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Vue Simple Button

🗃 A simple vue button.

A light weight vue plugin built groundup.

npm npm

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📺 Live Demo

Code Sandbox: Link

🛠 Install

npm i @vuesimple/vs-button

🚀 Usage

  <vs-button variant="primary" fill>Primary</vs-button>

  import VsButton from '@vuesimple/vs-button';

  export default {
    components: {


<script src="<version>/dist/vs-button.min.js"></script>
// Main/Entry file
  <vs-button variant="primary" fill>Primary</vs-button>


Nuxt Code Snippet

After installation,

  • Create a file /plugins/vs-button.js

    import Vue from 'vue';
    import VsButton from '@vuesimple/vs-button';
    Vue.component('vs-button', VsButton);
  • Update nuxt.config.js

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
        { src: '~plugins/vs-button', mode: 'client' }
  • In the page/ component

      <vs-button variant="primary" fill>Primary</vs-button>


  • For older Nuxt versions, use <no-ssr>...</no-ssr> tag.
  • You can also do import VsButton from '@vuesimple/vs-button' & add in component:{VsButton} and use it within component, without globally installing in plugin folder.

⚙ Props

Name Type Default Description
variant String default Type of button to be shown. (default, primary, secondary, warning, danger, success, light)
size String medium Size of button. (small, medium, large)
fill Boolean - Applies background color to button
isRound Boolean - Applies round/pill styling
isLoading Boolean - Will show loader and button will be disabled
disabled Boolean - Disable button
href String - Link/URL string
target String - Can add _blank, _self
rel String - Rel strings can be added like noreferrer, noopener

🔥 Events

Name Description
click Emitted when the button clicked.

📎 Slots

You can define own item markup via slots:

Name Description
(default) Holds the button content and can contain HTML.
loader Holds the loader component and can contain HTML/vue-component.