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PET Interface

The testbed has the following interface: (Replace XXX with the 3-letter abbreviation for an evaluator)



A numeric representation of the following hand ranks:
Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, Pair, High Card.

Enumerated in pet_utils.h as pet_rank. An evaluator can use a different representation, as long as it can convert to this enumeration on demand.


2 through 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.


Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades.

Each card has a Suit and FaceValue, enumerated in pet_utils.h as pet_card; An evaluator should be able to convert to and from this enumeration.

Equivalence Class:

Although there are 2,598,960 possible 5-card hands, there are only 7,462 possible results when determining a winning hand. For example, there are 6 possible ways to have a pair of aces with any given kicker [AcAd AcAh AcAs AdAh AdAs AhAs], but they all count the same when finding the winner. All four ways to get a royal flush are equivalent, and have the same equivalency class, as do all 4080 ways of getting the lowest possible hand (7-5-4-3-2). You can list these classes in order: Royal Flush, King High Straight Flush,...Full House Queens over 2s, Full House Jacks over Aces, ... Pair Tens with a K 9 8, ... down to 7 Card High, and assign them each a value in descending order. Then finding winning hands becomes as simple as comparing equivalency values.



  • Card : A single card representation. Whatever is most effiicent for the evaluator.
  • EquivClass : Holds the equivalence class of a hand. An evaluator can use any scheme it wishes, as long as a) there are only 7462 possible values, and b) larger values beat smaller ones.


  • XXXHAND : An integer. The addcard and evaluate will operate on a "Hand" of size Card[XXXHAND]. (This size may be more or less than 7 Cards, it should be the most efficient representation for the evaluator).

Methods (functions or macros)

  • int XXXX_init(void); //Any one-time setup, return 0 on success
  • Card XXX_makecard(pet_card c); //turns an enumeration from 0..51 into internal card representation.
  • void XXX_addcard(Card*, Card); //Adds a card to a Hand. Called 7 times.
  • EquivClass XXX_evaluate(Card*); //Evaluates hand, returns a Equivalence Class.
  • int XXX_rank(EquivClass); //returns the hand rank. An internal representation of Rank, must be between 0 and 9 inclusive.
  • pet_rank XXX_ranktran(int rank); //converts internal rank to pet_rank (see pet_utils.h)
  • pet_rank XXX_decode(Hand, EquivClass, int* out); //Fills out with the 5 winning cards from the hand, returns the rank.
  • void XXX_cleanup(); //frees any resurces from init.