Implement the dining philosopher’s problem with the following constraints/modifications.
- There should be 5 philosophers sharing chopsticks, with one chopstick between each adjacent pair of philosophers.
- Each philosopher should eat only 3 times.
- The philosophers pick up the chopsticks in any order, not lowest-numbered first.
- In order to eat, a philosopher must get permission from a host which executes in its own goroutine.
- The host allows no more than 2 philosophers to eat concurrently.
- Each philosopher is numbered, 1 through 5.
- When a philosopher starts eating (after it has obtained necessary locks) it prints “starting to eat ” on a line by itself, where is the number of the philosopher.
- When a philosopher finishes eating (before it has released its locks) it prints “finishing eating ” on a line by itself, where is the number of the philosopher.
**This program is given as last assignment for Golang Specialization by UCI on **