Issues with no labels:
- TODO #2586
5.0.0-M3 (2016-09-26)
Issues with no labels:
- Running the docker launcher with MACHINE_WS_AGENT_MAX_START_TIME_MS has no effect #2584
- How to specify port for previewing Meteor projects #2580
- Workspace creation error: 404 No such file or directory #2565
- Question: Using a Docker insecure registry #2563
- Create Docker Image to Get CLI #2559
- Add Doc About Workspace Sharing #2557
- Remove Docker Server Mac and Windows Docs #2556
- Item 'Clear list' was present earlier but it's absent now #2521
- Link to 4.7 Release Notes on homepage broken #2513
- Select and Copy output of Terminal panel #2512
- Values from are not injected to Workspace, using Eclipse Che 4.7.2 #2511
- Code Assistant and Code Validation don't work for C# #2509
- Incorrect url is being used when pulling from private registry (v5 M1) #2495
- volumes_from does not work #2366
- Prompt is blinking #2342
- Soften lines/separator for dark theme #2142
- Wrong behavior 'Close other' feature from context menu for tabs in the editor #1968
- Language Server Protocol: Refactor Symbol navigation UI #1809
- Language Server Protocol: Hover feature #1800
- Language Server Protocol: Implement client part for "Go To Symbol" feature #1791
- Language Server Protocol: Respect Language Server capabilities on IDE client #1789
- Language Server Protocol: Implement document formatting #1788
- The packages are collapsed after refactoring move #1775
- Improve wizard to restart workspace #1761
- Improve loader when snapshotting #1760
- The editor hangs if a initializing server is not launched #2574
- Remove duplicated dependency #2547
- Use tag instead of snapshot of the io.typefox.lsapi project #2506
- Can't start workspace if it contains projects after it's stopped #2500
- Impossible to change RAM when compose stack is selected #2494
- Remove autostart LS agents #2484
- wrong permissions #2468
- Workspace environment page enhancement #2451
- CLI - che start is not selinux aware #2441
- Cannot start a workspace with alpine base image #2424
- Fix project creation page issues on dashboard #2416
- The one of editor tabs is not closed after stop workspace #2372
- After invoking of some command in the IDE terminal - view may be broken #2353
- Gray out menus until the workspace is not loaded or stopped #2286
- Merge model changes to JPA branch #2280
- Merge LSP branch to the master #2279
- Proper C# support for Che #2274
- Add utils to parse environment recipe format #2213
- Provide simple create/edit page for a Stack #2207
- Add Stacks page under Che's Dashboard #2206
- User password stores/updates without encoding #2136
- Migrate local json-based storage to jpa #2016
- Don't store account name as Workspace#namespace #1950
- Unexpected reloading the factories page after selecting #1922
- Allow for changes to workspace RAM to existing workspace #1918
- Update editor to Orion 12 #1900
- Create/Use TCK for UserDao #1847
- UserService structural refactoring #1846
- RecipeDao implementation on JPA #1815
- Implementation of workspace service storage on JPA #1813
- FactoryService structural refactoring #1812
- Implement UserDao based on JPA #1811
- Create JPA based SshDao implementation #1810
- Add c# project type #1808
- Integrate JPA components/tools with Che Infrastructure #1807
- Investigate strategies for cascade entities removing #1803
- SnapshotDao implementation on JPA #1797
- StackDao implementation on JPA #1795
- Add Environment variables in the workspace configuration #1772
- Add Ports section in the workspace configuration #1771
- Add syntax coloration to machine outputs when starting a workspace #1755
Pull requests merged:
- #2574 do not send file type to the client if LS cannot be run #2591 (evidolob)
- #2509 create project.json file in C# project #2587 (evidolob)
- Fix the parent pom version #2564 (benoitf)
- Restore PR #1528 fix that has been lost with TypeScript changes #2554 (benoitf)
- Add dependencie #2553 (vinokurig)
- CHE-2547: Remove duplicated dependency #2548 (tolusha)
- CHE-2424: Fix agents scripts to work with codenvy/alphine_jdk image #2546 (tolusha)
- Remove duplicated dependency #2545 (vzhukovskii)
- Fix environment addition. #2543 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1761 Improve wizard to restart workspace #2542 (vitaliy-guliy)
- Use depends_on instead of links #2526 (eivantsov)
- CHE-2506: Use tag instead of snapshot of the io.typefox.lsapi project #2507 (tolusha)
- CHE-2366: Fix volumes_from usage in compose environment #2487 (garagatyi)
- Syntax coloration to machine outputs #2407 (vzhukovskii)
- CHE-1485 allow special characters in file names and folder names + fix an encoding issue #2176 (Leward)
- Publish StackPersistedEvent after stack is persisted #2582 (evoevodin)
- CHE-1774: Adding "Agents" section to the "Runtime" tab #2577 (ibuziuk)
- Fixes space issue with profile variables #2575 (TylerJewell)
- CODENVY-2142 fix dashboard dropdown menu #2572 (olexii4)
- Fix editing machine's RAM on workspace creation #2570 (ashumilova)
- CHE-2142 improve dark theme styles for lines and separators #2555 (olexii4)
- Add testing stack for Langage Server agents #2541 (slemeur)
- CLI: Use new che-mount & adds mechanism for CLI to update itself to new versions #2535 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-2521: improve clear recent list action #2531 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-502: introduce application notifications and container for them #2529 (ashumilova)
- Che CLI: added some parameters to execute che-mount #2523 (l0rd)
- CHE-1900: Update editor to Orion 12 #2522 (azatsarynnyy)
- CHE-2494: show RAM widget when compose stack is selected #2504 (akurinnoy)
- Provide Maven plugin for generating TypeScript DTO objects based on Java DTO #2490 (benoitf)
- CHE-2206: add stacks list, edit and creation #2465 (ashumilova)
- CHE-2286: disable menu items until the workspace is not running #2464 (olexii4)
- Add .che to gitignore #2462 (benoitf)
- Support for Language Server Protocol #2452 (tolusha)
- CHE-2416: improve workspace-select-stack widget for UD #2432 (olexii4)
- Set CLI home directory to be ${CHE_MINI_PRODUCT_NAME} #2410 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-1771: Add Runtime page to Workspace details #2371 (akurinnoy)
- Add support of BasicAuthentication Authentication to Git #1940 (i053322)
- Use of TypeScript instead of ES6 #1587 (benoitf)
5.0.0-M2 (2016-09-20)
Issues with no labels:
- iPad issue #2481
- RAM widget disappers when select Java-MySQL stack #2480
- CLI: Run Che specify CHE_HOST_IP #2476
- consume eclipse che api from jquery/c# #2475
- Configuring of named variable with underscore in name doesn't work if it was set using environment variables #2454
- Having to go through a series of steps before Eclipse Che starts. #2449
- How to run a Che farm behind an nginx router #2383
- Stop VM running che after idle/inactivity for long time #2362
- Init git repository at workspace level #2357
- Unable to select text on terminal window #2320
- Fix tag on default template "web-javaee-jaxrs" #2290
- Add ability to support specific docker registries for saving snapshots #2273
- Adapt JPA branch with changes in Workspace model #2215
- Implement post-flight check requirements into the codenvy/che-test image #2127
- Adapt ARTIK IDE to use Che Docker Launcher #2117
- Eclipse che not working in clients machine #2062
- Tab styling on operations perspective #2035
- Create a mechanism to configure Che with configs from different sources #2014
- Che build in the root directory fails on a clean check-out #1858
- Bower dependencies causing Che build to fail #1827
- JPA Dao implementation #1790
- Add Device logging for Artik #1777
- Errors in workspace after checking out (missing jdt dependencies) #1740
- Support for WTP server launching #1676
- Question about google super dev. #1640
- Timeline for multi-cursor visuals? #1618
- Add README for each plugin #1567
- How can I make my project type extension to extends MAVEN project type ?? #1535
- non workspace machines don't have project code #1533
- ability to use docker-compose.yml instead of docker file for dev environments #1527
- How about supporting Mercurial as a version control tool ? #1436
- [languageserver] Push notification to client on new language server #1427
- [languageserver] Ensure order of events #1426
- [languageserver] Support incremental updates #1425
- [languageserver] Find Reference #1421
- How to extend a new project type that contains a new perspective #1404
- creating containers from local dockerfiles #1379
- Docker Volumes. #1338
- GitHub plugin #738
- how to use content assist automatically #725
- Is it possible to use Sonarqube with Eclipse Che? #673
- 404 /admin #490
- Java Refactoring Rename feature broken after merging VFS Events and Split Editor features #2168
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-779: fix workaround with dockerfiles secured by login filter #2503 (garagatyi)
- CHE-2500: Use provider to prevent circular dependncy #2502 (tolusha)
- Add workspace validator to stack validator #2501 (akorneta)
- CHE-2484 Remove autostart LS agents #2485 (tolusha)
- CHE-2353: fix broken terminal #2483 (svor)
- Remove duplicated lines in pom.xml #2479 (benoitf)
- CHE-2286: disable menu items until the workspace is not running #2473 (olexii4)
- CHE-2468: wrong permissions #2469 (tolusha)
- InitializeParams should include an empty ClientCapabilities #2466 (kaloyan-raev)
- Consolidate databases #2453 (akorneta)
