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Cant sync mail #546

jvonau opened this issue May 13, 2021 · 22 comments

Cant sync mail #546

jvonau opened this issue May 13, 2021 · 22 comments


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jvonau commented May 13, 2021

Installed via curl
fished this out of /lokole/logs/lokole_celery_worker.stderr.log

[2021-05-13 15:35:43,700: ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task opwen_email_client.webapp.tasks.sync[8af92df3-5f9b-4dda-a917-8f6d1ff96452] raised unexpected: TypeError('gethostbyname() argument 1 must be str, bytes or bytearray, not None')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/lokole/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 412, in trace_task
R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
File "/lokole/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 704, in protected_call
return*args, **kwargs)
File "/lokole/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/opwen_email_client/webapp/", line 41, in sync
if check_connection(AppConfig.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_HOST, 80):
File "/lokole/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/opwen_email_client/util/", line 7, in check_connection
host = gethostbyname(hostname)
TypeError: gethostbyname() argument 1 must be str, bytes or bytearray, not None

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /lokole/state/settings.env


Only the server has this variable passed to the running processes. Think this would need to be embedded in the registration reply info.

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holta commented May 13, 2021

@nzola is stuck likewise? In any case, he just wrote:

I cannot send or receive emails. All outgoing email from Lokole clients are stack in the outbox and all the inbound emails coming from the internet are stack in the Lokole srver, I can see the number of emaills in the server status. This situation is just with any clients I setup with ver 0.6.14. But I still have the client I created with 0.6.10. it is sill exchanging emails without any problems. I have not upgraded it yet.

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jvonau commented May 13, 2021

@nzola Please email privately me the contents of /lokole/state/settings.env from the 0.6.10 machine please.

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nzola commented May 13, 2021

@jvonau I rushed to catch the bus. I will send it late at midnight when I am home

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adamsclafani commented May 13, 2021

The piece of code where the error was being thrown was a new(well not so new anymore) piece that was added as part of the IIAB integration funny enough, discussion here. check_connection() basically checks for an existing connection before attempting to dial up via a USB modem.

In short, as @jvonau pointed out, the OPWEN_REMOTE_ACCOUNT_HOST variable is not set. This should also probably be returned in the register UI. That being said, @nzola is using the install script so it is definitely odd that this variable would not be set.

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Looking at the install script, it does not even mention or set the OPWEN_REMOTE_ACCOUNT_HOST variable. Maybe this should be ''. Maybe I should just change it it 'OPWEN_EMAIL_SERVER_HOSTNAME'?

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nzola commented May 14, 2021

Noticed 3 vwdial files and a directory are missing in the state directory of the new client install compared to ver 0.6.10 install

Folder for victest1 client ver 0.6.10:

pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $ ls
celery.cron.db settings.env wvdial.log
celery.sqlite3 lokole_gunicorn.sock users.sqlite3 wvdial.log.bak.gz
emails.sqlite3 lokole_restarter wvdial
/lokole/state $

Folder for victest9 client ver 0.6.14:

pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $ ls
celery.cron.db emails.sqlite3 lokole_gunicorn.sock settings.env
celery.sqlite3 lokole_restarter users.sqlite3
/lokole/state $

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nzola commented May 14, 2021

I don't know why those crossing lines?

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holta commented May 14, 2021

Thanks @nzola for having shared:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd lokole
pi@raspberrypi:~/lokole $ ls
logs  state  venv
pi@raspberrypi:~/lokole $ cd state
pi@raspberrypi:~/lokole/state $ ls
celery.cron.db  emails.sqlite3          lokole_gunicorn.sock  settings.env
celery.sqlite3  lokole_restarter      users.sqlite3
pi@raspberrypi:~/lokole/state $

@jvonau requests you post the contents of this file:


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holta commented May 14, 2021

I don't know why those crossing lines?

@nzola use triple backticks ``` before and after any code block — to make it easier to read:

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nzola commented May 14, 2021

Folder for victest1 client ver 0.6.10:

pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $ ls
celery.cron.db settings.env wvdial.log
celery.sqlite3 lokole_gunicorn.sock users.sqlite3 wvdial.log.bak.gz
emails.sqlite3 lokole_restarter wvdial
pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $

Folder for victest9 client ver 0.6.14:

pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $ ls
celery.cron.db emails.sqlite3 lokole_gunicorn.sock settings.env
celery.sqlite3 lokole_restarter users.sqlite3
pi@raspberrypi:/lokole/state $

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jvonau commented May 14, 2021

Lets get some timestamps
ls -l /lokole/state/
ls -l /home/pi/lokole/state/
On 0.6.10 does /home/pi/lokole/state/settings.env exist? if so email me the contents as there may be sensitive info that should not be public.

