Instagram Clone | Social Media Application
Web UI | Mobile UI |
Frontend | Backend |
React | GraphQL + Fastify |
TailwindCSS | Mikro-ORM, PostgreSQL |
Apollo Client | Apollo Server |
node v^20
pnpm v^8
- required for file upload feature to work on backendgit
- version control- PostgreSQL - Database
- Cloudinary Account
Clone the repo
git clone`
- JWT cookie based authentication
- Upload images to cloudinary
- Add, like or unlike post
- Comment on post
- Edit Profile Photo with Image Crop
- Edit Profile Credentials
- Post pagination
- Edit / Delete post
- Follow / Unfollow Feature
- Follow Suggestions
- Post Feed based on followings
- Hashtag support
- Smiley support for caption and comments
- Mention peoples in caption and comments
- Notifications