- CHE-1857: don't save the content if ws is stopped #2448 (svor)
- Fix LanguageServerException message for CSharp LS #2532 (xcoulon)
- CHE-781: use 1Gb RAM for db machine and remove ssh agent from it #2505 (ashumilova)
5.0.0-M1 (2016-09-14)
Issues with no labels:
- Command for opening a file #2412
- Custom extension not visible on IDE 4.7.2 #2411
- GitLab docs update #2405
- Added documentation for GitLab oAuth #2404
- Add authentication for accessing workspace in private cloud #2390
- Help needed to make custom work on boot2docker-hyperV in windows 10 #2384
- Not able to import projects from my Github account though can see the projects listed. #2360
- Close editor when file is deleted #2328
- How integrate eclipse Che with AD and LDAP #2302
- Support for private docker registries withotut authentication? #2188
- Change type of pointed messages from ERROR to WARNING #2135
- Can't load project types outside localhost #2058
- Configure locale in a docker container #1856
- Environment Provider and Agent SPI #1829
- Docker Launcher: Websockets are unable to comunicate with the wsagent when the server and the browser run on different networks #1644
- Broken link on dashboard page to custom stacks documentation #2440
- Release and ship Che 5.0.0-M1 #2433
- NullPointer when starting a multi machine workspace #2426
- Ways to mount folder inside host machine to auxiliary machine #2425
- Workspaces that have been created before merge of the agents feature do not start #2385
- Download project as Zip does not work #2377
- There is no content of recipe into 'Operation Perspective' #2373
- Snapshoting of machines failed if snapshot made second time for given machine #2344
- Cannot launch a workspace after creation #2331
- root script is not sh compliant #2303
- Creating new machine does not work #2300
- does not run #2295
- Node console template not showing up #2291
- Adopt agents to new environment model #2285
- Redrawing dashboard page when no workspaces #2275
- Make Che with debug flag use default log level instead of debug log level #2272
- Avoid using deprecated KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier #2209
- Make default workspace RAM setting to 2GB #2204
- Copy/Paste doesn't work in the Terminal (Firefox) #2178
- Pack ssh agent #2156
- Test agents over different containers #2138
- Continuously upload new agent binaries to Codenvy Update Server #2137
- Pack terminal agent #2074
- Package dev agent #2073
- Implement and pack Language Server Agents #2032
- Implement Agent API #2008
- Specify how to name, package and run Agent #2005
- NPE after deleting multi-module project #1985
- Git checkout operation notification #1912
- File explorer real time content update #1911
- File editor real time content update #1910
- Add ability to preview an HTML file into another browser window #1883
- Add ability to install Orion plugins inside the Che editor #1878
- Detector of VFS high level events related to client side state #1832
- Client-side service to track client state #1830
- IDE (client) - workspace agent (server) event transport service #1824
- Machine Agent specification and implementation #1823
- Change Workspace environment model #1818
- Remove the current workspace runtime loader #1759
- Display loading steps when booting ws from IDE #1758
- Provide more space to the console when the workspace is booting #1757
- Is there a plan to support multiple extra column mapping in new workspace container creation? #1244
Pull requests merged:
- Fix local JPA migration for workspaces and ssh #2445 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-2373:remove recepe view tab form devops perspective #2434 (vparfonov)
- Fix petclinic stack #2431 (eivantsov)
- Fix agent names. Fix alpine image name #2430 (eivantsov)
- Add attribute 'active' for Selenium tests #2422 (azatsarynnyy)
- CHE-2300: fix usage of dockerfile as a source of machine in case of secured API #2421 (garagatyi)
- Updating dashboard README.MD #2420 (ibuziuk)
- Update #2418 (ashumilova)
- Change fields mapping from varchar to text #2414 (akorneta)
- CHE-2344: Fixes repetitive saving snapshot of workspace #2413 (garagatyi)
- CHE-2385: Fix agents injection for CHE #2399 (tolusha)
- CHE-2377: Fix a problem with downloading projects as zip #2396 (svor)
- CHE-2280 merge new environment model #2395 (akorneta)
- add terminal and ssh agents into creating dev-machine object #2393 (olexii4)
- CHE-2331: add all containers to Che master docker network #2392 (garagatyi)
- Add Petclinic+MySQL stack, petclinic mysql sample project. Fix dashbo… #2376 (eivantsov)
- CHE-1758 Display loading steps when booting ws from IDE #2352 (vitaliy-guliy)
- CHE-1900: Update editor to Orion 12 #2351 (azatsarynnyy)
- CHE-2135: Change log level for RemoteOAuthTokenProvider#getToken. #2312 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- CHE-2440: fix custom stack documentation link and stack format toggle #2443 (ashumilova)
- CHE-2425: Ways to mount folder inside host machine to auxiliary machine #2427 (tolusha)
- Fix NPE after deleting multi-module project #2419 (azatsarynnyy)
- improve workspace RAM settings for add project flow #2403 (olexii4)
- Add ability to preview an HTML file into another browser window #2378 (azatsarynnyy)
- Remove unused code #2370 (azatsarynnyy)
- Fix double output, workspace list, RAM displaying, add recipe format #2348 (ashumilova)
- Avoid using deprecated 'keyIdentifier' property of 'KeyboardEvent' #2318 (azatsarynnyy)
- fixup to #2306 (TylerJewell)
- Add Bitnami stacks and blank project for use with the generators #2301 (amrecio)
- Add support for Che in Che with a Chefile #2289 (benoitf)
- Fix redirection to creation page - removed flicking #2276 (ashumilova)
- CLI: Fix Mac tmp dir access #2269 (TylerJewell)
- Allow mounting of multiple volumes to mount properties #2264 (benoitf)
- Add possibility to install Orion plugins for the CHE editor #2262 (azatsarynnyy)
- Mechanism to configure Che with configs from different sources #2175 (andrew00x)
4.7.2 (2016-09-09)
Issues with no labels:
- Building of 4.7.1 tag fails on IDE Stack: "Missing header in: che-core-ide-stacks/src/main/resources/images/type-bitnami.svg" #2389
- Am I using che-install-plugin correctly? I can't make the JSON plugin works #2330
- 4.7.2 Milestone Plan #2401
- The box 'boxcutter/centos72-docker' could not be found #2379
Pull requests merged:
- Update Vagrantfile to use base centos72 image #2388 (TylerJewell)
4.7.1 (2016-09-08)
Issues with no labels:
- Can't load project #2361
- Workspace - "Download as Zip..." action should download all projects in the workspace #2336
- mvn clean install build is failure #2335
- The size of workspase is not correctly displayed on the dashboard. #2333
- Che server and workspace machines on separate nodes #2327
- from 4.7.0 become 4.6.2 #2326
- Trying to build Eclipse Che 4.8.x on Ubuntu, I got exception " Broken pipe" #2323
- "cannot enable tty mode on non tty input" on Eclipse Che version 4.7.0 #2321
- Running che as a server on Mac with odd behavior #2313
- How to config mirror for maven? cant run vi in che container #2309
- What should I do to support hundreds of workspace working properly at the same time. #2297
- Grammar for PHP tag doesn't support all cases #2283
- I built Eclipse Che 4.8.0, but I get "LOADING: Error while Booting developer machine" when I try to run a Workspace #2271
- chrome developer tools network show ”Provisional headers are shown“ #2270
- somtimes pop dialog cant copy and paste #2258
- Issue with Git Committing in 4.5.1 #2101
- No index.html when creating a java-swing workspace with mentioned stack #2021
- Restore state of project feature - does not apply to a maven multimodule projects #1920
- Make Che with multi-machine environments backward compatible #1820
- Add enhancements for working with files not added as projects #1580
- 4.7.1 Milestone Plan #2354
- Release and ship Che 4.7.1 #2337
- Machine tab does not have full output of the workspace boot #2325
- Two terminal tabs appearing when workspace first loads #2324
- Connection failed with terminal #2322
- ${} macro should be include in gin configuration #2293
- ${server.<name>} macro should provide full information about server #2292
- 'che-ip' tool returns an error in case when there is no 'ethn' interface #2284
- Remote Che: terminal unavailable #2281
- After creation a new workspace the ssh button in the processes widget is absent #2278
- Unexpected appearance of the second terminal after refresh #2249
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-2278: Fixing appearing SSH button. Now it showing only after starting machine #2387 (vparfonov)
- CHE-2204 improve workspace RAM settings #2380 (olexii4)
- CHE-2325: Restore log of the running procces if refresh page (including ws-agent start log) #2356 (vparfonov)
- CHE-2336: add an action for downloading all projects from the ws #2347 (svor)
- CHE-2343 Make username validation to use account name validation #2346 (sleshchenko)
- CHE-2324: Avoid duplicate call new terminal for dev machine #2341 (vparfonov)
- change basic measurement unit for RAM after model changed #2340 (olexii4)
- VFS file watcher based use cases implementations #2339 (dkuleshov)
- CHE-2281 workaround terminal issue #2338 (riuvshin)
- Fix a bug with "Find Action" window #2334 (svor)
- Fix NPE on some environment validation #2332 (garagatyi)