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jvonau commented May 14, 2021

Replaced the contents of /lokole/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/opwen_email_client/util/ on jv-rpi-stock with this complete hack

def check_connection(hostname, port):
    print (hostname)
    SOMEHOST= ''
        os.system("ping -c 5 " + SOMEHOST.strip(";")) is 0
        return True
    except OSError:
        return False

that would be here, that is enough for check_connection to work and email starts to flow but needs polishing.

@nzola what is a valid address on vic1test that you know works?

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holta commented May 14, 2021


✅ Triple backticks: ```
❎ Triple-quotes: '''

...before and after any code block.

Make sure triple-backticks are on their own separate line:

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holta commented May 14, 2021

@nzola to find the backtick key (same as accent grave in French) on your keyboard, take a close look at these photos:

(Very different from the single-quote / apostrophe!)

@nzola nzola closed this as completed May 16, 2021
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nzola commented May 16, 2021

Lokole on IIAB install (RPI B+ 0S Buster Lite had been failing since last night at this spot.

  TASK [lokole : Disable & Stop all 4 (above) systemd services, if not lokole_enabled] ***********************************************************************************
skipping: [] => (item=lokole_restarter)
skipping: [] => (item=celerybeat)
skipping: [] => (item=celery)
skipping: [] => (item=lokole)

TASK [lokole : Enable/Disable/Restart Apache if primary] ***************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []

TASK [lokole : Enable/Disable/Restart NGINX if primary] ****************************************************************************************************************
included: /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/lokole/tasks/nginx.yml for

TASK [lokole : Enable http://box/lokole via NGINX, by installing /etc/nginx/conf.d/lokole-nginx.conf from template] ****************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'python_ver' is undefined"}

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************                  : ok=395  changed=231  unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=85   rescued=0    ignored=4

pi@raspberrypi:~ $

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jvonau commented May 16, 2021

Re-open this issue, the sync issue will be uncovered once you register any new machine and is unresolved.

@adamsclafani adamsclafani mentioned this issue May 16, 2021
@nzola nzola reopened this May 16, 2021
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jvonau commented May 17, 2021

worker_1  | [2021-05-16 01:38:40,245: CRITICAL/ForkPoolWorker-2] error sending email 30241279-8b4a-46cf-aa10-507fdbadcb98:{'from': {'email': '[email protected]'}, 'subject': 'simple attach', 'personalizations': [{'to': [{'email': '[email protected]'}], 'cc': [{'email': '[email protected]'}], 'bcc': [{'email': '[email protected]'}]}], 'content': [{'type': 'text/html'}], 'attachments': [{'content': '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', 'type': 'text/plain', 'filename': 'settings.env victest9.txt', 'disposition': 'attachment', 'content_id': 'settings.env victest9.txt'}], 'reply_to': {'email': '[email protected]'}}:[{'message': 'The content value must be a string at least one character in length.', 'field': 'content.0.value', 'help': ''}] (BadRequestsError(<HTTPError 400: 'Bad Request'>))

Think the above is because there is a space in the attachment filename 'content_id': 'settings.env victest9.txt' @nzola Did the email and attachment go though to all recipients?

worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:16:08,948: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] sent email fc9e0956-088d-46dc-9b22-b6b54b6ebdb3
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:16:08,948: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] email_delivered_from_client|{'domain': ''}
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:16:08,949: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.send[fbf3e91a-8076-493a-894e-d511947fa425] succeeded in 0.23927182145416737s: None
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:03,555: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: opwen_email_server.integration.celery.written_store[5712513e-9350-48d8-88c2-f34a0df317dc]  
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:03,968: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-4] email_stored_from_client|{'domain': '', 'num_emails': 1}
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:04,052: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-4] user_stored_from_client|{'domain': '', 'num_users': 2}
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:04,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-4] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.written_store[5712513e-9350-48d8-88c2-f34a0df317dc] succeeded in 0.52700000628829s: None
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:08,570: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: opwen_email_server.integration.celery.send[92d2dcfe-a01a-42a5-b865-65e55118bd9c]  
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:08,711: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-3] sent email bdb32cb6-d75c-4d68-b5f6-ce99fd61a7f7
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:08,711: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-3] email_delivered_from_client|{'domain': ''}
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:08,711: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-3] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.send[92d2dcfe-a01a-42a5-b865-65e55118bd9c] succeeded in 0.13928200863301754s: None
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,257: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: opwen_email_server.integration.celery.index_received_email_for_mailbox[499c9807-8dd3-4d7a-ad26-694d81a3330c]  
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,282: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: opwen_email_server.integration.celery.index_sent_email_for_mailbox[b9779204-05d0-44cb-8e41-c7109c57ad9c]  
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,300: CRITICAL/ForkPoolWorker-5] IndexReceivedEmailForMailbox(args=('bdb32cb6-d75c-4d68-b5f6-ce99fd61a7f7',), kwargs={}) (KeyError('sent_at'))
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,301: ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-5] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.index_received_email_for_mailbox[499c9807-8dd3-4d7a-ad26-694d81a3330c] raised unexpected: KeyError('sent_at')
worker_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
worker_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 412, in trace_task
worker_1  |     R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 704, in __protected_call__
worker_1  |     return*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/integration/", line 55, in index_received_email_for_mailbox
worker_1  |     action(resource_id)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 43, in __call__
worker_1  |     raise ex
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/utils/", line 57, in log_exception
worker_1  |     raise ex
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 40, in __call__
worker_1  |     return self._action(*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 126, in _action
worker_1  |     desc_prefix = descending_timestamp(email['sent_at'])
worker_1  | KeyError: 'sent_at'
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,324: CRITICAL/ForkPoolWorker-1] IndexSentEmailForMailbox(args=('bdb32cb6-d75c-4d68-b5f6-ce99fd61a7f7',), kwargs={}) (KeyError('sent_at'))
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 02:31:09,325: ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.index_sent_email_for_mailbox[b9779204-05d0-44cb-8e41-c7109c57ad9c] raised unexpected: KeyError('sent_at')
worker_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
worker_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 412, in trace_task
worker_1  |     R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 704, in __protected_call__
worker_1  |     return*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/integration/", line 65, in index_sent_email_for_mailbox
worker_1  |     action(resource_id)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 43, in __call__
worker_1  |     raise ex
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/utils/", line 57, in log_exception
worker_1  |     raise ex
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 40, in __call__
worker_1  |     return self._action(*args, **kwargs)
worker_1  |   File "/app/opwen_email_server/", line 126, in _action
worker_1  |     desc_prefix = descending_timestamp(email['sent_at'])
worker_1  | KeyError: 'sent_at'
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 05:50:12,200: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: opwen_email_server.integration.celery.inbound_store[ba75919e-795c-4ed3-81c1-894ea7691a44]  
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 05:50:12,520: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] email_stored_for_client|{'domain': ''}
worker_1  | [2021-05-17 05:50:12,520: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task opwen_email_server.integration.celery.inbound_store[ba75919e-795c-4ed3-81c1-894ea7691a44] succeeded in 0.318214894272387s: None

These are 2 emails are outside world <-> remote lokole, the emails are sent and received on the the remote's end to the outside world and back, this looks like a copy of the email are kept somewhere else, for the web-portal maybe?

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jvonau commented May 17, 2021

Remote site
Web portal

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Looks like the sent_at field is missing when the email was created. I'll look into this one as well. Should be a relatively easy fix. Thanks so much, these logs help big time

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nzola commented May 22, 2021 via email

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@jvonau did you send an email from an outside provider to a lokole email or the other way around to trigger this?

After doing a code trace, all emails created with lokole should have the 'sent_at' field upon creation.

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jvonau commented May 28, 2021

@jvonau did you send an email from an outside provider to a lokole email or the other way around to trigger this?

The top error was victest's test client. the second one was definitionally me outside <> client, but lets just keep an eye on the server, could be resolved over the last 2 weeks with the client side refinements.

After doing a code trace, all emails created with lokole should have the 'sent_at' field upon creation.

Agreed, so I'm not sure if this is a client side issue when the email was created or on the server when a email is stored before forwarding, just have to eyeball the all logs for a awhile.

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