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PackageReference management

Nate McMaster edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 10 revisions

To manage the complexity of keeping PackageReference versions consistent within a repo and between multiple repos, KoreBuild will enforce the following patterns for using PackageReference.

1. build/dependencies.props

Each repository should have this file, and it should look like this.

  <PropertyGroup Label="Package Versions">
  <Import Project="$(DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath)" Condition=" '$(DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath)' != '' " />

2. PackageReference's should use variables to set versions

All .csproj files should set the version of a package reference like this:

  <PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="$(NewtonsoftJsonPackageVersion)" />

Opt-out of restrictions

To opt-out of these restrictions, projects should add this to the build/repo.props file in their repository.

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