- Fix occasionally failing tests #2319 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1818: Add new WS environment types, machines attributes #2315 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1823: Machine Agent implementation #2311 (tolusha)
- CODENVY-645; add cascading removal for permissions; #2305 (mshaposhnik)
- Add total count method to user manager #2304 (mkuznyetsov)
- Provide protocol into server based macro #2296 (vzhukovskii)
- Register macro to provide workspace name #2294 (vzhukovskii)
- backport PR2264 into CHE-1818 branch #2288 (benoitf)
- #1287 PHP Language Server #2282 (kaloyan-raev)
- [WIP] CHE-1818: change workspace environment model #2234 (garagatyi)
- Allow Che CLI to run in directory w/o write permissions #2358 (TylerJewell)
- Separate CHE_VERSION from CHE_UTILITY_VERSION #2307 (TylerJewell)
4.8.0-artik (2016-08-31)
Issues with no labels:
- After stopping workspace the restart widget does not appear #2268
- Trying to build and run Eclipse Che 4.6.x, I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/MethodVisitor #2259
- Cannot use github without oauth #2253
- Build Che Using Docker - npm error #2247
- Unable to import GitSwarm Projects #2244
- Cannot close tabs into a single pane #2223
- Cannot close the last pane #2221
Pull requests merged:
- Artik #108 Cannot open the terminal of ARTIK board, after connect multiple boards #2261 (vitaliy-guliy)
- fixup - propagate Che server image #2257 (TylerJewell)
- CODENVY-106: remove related widgets when the machine was destroyed #2250 (svor)
4.7.0 (2016-08-29)
Issues with no labels:
- IDE can't build and run project #2238
- Add macros for host #2230
- Incomprehensible behavior for creation a factory from dashboard #2229
- Folder/File disappeared after rename #2227
- In company's network,workspace open error,and can't create project #2226
- The just created new splitted pane for a terminal is empty #2222
- Ability to create a workspace from any repository hosting provider #2202
- Is there a way to run 4.7 until it officially comes out? #2199
- Error of automatic update of IM CLI: 'Could not generate DH keypair' #2195
- Unable to start my workspace "You can configure machine.ws_agent.max_start_time_ms in Che properties to increase the timeout" #2192
- Eclipse che up freezing #2189
- CHE_SERVER_CONTAINER_NAME doesn't have any effect. #2187
- Where can I find file and export workspace snapshot? #2186
- Links on hwo to extend Che on website are outdated #2184
- Jade/Coffeescript/SASS support? #2180
- HTTPS Support? #2174
- Unable to create project eventhough workspace created. #2173
- Workspaces don't persist between docker service restarts #2172
- Enable node.js debugging via GDB #2171
- I don't think APIs in swagger related to projects are working correctly. #2166
- What's the differnce between eclipse/che and codenvy/che dockerhub repos? #2164
- setup nightly QA for new dockerized CHE #2161
- Blank Workspace Won't Start with Obscure Error #2149
- Refresh in Project Explorer does not work #2141
- Can not do CLI mount #2123
- Wokspaces are not loaded when che starts as a container #2122
- Docker out of docker #2086
- Issue building Che with custom plugin - Project extension doesn t appear #2077
- Add Native Scripts to Launch All Che Commands #1969
- Docker Launcher - wrong hostname output when running in a VM #1925
- Che launches a new browser window when changing left-side navigation options #1923
- Move "Subversion" menu after to "Git" in project's explorer right-click menu #1884
- Separate environment runtime management from workspace runtime management #1864
- Wrong symbols in the message console after git merge #1859
- Rework the grids and lists views in the user dashboard #1762
- Will the plugin-datasource coming back to the Che future version? #1724
- Re-creating a project with the same name as a deleted one in same workspace fails on Codenvy #1637
- How to restrict the number of workspaces that can be created? Or enable only one workspace running at the same time #1557
- Please add Clojure support to Eclipse Che #1484
- Feature: Multiple Panes #1202
- Eclipse Xtend #785
- workspace not restored from snapshot when che server is restarted #691
- Using authentication to access dashboard / IDE #690
- Che image for armhf #531
- using che with nginx-proxy #238
- Release and ship Che 4.7.0 #2265
- Sometimes the IDE view may be broken #2260
- trying to run 'docker.exe' on OSX #2248
- Eclipse CHE is up on vagrant but not available on the browser #2235
- Modify Error Message When Trying to Run Che Server Twice #2233
- Wrong icon for unknown filetype in editor #2183
- Revamp list's header #2179
- How do I make eclipse che instance persist across host reboots #2170
- Simplify boxes' design for Dashboard page #2158
- Dashboard's New Project wizard fails if workspace source type is 'location' #2134
- [dashboard] Move project repository info from separate tab #2129
- Error when running Che using CLI utility #2128
- Che launcher debug prints wrong port / hostname for running server if variables change #2102
- Registry disappears from admin section #2082
- che-launcher based provisioning with Vagrant doesn't restart the server #2066
- che-launcher self-destruct causes error #2065
- Remove native git implementation #2033
- Che Milestone 4.7.0 #2029
- Convert Vagrantfile to use Che Launcher syntax #2026
- Incorrect factory validation behavior when field value matches default for its type #2022
- Project is not accessible in Dashboard #2020
- Apply the new component to docker registries list #2010
- Sometimes the org.eclipse.che.api.project.server.Project Service Test fails during build of the CHE #2006
- Wrong behavior of targets widget #2002
- On workspace start error, "Start Workspace" dialog covers error dialog #1987
- Classpath not resolved when it's in a Maven container #1964
- Docker Che launcher doesn't show progress on pull of new che-server image #1942
- Wrong behavior after starting workspace from snapshot #1933
- Add support for chefile configuration #1895
- Improved tabbed terminals design #1888
- Update plugin sample #1882
- Path in the 'Parent' field presents incorrectly on the 'Project Configuration' window #1868
- The whole git changed list opens if git compare called from file context menu #1866
- After select an item in the Git compare widget the Compare button is disabled #1865
- Name of workspace is displayed incorrectly in the header. #1848
- Adapt Editor agent to manage multi parts #1840
- Correct processing some operations for editor #1839
- Sync content of the file for all opened tabs of this file #1838
- Split view for editor #1837
- Apply the new grid component to workspace projects list #1780
- Apply the new grid component to users list and workspace members list #1779
- New layout for forms in UD #1770
- Add "+" button next to "Recent workspaces" #1768
- Handle workspace list hover and click states for list views in dashboard #1765
- Add actions for workspace item in workspace list for dashboard #1764
- Create grids common components #1763
- placeholder for preview URL #1591
- Macro for selected files in the project explorer #953
Pull requests merged:
- Redirect to create workspace+project when there are no workspaces #2241 (ashumilova)
- Revert back context menu for Processes panel #2218 (azatsarynnyy)
- CHE-1882:Add vparfonov/plugin-sample-wizard to the Che Samples #2198 (vparfonov)
- CHE-2136: Add password encryption during user create/update #2197 (akorneta)
- Do not allow profile attributes with null values #2194 (mkuznyetsov)
- Set 'active' attribute for the currently active widget in the Processes panel #2193 (azatsarynnyy)
- Fix NPE on factory links injection #2182 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1888: Improve tabbed terminals design #2177 (azatsarynnyy)
- #953: Move command property value providers to core API #2169 (vzhukovskii)
- Don't show start ws dialog on stop ws event #2167 (vparfonov)
- Pack ws-agent binaries in tar.gz archive #2162 (tolusha)
- Make WorkspaceImpl usable in JPA #2159 (tareqhs)
- Add getAll method to UserDao #2154 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1950: Add foreign reference on account to Workspace #2152 (akorneta)
- CHE-1838. Sync content of the file for all opened tabs of this file #2132 (RomanNikitenko)
- Remove deprecated flag from some classes looks like in some usecases them still useful #2130 (vparfonov)
- CHE-1884: Move down svn item in the context menu #2126 (vinokurig)
- CHE-1859: Fix Merge success message #2125 (vinokurig)
- Refactor workspace/machines bootstraping #2108 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1837. Split view for editor #2107 (RomanNikitenko)
- Duplex Json RPC protocol implementation based on web socket transport #2080 (dkuleshov)
- CLI Fixup #2252 (TylerJewell)
- Update dashboard view #2245 (akurinnoy)
- Fix Processes panel behavior #2240 (azatsarynnyy)
- Let Che CLI compile Che #2239 (TylerJewell)
- Deactivation of che-long-touch behaviour in navbar #2237 (slemeur)
- Update Vagrantfile #2236 (TylerJewell)
- #953: Extend macro list #2232 (vzhukovskii)
- Fix errors in che-in-che stack #2225 (TylerJewell)
- Changes to support move to che-dockerfiles repository #2220 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-2158: simplify boxes' design for Dashboard page #2219 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-2134 improve create project flow #2217 (olexii4)
- Fix invalid syntax in dashboard imports #2216 (benoitf)
- Che script improvements #2211 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-2179: add description widget #2210 (ashumilova)
