '-K' option to specify the kernel-specs directory if it differs from the default /data0/kernel-specs.

Step-by-Step Procedures:

S1.) Installing the notebook software stack on a new machine:

1) Create the root directory (here we'll assume /data0). This can be
   an existing disk partition or a subdirectory of an existing directory.
   It is recommended that at least 32GB be available for this directory.

2) Create the root sub-directories and optional links and/or ramdisk:

    a) Minimal/Single-Version Configuration:

         # sudo mkdir /data0/sw
         # sudo chmod 777 /data0
         # sudo chown -R datalab:datalab /data0

    b) Data Lab Production Configuration:

         # sudo mkdir /data0/sw.tmpfs
         # sudo ln -s /data0/sw.tmpfs /data0/sw
         # sudo mkdir /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd>
         # sudo ln -s /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd> /data0/sw.hdd
         # sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=32G tmpfs /data0/sw.tmpfs
         # sudo chmod 777 /data0
         # sudo chown -R datalab:datalab /data0

3) Download the latest version of the dlstack_install script:

    % cd /data0
    % git clone

4) Execute the install script in the default /data0/sw directory:

    % cd /data0/sw
    % /data0/dlstack_install/

    ....Use the '-e' flag above if you wish to install JupyterLab

    ....additional kernel configuration should go here, e.g. copy
        the latest antares-kernel and change it ownership to 'antares',
        install kernel spec files as described above, etc.

5) Sync this directory tree to the timestamped version directory:

    [Data Lab Production Configuration only]

        % cd /data0/sw
        % rsync -a ./ /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd>/

Since this is a new machine, we don't assume a running Jupyter server.
That would need to be configured separately, however all the needed
software is installed to /data0/sw/anaconda3/bin

S2.) Updating to a newer version on the production machine:

We assume there is an existing /data0 tree as described above.

1) Halt any running notebook server and/or ramdisk backup processes
   (details are machine dependent)

2) Get the latest version of the dlstack_install script

    % cd /data0/dlstack_install
    % git pull

3) Create the new timestamp versioned directory and reset the
   harddisk symlink:

    [Data Lab Production Configuration only]

        % cd /data0
        % mkdir sw.<yyyy-mm-dd>
        % rm sw.hdd && ln -s /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd> /data0/sw.hdd

4) Install the updated version to the ramdisk:

    % cd /data0/sw
    % /data0/dlstack_install/ --clean --kernels

    ....Use the '-e' flag above if you wish to install JupyterLab
    ....The '--clean' flag will remove the existing version
    ....The '--kernels' flag will install any kernel definition
        files in /data0/kernel-specs.
    ....This version will not touch any other kernel directories

5) Sync this directory tree to the timestamped version directory:

    [Data Lab Production Configuration only]

        % cd /data0/sw
        % rsync -a ./ /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd>/

6) Restart the Jupyter notebook server and/or ramdisk backup processes
   (details are machine dependent)

S3.) Reverting to an older version on the Data Lab production machine:

We assume there is an existing /data0 tree as described above.

1) Halt any running notebook server and/or ramdisk backup processes
   (details are machine dependent)

2) Install the old version to the production directory:

    a) Minimal/Single-Version Configuration:
        ... Restore an older version of /data0/sw by whatever 
            means is appropriate for your system.

    b) Data Lab Production Configuration:

        % cd /data0/sw
        % rsync -a --delete /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd>/ ./

3) Reset the harddisk symlink to point to the active version

    [Data Lab Production Configuration only]

        % cd /data0
        % rm sw.hdd && ln -s /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd> /data0/sw.hdd

4) Restart the Jupyter notebook server and/or ramdisk backup processes
   (details are machine dependent)

Data Lab Operational Procedures:

P1.) Revert/Update the machine to a previously/newly tagged software version.

1)  Shut down any running Jupyter notebook server.

2)  Issue the following command:

    % cd /data0
    % /<path>/ --set-version <tag>

   where <tag> is the timestamped version directory name.  This 
   can be either a full directory path or the name of the directory
   in the /data0 root directory.

3)  Validate the current version was transferred correctly.

    % /<path>/ --active --verbose

4)  Restart the Jupyter notebook server.

P2.) Create a new installation from scratch and deploy it.

1)  Our practice is to not build directly on production systems, so
    the step of building the new software stack will typically take
    place on a dev or test machine elsewhere.  This will normally
    follow steps outlined in S1 above and will result in a vetted
    /data0/sw.<yyyy-mm-dd> directory we wish to deploy.

    As such, the first step is to rsync the directory to the 
    production machine, e.g.

        % cd /data0
        % rsync -a dltest:/data0/sw.2020-02-05 ./

    Note that a trailing '/' on the remote pathname is significant
    and should NOT be used.  This command will create a local copy
    of the /data0/sw.2020-02-03 directory which is then ready for

2)  Proceed as in P1 above.

P3.) Determine the currently active version in production.

 This step also verifies the configured /data0/sw.hdd directory
 (which defines the active version) is identical to the deployed
 /data0/sw.tmpfs ramdisk version.

    % /<path>/ -a                     # or
    % /<path>/ --active               # or
    % /<path>/ --active --verbose

P4.) Add a new package (or specific package version) to the default Python 3 software stack.

1)  Get the latest version of the script

2)  Modify the script to add the new package definition

3)  Proceed with P2 above to build and deploy the new version.