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128 lines (77 loc) · 6.55 KB

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128 lines (77 loc) · 6.55 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing to the project. Please read on in the sections that apply.

Discord Server

We have a discord server for chats and discussion, ask for an invite: [email protected]


We use [uv] for managing the virtual environment. You can install it with:

curl -LsSf | sh

For more information and other installation methods see documentation

Clone and install in editable more like this

git clone [email protected]:EBjerrum/scikit-mol.git
uv sync --dev

After that you could either activate venv and run commands as usual:

source .venv/bin/activate
pytest -v --cov=scikit_mol

or use uv run to run commands in the venv (automaticallyc check that environment is up to date):

uv run pytest -v --cov=scikit_mol

uv.lock contains the pinned dependencies and is used to recreate the environment. Make sure to update it when adding new dependencies. (handled automatically when using uv run or manually with uv lock)

Code Quality

We use ruff to lint and format the code. The configuration is in the ruff.toml file. The CI will fail if the code is not formatted correctly. You can run the linter and formatter locally with:

ruff format scikit_mol
ruff check --fix scikit_mol

We also have pre-commit hooks that will run the linter and formatter before you commit and we highly recommend you to use them. You can install them with:

pre-commit install

For more information on pre-commit see documentation.

Adding transformers

The projects transformers subclasses the BaseEstimator and Transformer mixin classes from sklearn. Their documentation page contains information on what requisites are necessary Most notably:

  • The arguments accepted by init should all be keyword arguments with a default value.
  • Every keyword argument accepted by init should correspond to an attribute on the instance.
    • There should be no logic, not even input validation, and the parameters should not be changed inside the init function. Scikit-learn classes depends on this in order to for e.g. the .get_params(), .set_params(), cloning abilities and representation rendering to work.
  • With the new error handling, falsy objects need to return masked arrays or arrays with np.nan (for float dtype)


  • We have observed that some external tools used "exotic" types such at np.int64 when doing hyperparameter tuning. It is thus necessary do defensive programming to cast parameters to standard types before making calls to rdkit functions. This behaviour is tested in the test_parameter_types test

  • @property getters and setters can be used if additional logic are needed when setting the attributes from the keywords while at the same time adhering to the sklearn requisites.

  • Some RDKit features uses objects as generators which may not be picklable. If instantiated and added to the object as an attribute rather than instantiated at each function call for individual molecules, these should thus be removed and recreated via overloading the _get_state() and _set_state() methods. See MHFingerprintTransformer for an example.

Module organisation

Currently we have multiple classes in the same file, if they are the same type. This may change in the future.


We should ultimately consolidate on the NumPy docstring format which is also used by SciPy and other scikits.


parameters and output of methods should preferably be using typehints


New transformer classes should be added to the pytest tests in the tests directory. A lot of tests are made general, and tests aspects of the transformers that are needed for sklearn compliance or other features. The transformer is then added to a fixture and can be added to the lists of transformer objects that are run by these test. Specific tests may also be necessary to set up. As exampe the assert_transformer_set_params needs a list of non-default parameters in order to set the set_params functionality of the object. Scikit-Learn has a check_estimator that we should strive to get to work, some classes of scikit-mol currently does not pass all tests.


Another way of contributing is by providing notebooks with examples on how to use the project to build models together with Scikit-Learn and other tools. There are .ipynb files inthe docs/notebooks and .py files in the script subfolder as the first are useful for online rendering in the documentation, whereas the later is useful for sub version control. If you want to create new notebook you can create .ipynb file and when you are doen run make sync-notebooks to create the corresponding .py file for the commit.

make sync-notebooks will sync all the notebooks with the .py files in the scripts folder.

make run-notebooks will sync, run and save the notebooks, expects a ipython kernel with scikit-mol installed called Python3.


We use MkDocs to host scikit-mol documentation on ReadTheDocs. If you making some changes to the documenation or just what to see live preview of your docstring you can take a look at rendered documentation.

Install documentation dependencies:

uv sync --group docs

Start server:

uv run mkdocs serve

Go to to see the documentation



To relesase a new version on PyPi, you need to create and push new tag in v0.0.0 format then workflow will automatically build and upload the package to PyPi. Additonally the release draft with autogenerated notes and signed distribution files will be added to the GitHub release page. What is left is to publish the release, after checking that the notes are correct.


When you make a release on pypi the conda-forge bot will automatically make a PR that updates the Conda feedstock to the new version. If new dependencies or pins are changed on dependencies, those changes will need to be added to the PR. If there is just a pure code change then all we have do to is merge in the PR and that will update the package on conda-forge. See for more information