- Fix che-in-che stack #2208 (mkuznyetsov)
- Add che product name to CLI & launcher #2203 (TylerJewell)
- #2183 Wrong icon for unknown filetype in editor #2196 (vitaliy-guliy)
- CHE-2129: [dashboard] move project repository info from separate tab #2190 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-562: Clean up container if it failed to start #2165 (mmorhun)
- CHE-1848: name of workspace is displayed correctly #2146 (akurinnoy)
- #1868: Display correct path during converting folder into project #2140 (vzhukovskii)
- Changes to support che-in-che #2119 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-1866: Fix wrong viewing of git compare #2106 (vinokurig)
- Optimize che-launcher for perf #2105 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-1770: New layout for forms in UD #2061 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-2020: Fix passing project name on project creation from wizard #2051 (ashumilova)
- #1895 codenvy/che-file improvements #2048 (benoitf)
- codenvy-447: Remove containers in case failed to create docker instance. #2007 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- CHE-2002 fix wrong workspace ID for SSH target #2003 (olexii4)
- CHE-1491: add "+" button next to "Recent workspaces" #1816 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-707: fix bug with several IDE on page #1746 (akurinnoy)
- [WIP] CHE-1369: rework UD to listen environment channels #1648 (ashumilova)
4.7.0-RC1 (2016-08-16)
Pull requests merged:
4.7.0-artik (2016-08-15)
Issues with no labels:
- Eclipse che doesn't read the workspaces created when executed as a container #2120
- Signer information does not match (version 4.6.2) #2113
- Problem authenticating on github #2104
- Compiling Che fails #2093
- SSH machine is displayed as RUNNING after creating it with wrong credentials #2090
- Make che-launcher inject all CHE_* environment variables into che-server #2013
- Remove some editor api interfaces and clases and simplify editor initialization process #1913
- Can't find REST API about auth. #1592
Pull requests merged:
- Fixes from 3.x #2121 (tareqhs)
- Development and production mode for Artik devices #2111 (vitaliy-guliy)
- fix env variables #2103 (TylerJewell)
- update to get rid of weird issue on linux machines #2100 (riuvshin)
- Convert nightly to master #2099 (TylerJewell)
- Fixed test failures related to file watcher and corrected logic in file watcher #2097 (dkuleshov)
- CHE-2090: fix machine removal from storage if machine creation fails #2095 (garagatyi)
- che-1865: Fix disable compare button in the compare widget when we have changed few files #2091 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Add migrator from local to jpa entities #2087 (evoevodin)
- Improve Vagrantfile #2085 (TylerJewell)
- Deprecates some of Editor API classes and interfaces #2071 (evidolob)
- Fix realpath posix issue #2069 (TylerJewell)
4.6.2 (2016-08-11)
Issues with no labels:
- How do I write a custom recipe that uses scripts? #2084
- unzip: cannot find or open /mnt/che/, /mnt/che/ or /mnt/che/ #2081
- How to debug che source code in windows? #2070
- Question: WEB UI Authentication #2028
- Sparse checkout broken #2019
- Cannot wget/curl/git/apt-get to internet from within docker container #2001
- Issue on Eclipse Che using vagrant behind firewall #1897
Pull requests merged:
- Fix issue on linux machines #2083 (riuvshin)
- Set proper dependency version #2079 (riuvshin)
- CHE-476 Add support for git urls with credentials #2072 (vinokurig)
- Fix build #2067 (eivantsov)
- Fixed che-launcher container name typo #2064 (creckord)
- CHE-2055 Validate received Stacks #2060 (mkuznyetsov)
- Connectivity test + refactoring #2057 (TylerJewell)
- Refactor TCK repositories #2054 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-453: Add snippet of dynamic passwords support in docker registries #2050 (mmorhun)
4.6.1 (2016-08-04)
Issues with no labels:
- Could not start workspace <wokespace-id> Reason: Timeout reached #2039
- Javascript errors while building from source #1984
- Preview URL for android workspaces not include for Eclipse Che version 4.5.1 #1908
Pull requests merged:
- Fixes infinite loop on windows #2049 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-1964: add libraries from containers for building classpath #2047 (svor)
- CHE-1807: integration of jpa componets with che #2043 (akorneta)
- Update Vagrantfile to support new docker-launcher #2041 (TylerJewell)
- Fix docker_host_ip lookup #2040 (TylerJewell)
- Fixed boot2docker detection #2038 (TylerJewell)
- codenvy/che-file docker improvement #2037 (benoitf)
- CHE-2033 Remove Native Git implementation #2036 (mkuznyetsov)
- Add cascade removal for known entities #2031 (evoevodin)
- Move che-mount to alpine-based image #2027 (TylerJewell)
- Activated execution flag on #2025 (l0rd)
- CHE-2022; fixed validation behavior when field value matches default value for its type #2023 (mshaposhnik)
- Add che-mount support for desktop IDEs #2018 (TylerJewell)
- Bunch of changes for allowing to build on CI with Docker/Linux #2017 (benoitf)
- CHE-1933 Do not show recipe content if type is not Dockerfile #2011 (mkuznyetsov)
4.6.0 (2016-08-01)
Issues with no labels:
- "Edit Commands..." for java seems don't work #1996
- Check if workspace backup performed on docker service restart or stop #1972
- Publish port exposed by workspace at a particular port #1971
- Deprecate CurrentProjectChangedEvent and his handler #1961
- Add custom user agent header into JGit #1935
- Make ability to show notifications from dashboard when IDE iframe is showed #1915
- Is it possible way to debug Che Server? #1880
- How should I debug the Eclipse Che core? #1876
- Use local image before registry #1845
- Certificates are required for https connection #1792
- How to solve cross domain problem when deploy docker on seperate node #1781
- Find way to distinguish between Docker for Mac and Windows #1744
- CORS restrictions in Workspace Agent #1735
- Cannot start a new workspace #1686
- Che doesn't use the configured DNS server #1684
- Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API version: 1.23, server API version: 1.22) #1636
- insufficient memory #1631
- Bluetooth over USB on OSX 10.11.4 - VirtualBox Settings #1611
- Intellisense not work #1610
- org.eclipse.che.ide.websocket.WebSocketException: WebSocket is not opened. #1604
- How to restore workspaces when restarting Che? #1561
- [languageserver] Rename Refactoring #1424
- [languageserver] Goto Definition #1423
- [languageserver] hover provider #1422
- Callbacks send to WsAgentStateController#getMessageBus ignored #1413
- Error message from WS #1088
- Poor performance running JGit Maven build in Che workspace #694
- Release and ship Che 4.6.0 #2012
- Not able to run Che as a Docker Container on OSX #1976
- Machine recipe not editable #1967
- Parameterized Vagrantfile: Make Virtualbox Machine name configurable #1965
- Add instructions in new Che launcher how to get Che server logs #1951
- Stop of Che container in new Che launcher is broken #1949
- Unable to copy public key from SSH prefs #1938
- Elements stops responding after clicking outside submenu in Firefox #1928
- Che Docker Launcher - Fails to Recognize Valid Server Boot #1924
- When restarting a workspace, open project tree re-appears as closed. #1919
- IDE resources caching from UD is broken #1909
- Cannot export a workspace from the Dashboard #1903
- Unexpected errors in the browser console after restarting a workspace #1902
- Copy and paste not working in the terminal #1899
- Cloning a VSTS repo feature does not work #1893
- Move che-plugin-java-jdt-core-repack module to che-lib #1887
- Milestone Summary 4.6.0 #1870
- If use the dashboard for import project from zip archive, the root folder of the archive don't skip #1852
- Opened files list in the editor area does not work properly #1850
- Che ignores user response when asks whether it should restore workspace or not #1849
- Change value of "java.output.folder" attribute #1843
- Add CI mechanisms for new Che Docker images #1842
- After closing the Project wizard widget by ESC select path form still opened #1825
- Delete multi-module projects in some case holding failure #1819
- Wrong behavior after configure folder with name 'java' as source #1814
- Tree of 'changes to be performed' in the refactoring 'Rename' window does not work correctly #1786
- Preview URL may be lost after refreshing page #1785
- Automatically open the IDE after creating a project #1753
Pull requests merged:
- fix failed build #1998 (svor)
- Fix possible NPE if GitHub repo don't have description #1997 (vparfonov)
- fix failed build #1995 (svor)
- WIP: Add Native .bat and .sh scripts for Eclipse Che #2000 (TylerJewell)
- #1919: Save application state to the user profile correctly #1994 (vzhukovskii)
- Parameterize Vagrantfile: Make Virtualbox Machine name configurable #1966 (zenobios)
- Add additional DEBUG info to che-launcher #1957 (TylerJewell)
- Launcher: stop che-server cleanly (fix #1949) #1956 (l0rd)
- #1814: Synchronize project instead of parent directory #1954 (vzhukovskii)
- fix dropdown-menu freezing #1948 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1797: Add JPA based SnapshotDao implementation #1937 (evoevodin)
- CHE-1935; add custom User-Agent header value for JGit; #1936 (mshaposhnik)
- #1899: Add ability to copy and paste text in terminal view #1932 (vzhukovskii)
- Update IDE resource path after changes for namespace handling (Fix #1909) #1931 (benoitf)
- CHE-1785: save preview URL for the command #1930 (svor)
- Allow to continue to start the script even if there is a chown failure #1917 (benoitf)
- CHE-1825: fix problem with the window selection #1916 (svor)
- [Replaces #1885] Launcher: fixed Path problems, splitted in 3 files and added tests #1914 (l0rd)
- CHE-1849: Modify start workspace by ID API method #1907 (vinokurig)
- #1903: fix export a workspace from the Dashboard #1906 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1893; fix authorization flow during clone from private repo #1905 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1361 Artik: Resources monitor (CPU, memory and storage) #1904 (vitaliy-guliy)
- CHE-1843: change value of "java.output.folder" attribute #1901 (svor)
- Launcher: fixed Path problems, splitted in 3 files and added tests #1898 (l0rd)
- Fix the ENV about configuration folder to set when using docker image #1896 (benoitf)
- Add docker image to grab the ip used by docker #1891 (benoitf)
- che-launcher infer Che version and self destruct itself #1881 (l0rd)
- CHE-1535: Reveal resources after move and copy operation #1877 (vzhukovskii)
- CHE-1819: fix NPE when unresolved project is deleted #1874 (svor)
- Type fox issue 1413 #1873 (vparfonov)
- Add new parameters to build docker image method #1872 (mmorhun)
- #1850: Remove closed file from the editor's popup list #1867 (vzhukovskii)
- CHE-1492: automatically open the IDE after creating a project #1863 (akurinnoy)
- Downgrade docker installed in Che image #1833 (l0rd)
- CHE-1504: [dashboard] fix bug in project template selection #1737 (akurinnoy)
- Fix new alpine based Dockerfile for Boot2Docker #1723 (l0rd)
- Use a docker launcher image to simplify start/stop/update/restart commands #1683 (l0rd)
- CODENVY-651 Save machine config with 'dev' instead of 'isDev' field #1679 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1248 remove workspace information from EnvironmentContext #1658 (mshaposhnik)
- Update according to changes in everrest #1625 (mkuznyetsov)
4.5.1 (2016-07-19)
Issues with no labels:
- Create component to send heartbeat information from docker based Che #1835
- Can't authenticate on github #1694
- Cannot start workspace by using dashboard #1834
4.5.0 (2016-07-18)
Issues with no labels:
- The flow when loading IDE is flickering and ugly #1745
- [dashboard] Rework the grids and related behavior #1742
- Workspace should update project by path instead by name #1741
- [Q] Exposed ports in Dockerfile #1719
- Can't have multiple instances of Che container connected to same GitHub account #1716
- Docker for Windows Beta does not write workspaces and storage files to mounted drives #1711
- Anyone know why my che cannot find Virtual Box even though VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH is set in environment variable #1710
- Che nightly won't start on Docker for Mac #1708
- Che shows the incorrect view aftering rebuild /dashboard #1700
- Broken link in the exception message #1004
- Shared workspaces #1371
Pull requests merged:
- fix dependency #1844 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1347: fix import project on dashboard from zip archive #1738 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1298; remove war name from url schema #1572 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-394: Add ability to specify branch when cloning from GitHub #1430 (vinokurig)
- CHE-1208: add an ability to configure several source folders #1419 (svor)
- CHE-1159: Add to Jgit implementation ability to view cloning process #1394 (vinokurig)
4.4.2-artik (2016-07-12)
Issues with no labels:
- oAuth settings in not getting picked up #1696
- Run on docker for windows #1695
- Error when starting workspace #1681
- Unable to open newly created workspaces #1666
- Unable to run the latest version assembly successfully #1665
- 404 error on creating workspace container. #1635
- Create a Deb/Rpm package to facilitate installation and configuration out of the box #1620
- Google Eclipse Plugin - is or will there be a GWT plugin for Che ? #1617
- Example showing syntax highlighting #1608
- Cant run "Che run" on hyper-V (not using docker for windows, due windows 10 build) #1593
- [Codeenvy] CORs issue #1481
- [Codenvy] New Project stuck at "Starting workspace runtime" #1480
- Workspace import/export #1468
- How to create and register a custom viewpart in Che workspace? #1446
- How to add a new view? #1433
- Git import style urls git://git@host:example.git #1309
- Can't add extension example #1304
- Groovy editor: How to do it. github che-tutorials/che-tutorial-editor-api or che website? #1227
- Cannot start workspace #1226
- Clojure support #1206
- Quick Tips for Creating a Wizard #1186
- Avoid "Contact support" wording in error messages #945
- Gradle support #802
- How to get the workspace port in previewUrl? #747
- Error starting workspace, WorkspaceManager error #745
- Is it possible to manual save? #737
- Build fails with symbolic links under windows #718
- Feature Request: Creating Snapshots of a Workspace from the UI. #698
- Add more support for docker-machine drivers #655
- Is there an easy way to change the log level of the tomcat in the che docker container? #613
- how sould I do to build a che-samples/che-ide-extension plugin #610
- MVN clean install fails on Mac #529
- Rearrange Assembly Module #425
- che project maven install error #366
- Java open type action (like Eclipse Ctrl Shift T) #332
- Some issues with keyboard bindings #277
- Creating a Project for a different runtime within a Workspace fails to create a project that will compile/run #267
4.4.2 (2016-07-06)
4.4.1 (2016-07-05)
Issues with no labels:
- Autocomplete for python? #1642
- Client has aborted connection. Response writing omitted. #1638
- run che on eclipse with tomcat #1630
- Ports not exposed when using Docker for Mac #1629
- Could not start workspace wksp-JavaEE. Reason: Error response from docker API, status: 404, message: Container command '/bin/sh' not found or does not exist. #1621
- Can't create machine from snapshot. #1612
- download size #1602
- I want set a login #1601
- Failed build from source (mvn clean install) with devnation branch #1598
- can not load openshift oauth #1597
- Not able to open Workspace in Chrome. Stuck in Loading. #1596
- unzip: cannot find or open /mnt/che/, /mnt/che/ or /mnt/che/ #1595
- Create Workspace Dialog #1517
- I cannot create a fully functional CHE workspace using Docker beta for mac #1482
- Simplify Docker Execution #1230
- Add ability to disable editor file preview mode #278
- How can I know if a file is in git index or not, from IDE? #173
4.4.0 (2016-06-28)
Issues with no labels:
- Is there a factory file? #1590
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-1314 Add loader during workspace snapshotting process #1503 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1142: [dashboard] improve project creation popup #1461 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1136. Show workspace start logs when workspace is in STARTING state #1355 (RomanNikitenko)
- CHE-167: Improve java debugger for opening java files from external project modules. #1300 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
4.3.5 (2016-06-24)
Issues with no labels:
- add shortcut for Quick Fix to editor #1570
- Cannot connect Agent when creating workspace: cannot find or open /mnt/che/ #1554
- Document/support private SSH key #1540
- Always loading And can't connection failed with terminal Help! #1507
4.3.4 (2016-06-22)
Issues with no labels:
- Parameterize the Che Vagrantfile #1531
- Client has aborted connection. Response writing omitted.Help! #1530
- Show hidden files in project explorer #1529
4.3.3 (2016-06-17)
Issues with no labels:
- Codenvy beta installs the entire OS after container stopped, causing huge startup delays #1516
- Can't start machine ws-machine because machine recipe downloading failed. #1504
4.3.2 (2016-06-14)
4.3.1 (2016-06-14)
4.3.0 (2016-06-13)
Issues with no labels:
- The latest code Compiling GWT Application failed #1485
- Is there any tutorial to introduce how to deploy Che in a farm to keep every user has their own Che instance #1475
- Github #1470
- Workspace ram #1469
- Browser JS error when starting agent #1462
- Question: port range to open in amazon instance #1457
- Terminal error on workspace creation #1445
- Commands not loading from new workspace. #1428
- Workspace Commands Import #1377
- unable to create a workspace #1332
- Question - Remote HTTP Git with user/pass options #1289
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-608: Close output consumer on destroy machine #1466 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-595: add possibility to adjust machine swap size #1458 (riuvshin)
- Fix docker image reference parsing by DockerImageIdentifierParser #1420 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1196: Artik: Debugger hangs when debugging binaries using Artik SDK #1418 (tolusha)
- CODENVY-566 make workspace export working again #1417 (benoitf)
- CHE-1275: Add api endpoint into each non dev machine environment #1415 (akorneta)
- CHE-1233: fix wrong behavior for ready-to-go-stacks selector #1411 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-27; adapt machine sevice to workspace sharing #1409 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1231. Show/hide error messages after updating pom.xml #1398 (RomanNikitenko)
- CODENVY-480 Remove user's roles #1336 (sleshchenko)
4.3.0-RC1 (2016-06-04)
Issues with no labels:
- AMI for che? #1416
- Stuck at 'Starting workspace agent' when Che server, Docker and browser are on the same machine #1412
- Workspace Not Loaded On Che Start #1410
- VPN + eclipse che : workspace agent unable to ping the Che server #1408
- Artik IDE not reuseable #1381
- Can't install eclipse on Mac OS X "El Capitan" #1378
- How to share a folder to docker build context #1374
- feature request: support of .net core enviroment. (dnx is deprecated) #1373
- Compatibility matrix #1360
- mono not found #1356
- Unable to create workspace in che Artik Ide #1354
- Error when starting workspace [Question] #1302
- How to custom a project template from a hosted ZIP archive #1294
- Arm7 Remote Debug #1264
- Che Authentification/Authorization #1250
- Is it possible to fold code or show code outline #1210
- Can't reuse Che Artik IDE #1207
- How to deploy Che to google cloud? #1187
- Allow configuration of syntax highlighting #1178
- Build failure #1171
- JREContainer hashcode implementation #1167
- When create workspace,I got error about tty. #1155
- CPP Workspace #1120
- Incorporate Eclipse Collections into Che #1078
- Can't start a project of a fresh install Eclipse Che #965
- .Generated Files #812
- .SymbolMap Files #811
- Authenticating my GitHub Account with Eclipse Che Won't Work #700
- Error creating a project in eclipse che on desktop #261
4.2.3 (2016-05-25)
Issues with no labels:
sudo: unable to send audit message: Operation not permitted
(Ubuntu 14.04) #1318- sudo: unable to send audit message: Operation not permitted 9 #1317
- sudo: unable to send audit message: Operation not permitted #1316
- Confused with IP mappings. #1303
- WebSocket che-host failed #1293
- JAVA_HOME not found #1292
- A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. #1290
- Custom Stack Not Being Used. #1280
- Cant Start Wokspace on EC2 #1272
- Upgraded to from 4.0.1 to 4.2.0: internal server error 500 when trying to access to workspaces #1263
- Blank page when clicked "Open in IDE" #1262
- Not able to import new project from github by organization application OAuth and get empty log #1260
- GWT super dev mode not working #1256
- Empty log file when project failed to create. #1255
- Can I change che server port through -p:port? #1253
- Is there a way to skip pull docker images if there is already existing the target? #1234
- Why not all of my github repositories are shown in new project page? #1232
- Arm7 Git #1219
- Change the state of che editor programmatically #1209
- Arm7 terminal websocket error. #1205
- Beaglebone Che - Stuck on Finishing Editor Initialization #1100
- Does che supporting single step debugging now? #626
4.2.2 (2016-05-12)
Issues with no labels:
- Will che support additional parameters when it is going to create a new workspace container? #1229
- Errors during build #1220
- Uncaught exception when start eclipse-che.exe in win7 #1212
- Getting Started - ARTIK IDE, not making sense #1196
- Custom Stack not Working #1188
- Using to install example IDE plugin #1148
- Not able to create new project using any stack #1138
- cant access WSagent #1087
- Impossible the update the copyright header #1059
- Creating workspace with che running inside a docker container fails with certificates https error #300
- Exception during deployment when RVM is in the PATH #271
- Execute commands on auxiliary machines #250
- Linux: environment variables cause startup to fail #229
4.2.1 (2016-04-27)
Issues with no labels:
- Cannot find with Docker #1133
- docker-compose Che don't run #1131
- How to add python stacks to the predefined-stack.json #1129
- Watching for project files external changes #803
4.2.0 (2016-04-25)
Issues with no labels:
- Worspace creation issue #1118
- Beaglebone Che #1081
- eclipse che problem "start injecting workspace agent #1069
- Does Eclipse Che support importing projects from gitHub Enterprise? #1063
- Cannot SSH to WS via Putty #1061
- Eclipse Che with Docker Swarm doesn't work #1058
- Fail "create project" after "inject and start workspace agent" on create workspace sequence #1050
- can't connect to bitbucket with OAuth #1049
- Question: chown: changing ownership of ‘/projects’: Read-only file system while creating a new project #1040
- Question: How is a dockerfile used with a stack? Can we use the --privileged notion or the --device? #1031
- stack.predefined.list.json property points to the file, not to the directory as written in the documentation #1025
- cannot create WS from a docker file #1006
- Error while creating the project Internal Server Error #979
- Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed. OS appears to be: LINUX #926
- Che Server not starting via docker machine #879
- Plugin Repository/Plugin Manager for 3rd Party Enchancements #846
- Running 'docker' succeeded, but 'docker ps' failed. This usually means that docker cannot reach its daemon. #795
- Save Option #789
- Button icons disorder in
Git Show History
panel #771 - Newly created workspace is stopped and gives 503 #497
4.1.1 (2016-04-15)
Issues with no labels:
- Dependencies between modules aren't resolved in multi-module maven project #1051
- Make internal API accessible #1018
- trying to create WS fails #1017
- Can't copy from or paste to the che terminal #640
- Workspace state Error removes Run button #504
4.1.0 (2016-04-08)
Issues with no labels:
- Setup Ubuntu server - Virtualbox #975
- Che fails to communicate with Workspace agent #973
- Class not found. #962
- Unable to create project from wizard in new workspace #959
- Che compile error #951
- SecurityException !! #949
- Error when injecting and starting workspace agent #940
- Improve classpath building for Maven multi module projects #937
- Add "Quick fix" entry in the Assistant menu #936
- IDE don't save Java compiler preferences after stop workspace #935
- Error of loading java class from another module in time of debugging #934
- Cannot configure project as Maven after clonning #933
- Javascript editor does not validate code after changes #929
- Update loading steps language #924
- Replace button style to open in IDE #923
- Do not call the same resource multiple time on loading #922
- Enable Processes panel in machine and project perspective #921
- Scrollbars are too small on windows #920
- [dashboard] Reduce the height of Github projects list #919
- Create Che-4 Videos #918
- Runtime links to workspace agent should contain both types of protocol: http and ws #917
- Create add target widget #916
- Remove /local-storage folder from dev machine container in Che #915
- Che loses connection with WS agent after the several hours of inactivity #912
- Refactoring feature works wrong in specified cases #911
- Cannot resolve dependencies in the multi-module project #909
- After applying formatting to a class under debug mode - the highlighter becomes lost #908
- Killing machine process doesn't kill children processes #907
- Add C/C++ Plugin #905
- Support packages for Che #904
- Che git will display empty cell if remote git url starts with spaces #903
- Icons aren't aligned on Git History panel #902
- Checkboxes aren't aligned in 'Commit to repository' window #901
- UI improvements on Git -> Reset to commit #900
- Investigate amount of Git methods that are missing in JGit and are needed for our GitService #899
- IDE doesn't update opened files after hard reset of git repository #898
- Create "Git revert" action #897
- Add to index new files while renaming refactoring #896
- Replace native git with jgit implementation #895
- Project lost configuration after rename #894
- Add ability to delete multiple workspaces from workspace list #891
- Make ability to group by directory list of files when performing git diff #890
- Ability to move dialogs in the IDE #889
- Add ability to view logs on start workspace #887
- Need to improve logging of errors when user trying to make pull request to the same branch on github #886
- Restore svn plugin for version 4.x #885
- Add profile with eclipse jar signer plugin #884
- Make sure that colors used in plugin-svn are ok for both dark and white themes #883
- Add old workspace sub-entity identifier to workspace REST service sub-enitity update methods #881
- Add Python Plugin #880
- Starting Workspace Agent #878
- If start a workspace in dashboard the log panel is empty #874
- Do not allow to update workspace instance while it is running #870
- The 'Navigate to File' does not work for files without a content #868
- Debugger fails to add a breakpoint when client and server aren't on the same host #867
- There is no event about stopped ext server if it was killed by OOM #866
- Cannot copy and paste text in Terminal in OSX #865
- Display the name of currently used branch in editor #864
- Improve toolbar machines widget #863
- Need to add a scroll bar to editor opened file list (popup) #862
- We need refresh opened java files after changing Java Compile Preferences #860
- Swagger page is broken if no trailing slash in url #859
- Command's name usage issue #857
- Workspace snapshots are not removed on workspace removal #856
- Chrome displays wrong icon for requests to workspace master and workspace agent #855
- Default workspace behaviors #854
- Provide paging links to the AdminUserService.getList REST method #853
- [dashboard] Make che-simple-selecter component use images #850
- [dashboard] Fix impact of removing MachineExtensionProxyServlet #849
- Github: Newly created workspace is stopped and gives 503 #848
- [dashboard] Create project in existing stopped workspace fails #847
- Compile websocket terminal for Arm #845
- Improve Debugger Menu: Make it possible to Choose between available debuggers #844
- Execs for SSH Machines #843
- New Machine API Implementation: SSH Machines #842
- Compile GDB to be compatible with ARM #841
- Java Debugger refactoring #835
- Split github plugin to several modules client/server/shared #834
- Split build IDE war to two modules: GWT compilation (client side) and API war (deploy server component) #832
- Refactor SVN plugin console to be displayed in 'Consoles' tab #830
- Make plugin-svn build & run as part of Codenvy onprem 4.x #828
- Simplify workspace API by using single Workspace model #822
- Plugin NodeJS #821
- Unable to use Git menu in IDE #796
- Can't install on Fedora 23 #792
- Error when trying to create a workspace #760
- Che Server | Ping Ws Agent IllegalArgumentException #736
- Running che and docker daemon in 2 separate VMs #664
- Create project error: Client has aborted connection #643
- CHE-670 Make IDE startup components pluggable #598
- CHE-667 Make ability to group by directory list of files when performing git diff #594
- CHE-664 script with root access #591
- CHE-662 Create docker compatibility tests to avoid manual testing on docker version migration or fixing bugs later #589
- CHE-658 'Close all tabs' feature works wrong #584
- CHE-657 Cannot create a machine with specified names #583
- CHE-648 Che loses connection with WS agent after the several hours of inactivity #569
- CHE-645 It is possible to add debugger breakpoint into non-java file #566
- CHE-637 When stopping WS in the IDE, take user back into the dashboard main page. #556
- CHE-630 User management list - scroll bar too small on windows #549
- CHE-631 drawing issue in user management list #548
- CHE-616 Add ability validate name of files and folders which user creates on file system #524
- CHE-609 All projects created from Dashboard have project-type Java attribute #517
- CHE-607 It is impossible to stop or remove workspace in starting state #512
- CHE-605 Default workspace behaviours #509
- Workspace project storage created with insecure permissions #501
- Workspace undefined successfully created #500
- CHE-586 Provide horizontal navigation for 'Go to line' feature #487
- CHE-582 Logs of machine start are unreachable for user if workspace start failed #479
- CHE-578 Old value in refactor dialog #474
- Cannot crate workspace #471
- The swagger api is not displayed correct in the nightly build #459
- Show error message when update deps timeout is reached #453
- CHE-556 Support packages for Che #440
- CHE-553 Add ability to view logs on start workspace #435
- CHE-552 Adopt OpenShift Plugin to RC5 #432
- CHE-534 The action 'Download as Zip' is dublicated #406
- CHE-533 Don't repeat preparing of codenvy properties at the each step of installation #405
- CHE-531 Apply git committer prefernces for console git #402
- CHE-529 Wrong scroll position into the Console panel #399
- CHE-526 Clean up spacing on command + preview in consoles panel #391
- CHE-525 Unexpected error messages after refactoring for item selected in Project explore tree #390
- CHE-524 The warning message is not displayed when invoke the 'Find usage' #389
- CHE-517 When a container is shut down due to no or corrupted CMD a weird error is displayed #380
- CHE-515 Chrome displays wrong icon for requests to workspace master and workspace agent #378
- CHE-509 Refactoring for methods feature does not work properly in some cases #371
- CHE-504 Project configuration should be updated during move project folder via project api #367
- Exceptions creating a Java Project or Workspace #319
- Can't restart workspace after stopping it #286
- Consider improving UX for adding new projects to an existing workspace #275
- In Windows 10, sometimes workspaces hang when being stopped, and then when you start them again, they malfunction #264
- MVN Clean Install Fails on windows 8.1 #245
- Custom image fails on workspace build, stuck in "Starting" #202
4.0.1 (2016-03-29)
Issues with no labels:
- Cannot launch a workspace after stopping tomcat with Che #913
- Provide horizontal navigation for 'Go to line' feature #910
4.0.0 (2016-03-29)
Issues with no labels:
- Rename widget (refactoring) does not close in specified cases #906
- Github: Workspace undefined successfully created #893
- Security #877
- Cannot create custom stack from Dashboard #872
- Test #871
- Github: The swagger api is not displayed correct in the nightly build #858
- Can not configure maven project in Che #852
- Bad Dockerfile link on website #840
- Add a project type for every ready-to-go stack #839
- Unfinished loading while open http://localhost:8080 #838
- How do I do a git checkout from using password #836
- Notify user in IDE of unavailable workspace #833
- Project configuration is failed after import maven project #827
- No set commands after create template project on dashboard #826
- Node sample does not complete NPM dependencies #825
- Bring Che plugin-examples into Che 4 #824
- intellisense breaks after rename #823
- Unexpected message 'Unable to start workspace' after stop workspace #820
- getting dependencies error while running pom #817
- Unable to run mvn clean install successfully for sample project of che-ide-extending #816
- Test for tasktop #815
- Test for tasktop #814
- when creating workspace following error occurs at step 2 starting workspace master #810
- Che Workspace Port Configuration #808
- Running 'docker' succeeded, but 'docker ps' failed. This usually means that docker cannot reach its daemon. #794
- how can I get the same workspace which I was working on when I restart Che server. #779
- Missing java quick fix #299
- dashboard in docker #96
4.0.0-RC14 (2016-03-23)
Issues with no labels:
- Import project from hosted GIT repository URL: the host name must start with www #761
- Test for Tasktop 2 #751
- Test for tasktop #750
- Test Tasktop Sync #749
- IDE trying to load localhost address when accessing from in network laptop #732
- Client hangs after changing theme #730
- Unable to start a workspace after compiling Che #726
- Can't find any GWT Modules on this page. #719
- Error creating simple java project in che #715
- I cannot run CHE from Linux Server using Docker Containers #697
- Unfinished loading while open http://localhost:8080 #696
- Unable to create workspace on Windows 7 eclipse che rc11, "cannot find or open /mnt/che/" #695
- Item ${projectName} already exists #693
- Cant change running port #686
- The workspace agent has attempted to start, but it is unable to ping the Che server at http://che-host:8080/ide/api/ #684
- How to configure docker image to use unicode ? #683
- Cannot compile "group id ... is too big" #680
- Unable to create project (project already exists) #678
- Error while use super dev mode debug #675
- Trying to connect my github account produces a 404 page (from Github) #670
- Error "unable to find user user" #669
- CHE-676 Dialogs lose focus when we use tab button #606
- CHE-673 Unexpected behavior "Commands" dialog #602
- CHE-672 Adapt Cloud assembly in according to the reworked Project API #600
- CHE-665 Refine icons in git menu #593
- CHE-666 Refine icons in project configuration wizard #592
- CHE-656 Switching between editor tabs by hotKeys works incorrect after rename opened file #582
- CHE-655 Dashboard view changes #581
- CHE-647 Fix integration tests of IM CLI to use Codenvy 4 of hosted version instead of #567
- CHE-642 Incorrect behavior dialogs when user uses "Enter" button to confirm his choice #562
- CHE-639 Investigate how to add new file formats in editor #558
- Does CHE Keep the editing histories of a file? #552
- Typescript, ES6, JSX support #550
- CHE-629 Remove Help menu from left sidebar #547
- Very long startup due to entropy gathering #498
- CHE-560 Swagger page is broken if no trailing slash in url #448
- CHE-557 Maven command doesn't work #441
- CHE-544 unexpected duplication of 'Warning operation' widget after refactoring of annotation #421
- CHE-530 Add a tooltip for the SSH button #401
- CHE-528 Icons and items in git merge window are not fit in line #394
- CHE-518 InvInvestigate and resolve problems in the selenium tests after first launching on CI #383
- CHE-516 Java error "Target Java VM is not suspended" in time of debugging #379
- CHE-503 Add ability to edit and save file content in compare widget #365
4.0.0-RC13 (2016-03-09)
Issues with no labels:
- Features Page Content Typo #656
- Question about templates folder #649
- Che can't authorise to github #639
- Can't create project #631
- CHE-669 Make terminal easier to find #597
- CHE-640 Password strength meter is broken on account view #559
4.0.0-RC12 (2016-03-06)
Issues with no labels:
- Eclispse CHE doesn't load in browser(Chrome/Firefox) #641
- How to define another environment and switch between environments? #634
- What's the difference between the two concepts "recipe" and "stack" #633
- CHE-653 Change value fails with NullPointerException #576
- CHE-651 Notification loose their shadow #573
4.0.0-RC11 (2016-03-03)
Issues with no labels:
- What does the asterisk on the left of the editor panel mean? #625
- Nightly docker image issue: can't open the created project #624
- Errors in nightly che #609
- CHE-614 Max size of message queue exceeded during starting workspace in Che #522
- Can't create a new workspace #431
- how to configure che to pull private images from docker hub #237
- Che cannot create projects with SELinux enabled #232
- 连接过多 #140
- How to pass config when starting a machine? #130
4.0.0-RC10 (2016-03-02)
Issues with no labels:
- How to use to run a custom docker image? #608
- CHE-671 Investigate the reason of failing parser #599
- CHE-661 unzip ws-agent in quiet mode #588
- CHE-660 Connection timeout when updating a sizable project #586
- CHE-654 Unclosed zip archive when building che #577
- CHE-652 Display Codenvy logo while display in the striped loader #574
- CHE-650 Cannot export a workspace #571
- CHE-641 Add default blank stack #561
- CHE-624 readme file should provide more information to get started with Che #537
- CHE-622 Commands are added to custom stacks #533
- CHE-611 Cannot run a workspace from Dashboard #519
- CHE-610 Restarting a workspace with a project results in an attempt to recreate a project #516
- CHE-603 [dashboard] allow to add new routes on route history #507
- CHE-602 [dashboard] Allow to send to IDE some loading parameters #506
- CHE-596 Make non-blocking entropy the default for Che startup #499
- CHE-591 Clean up plugin installer #494
- CHE-589 Broken project tree #492
- CHE-581 New workspace from 'Import an existing workspace configuration' is created wrong #478
- CHE-574 After using a factory the just cloned project is not configured #464
- CHE-573 Factory configuration feature in the IDE works incorrect #463
- CHE-571 Cannot create a factory after cloning the Java- Web-Spring tempate #461
- CHE-566 Prototype transitions on the right side of the loader #458
- CHE-567 Display the outputs with syntax coloration on the right side of the loader #457
- CHE-565 Improvements on the crane design #455
- CHE-559 After creation a new machine in existed workspace output is empty #444
- CHE-555 Preview URL for application is wrong #436
- CHE-550 Adapt projects in dashboard to 4.0 changes #430
- CHE-549 [dashboard] increase timeout delays in unit tests #429
- CHE-547 [dashboard] Adapt project-type to 4.0 project-type #423
- CHE-546 Workspace Agent should consider to return transitional state while initializing projects #422
- CHE-545 Add estimate and resolve method calls from project API #420
- CHE-542 Unify how to get workspace runtime config #419
- CHE-541 Use a common way to get ws agen websocket URL #417
- CHE-537 Adopt maven plugin according to CHE-258 #409
- CHE-536 Differentiate explicitly created and detected projects on Workspace Agent. Do not save detected to Master ProjectConfig. #408
- CHE-535 Java bare type could be only available if there are java files #407
- CHE-532 Add the debug id on the 'Loader' widget #403
- CHE-522 Unexpected the 'Failed to commit' message in the 'Events' after git commit #387
- CHE-521 Git status output is different if 'Committer' has a name or has not. #386
- CHE-520 Project Explorer doesn't display just created project #385
- CHE-514 Fix jdt tests #375
- CHE-512 Investigate ability to get content from Orion compare widget #374
- CHE-510 Style improvements for dashboard #373
- CHE-507 Error appears when creating a new sample project #370
4.0.0-RC9 (2016-03-01)
4.0.0-RC8 (2016-02-28)
Issues with no labels:
- Callback URL different from GitHub callback and #542
- Creating workspace after starting up registry fails #532
- Workspace cannot resolve Che server? #530
4.0.0-RC7 (2016-02-25)
Issues with no labels:
- Workspaces can't be created <1gb #503
- No feedback from ui when starting workspace #496
- Che does not respond #484
- What's the "temporary workspace"? #475
- GitHub oAuth callback "http://${che_localhost}:8080/che/api/oauth/callback" not working #472
- Bug: equals called on same variable #462
- Che upgrade from beta to RC3 release fails to detect my existing workspace #400
- How to work with meteor projects? #392
- How to customise project properties and preferences in Che? #303
- Che will not start when JAVA_HOME does not match "java -version" on Windows #295
- How to finish an inline-rename of a field with vi-mode enabled? #288
- Autocomplete not working no idea why, not sure how to debug #283
- How can we setup environments with multiple machines? #281
- Don't use Docker-in-Docker when running as a Docker Container #244
- Unable to create workspaces #240
- Passing argument to docker image #170
- Too many open files with
4.0.0-RC6 (2016-02-20)
Issues with no labels:
- CHE-562 Test dev label on github issues #451
- Cannot Create Node Project: Endless exceptions in 'Injecting and starting workspace agent' #450
- Workspace startup freezes on Catalina startup #411
- How to deploy on PaaS #372
4.0.0-RC5 (2016-02-18)
Issues with no labels:
- @media Print CSS for #382
- CHE-513 Better handle exceptions when ws agent pings Che server #376
- Create project in IDE got HTTP 409 conflict code #369
- When specify the port, the ws-agent will still request to che-host:8080 #362
- CHE-499 Make Dashboard compatible with CHE-306 #361
- Test github to jira integration #360
- CHE-500 Test github-jira integration with zapier #359
- CHE-499Make Dashboard compatible with CHE-306 #358
- Autocomplete not working on nodejs #348
- workspace rename not working when stopped. #346
- Question about the "Using Script" way to start che #336
- Error pulling docker image of my workspace #325
- Launching Che with docker as explained in documentation doesn't work #297
- What is the right way to stop che? #287
- Eclipse Che script not compatible with bash #262
- New auxiliary machine displayed with name "docker" #249
- Can't connect to ws://che-host:8080 when creating new project #148
4.0.0-RC4 (2016-02-15)
Issues with no labels:
- Where is "che-tomcat8-slf4j-logback"? #337
- "Could not find Che's application server." when trying to start it #335
- readme "Run Che as a Server" section links to non-existent documentation #331
- Scala support #301
- Windows 10 - Eclipse che fails to create 'projects' folder #296
- Che With Windows 64-bit? Not finding Java #290
- Error in importing existing workspace #289
- Node project only shows Blank and Maven project as configuration options #285
- Create new workspace then you can create projects from the IDE #284
- Update dependencies not using ~/.m2/repository in by custom stack #282
- Consider combining preferences and settings and moving to Workspace menu #276
- Document that custom stacks need to have a CMD that does not terminate #273
- Unable to access eclipseche from host system #272
- Documentation for running Che using docker-compose + potentially nginx-proxy & on carina #269
- Cannot checkout private GitHub repository #266
- Update dependency failed #263
- Documentation not clear enough #260
- Cannot uninstall che in mac? #259
- Che wont start because of Java but i have the right version. #258
- Can not open project in IDE #256
- Unable to Create Workspace #253
- Eclipse Che Space in filepath error #252
- Is there a demo server available? #251
- Cannot create additional machine #248
- Compiling GWT Application FAILURE #247
- import project from local file system #246
- -p doesn't publish port 8080 to the specified port #243
- Che force closes #239
- Need guide for Maven Usage #236
- How to enable User Account Control #235
- Che won't start on Windows7 #231
- any documentation for backup workspaces before upgrade/rebuild new github updates? #230
- 'conditional binary operator expected' error #227
- "Error while creating the project - Internal Server Error: Unable get private ssh key" #225
- Unable to create project #224
- failing to create new project #222
- debian jessie JAVA_HOME issue #221
- Che can't make workspace or project #220
- Cannot create new workspace #219
- Che server does not start #217
- Folders that only contain one subfolder break the UI #214
- Require password #213
- always redirects to /che/default for Chrome #196
- About the feature of "remote machine" #188
- Docs may out of date #185
- Start Che Error #182
- Eclipse Che start error #180
- Build error #177
- My che container starts very slow #176
- What does "Project git url" be used? #174
- Can't create maven command with the name "newMaven" #172
docker ps
checking fails randomly #171- Can't start machine dev-machine. Connection timed out #169
- API for updating project files #166
- Why will
be invoked when the docker container is started? #165 - Why the exposed port range is 32768-65535, which is not the same as the range in #164
- - Link to Write Che IDE Plug-Ins broken #163
- Where can I find the git hash from a che docker image? #161
- How to use the provided tomcat8 in workspace image "codenvy/ubuntu_jdk8"? #156
- Incorrect error message #153
- compile error #142
- Build docker image failed #137
- Where is the docker image for che 4.x? #136
- How to delete a running workspace? #133
- Can't find which port is using by tomcat for
(che 4.x) #132 - How to create a html+js project in 4.x #131
- Incorrect buld & run instructions on #125
- https required #120
- depency problem #119
- How to hide the projects belong to other workspaces? #116
- Is it possible to start many che instances on a server? #115
- User management #114
- Compiling GWT Application Failed #113
- 404 after install #110
- How can I provide custom che properties outside the docker? #109
- Data is lost when I restart my che in docker, how to prevent it? #108
- Is it possible to run a single Java file or a Java test from the UI? #105
- Can't access web interface for docker image #104
- How to uninstall? #101
- Debuggin in che #100
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator