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Goal and requirements

The goal of this component is to build a hardware proxy ESPHome based in between Home Assistant and Ceiling Fans and Lamps controlled using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) Advertising. If your Ceiling Fan or lamp is working with one of the following Android App, then you should be able to control it:

  • LampSmart Pro
  • Lamp Smart Pro - Soft Lighting / Smart Lighting
  • FanLamp Pro
  • ApplianceSmart
  • Vmax smart
  • Zhi Jia
  • Other (Legacy), removed app from play store: 'FanLamp', 'ControlSwitch' - (could not be validated)

This component is an ESPHome external component. In order to use it you will need to have:

  • A basic knowledge of ESPHome. A good entry point is here.
  • The ESPHome integration in Home Assistant
  • An Espressif microcontroller supporting Bluetooth v4, such as any ESP32 based model. You can find some for a few dollars on any online marketplace searching for ESP32.

When the setup will be completed you will have a new ESPHome device available in Home assistant, exposing standard entities such as:

  • Light(s) entity allowing the control of Color Temperature and Brightness
  • Fan entity allowing the control of Speed ( 3 or 6 levels) and direction forward / reverse
  • Button entity, for pairing

Known Limitations

The technical solution implemented by manufacturers to control those devices is BLE Advertising and it comes with limitations:

  • The communication is unidirectional meaning any change done by one of the controlling element will never be known by the other elements: for example if you switch on the light using the remote, then neither Home Assistant nor the phone App will know it and will then not show an updated state.
  • Each command needs to be maintained for a given minimum duration which is customizable by configuration but has drawbacks:
    • If the value is too small, the targetted device may not receive it and then not process the command
    • If the value is too high, each command is queued one after the other and then sending commands at a high rate will make delay more and more the commands.
    • The use of ESPHome light transitions is not recommended (and deactivated by default) as it generates high command rate. A mitigation has been implemented in order to remove commands of the same type from the processing queue when a new one is received, it seriously improves the behavior of the component but it is still not perfect.
  • Some commands are the same for ON and OFF, working as a Toggle in fact. Sending high rate commands will cause the mix of ON and OFF commands and result in flickering and desynchronization of states.

How to try it

  1. As a preliminary step, be sure to be able to create a base ESPHome configuration from the ESPHome Dashboard, install it to your ESP32, have it available in Home Assistant and be able to access the logs (needed in case of issue). This is a big step if you are new to ESPHome but on top of ESPHome doc you will find tons of tutorial on the net for that.
  2. Add to your up and running ESPHome configuration the reference to this repo using (ESPHome external component).
  3. Add a lamp controller ble_adv_controller specifying (see example configuration):
    • its id to be referenced by entities it controls. The id is also the reference used to pair with the device: if it is changed the device needs to be re-paired with the new id.
    • its encoding, this is fully known from the phone controlling app, see the possible values in the examples below.
    • its variant, this is the version of the encoding. Keep the default value (last version) as a first step, this will probably be the good one if your light is recent.
  4. Add one or several light or fan entities to the configuration with the ble_adv_controller platform.
  5. Add a pair configuration button to ease the pairing action from HA.
  6. Install and flash the ESP32 device.
  7. Add the ESPhome device to your Home Assistant devices (it should be found automatically as a new device).
  8. Pair your lamp using the "Pair" button in your new ESPhome device or connect it using the setting without pairing. Remember that some Lampsmart devices can only be paired for 5 seconds after cutting and reconnecting their power supply.
  9. Find the relevant variant and duration corresponding to your device thanks to Dynamic configuration or the full setup when using setting without pairing.
  10. Enjoy controlling your BLE light with Home Assistant!.

Known issues and not implemented or tested features

  • Does not support RGB lights for now, request it if needed.
  • ZhiJia encoding v0 and v1 (may be needed for older version of Lamps controlled with ZhiJia app) have not been tested (as no end user available to test it and help debugging) and then may not work. Contact us if you have such device and we will make it work together!

Example configuration: basic lamp using ZhiJia encoding v2 and Pair button

  - id: my_controller
    encoding: zhijia

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Kitchen Light

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Pair
    cmd: pair

Example configuration: basic device using FanLamp Pro encoding v3, with light, fan and Pair button

  - id: my_controller
    encoding: fanlamp_pro

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Main Light

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Fan

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Pair
    cmd: pair

Example configuration: All options and their default values

  # A controller per device, or per remote in fact as it has the same role
  - id: my_controller
    # encoding:
    # 'zhijia', for 'Zhi Jia' app
    # 'fanlamp_pro', for 'FanLamp Pro' app or 'ApplianceSmart' App
    # 'lampsmart_pro', for 'LampSmart Pro' App, 'LampSmart Pro-Soft Lighting' App or 'Vmax smart' App
    # 'remote', for some of the remotes we know
    # 'other', for legacy variants from initial repos, may correspond to removed app 'FanLamp' or 'ControlSwitch'
    # 'lampsmart_pro', 'other' or 'remote' are very similar to 'fanlamp_pro' but slightly different
    # if nothing is specified for them in what follows, consider them as 'fanlamp_pro'
    encoding: fanlamp_pro
    # variant: variant of the encoding 
    # For 'zhijia': Can be v0 (MSC16), v1 (MSC26) or v2 (MSC26A), default is v2
    # For 'fanlamp_pro': Can be any of v1, v2 or v3, default is v3
    # For 'lampsmart_pro': Can be v1, v2 or v3, default is v3
    # For 'remote': can be v1 or v3 (only remotes we know for now..), default is v3
    # For 'other': Can be any of v1a / v1b / v2 / v3, they are corresponding to legacy variants extracted from old version of this repo.
    # Kept here for backward compatibility but should not be needed.
    # Can be configured dynamically in HA directly, device 'Configuration' section, "Encoding".
    variant: v3
    # max_duration (default 3000, range 300 -> 10000): the maximum duration in ms during which the command is advertized.
    # if a command is received before the 'max_duration' but after the 'duration', it is processed immediately 
    # Increasing this parameter will have no major consequences, the component will just keep advertize the command
    # Could be interesting at pairing time to have the pairing command advertized for a long time
    max_duration: 3000
    # duration (default 200, range 100 -> 500): the MINIMUM duration in ms during which the command is sent.
    # It corresponds to the maximum time the controlled device is taking to process a command and be ready to receive a new one.
    # if a command is received before the 'duration' it is queued and processed later, 
    # if there is already a similar command pending, in this case the pending command is removed from the queue
    # Increasing this parameter will make the combination of commands slower. See 'Dynamic Configuration'.
    # Can be configured dynamically in HA directly, device 'Configuration' section, "Duration".
    duration: 200
    # reversed: reversing the cold / warm at encoding time, needed for some controllers
    # default to false
    reversed: false
    # forced_id: provide the 4 bytes identifier key extracted from your app phone traffic 
    # to share the same key than the phone
    # example: 0xBFF62757
    # For ZhiJia, default to 0xC630B8 which was the value hard-coded in ble_adv_light component. Max 0xFFFFFF.
    # For FanLamp: default to 0, uses the hash id computed by esphome from the id/name of the controller
    forced_id: 0
    # index: a supplementary counter on the phone app to distinguish in between several devices
    # only usefull if you want to copy the phone app setup
    index: 0
    # show_config (default true): shows the dynamic configuration in the device info page in Home Automation
    show_config: true

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    # ble_adv_controller_id: the ID of your controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    # name: the name as it will appear in Home Assistant
    name: First Light
    # min_brightness: % minimum brightness supported by the light before it shuts done
    # just setup this value to 0, then test your lamp by decreasing the brightness percent by percent. 
    # when it switches off, you have the min_brightness to setup here.
    # Default to 1%
    # Can be configured dynamically in HA directly, device 'Configuration' section, "Min Brightness".
    min_brightness: 1%
    # constant_brightness (default to false): the natural white is usually brighter than the cold or warm color
    # if you setup constant_brightness to true, the natural white will have same brightness than cold and warm ones
    constant_brightness: false
    # separate_dim_cct (default to false): Zhi Jia ONLY
    # if true, 2 distinct commands will be sent to the lamp for brightness and color temperature
    # may be needed for some Zhi Jia v2 lamps that do not support a unique command
    separate_dim_cct: false

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Secondary Light
    # secondary: true. Qualifies this light as the secondary light to be controlled.
    # Exclusive with any options for brightness / cold / warm 
    secondary: true

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: my fan
    # speed_count: the number of speed level available on your remote / app. Can be 0 / 3 / 6.
    # if not properly setup the remote and this component does not behave properly together
    # only speed 6 is available for zhijia, and this is the default
    speed_count: 6
    # use_direction: ability to change the fan direction forward / reverse.
    # default to true, not available for zhijia
    use_direction: true
    # use_oscillation: ability to start / stop the fan oscillation.
    # default to false, only available for FanLamp v2 / v3
    use_oscillation: false
    # forced_refresh_on_start: forces the send of oscillation / direction at fan start
    # some fans are resetting the direction / oscillation when the fan is stopped
    # so when they are switched on, the direction / oscillation state in HA is no more in sync
    # with the effective state of the device
    # default to true.
    forced_refresh_on_start: true

  - platform: ble_adv_controller
    ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
    name: Pair
    # cmd: the action to be executed when the button is pressed
    # any of 'pair', 'unpair', 'custom', 'light_on', ...
    cmd: pair

Good to know

Dynamic configuration

It could be painful to find the correct variant or the correct duration by each time modifying the option in the yaml configuration of esphome. In order to help a dynamic configuration is available in Home Assistant 'Configuration' part of the esphome device:

choice encoding

  • Variant is customizable in the encoding selection part, the idea is to do the following:

    • Start with the 'Zhi Jia - All' or 'FanLamp -All' depending on the corresponding phone app, and perform the Pairing with this: the component will send the pairing message with all variants, as the phone app is doing. If you need the pairing to be kept emited for a long time, increase the 'max_duration' option.
    • Once done you can test to switch ON / OFF the main light to check the pairing went OK
    • Then you can try the variants one by one and switch ON / OFF to find the exact variant used by your lamp
  • Duration is customizable, the lowest the better it makes the device answer faster. It is recommended to try to switch very fast ON/OFF the main light several times: If you end up with wrong state (light ON whereas HA state is OFF, or the reverse) it means the duration is too low and needs to be increased.

Once you managed to define the relevant values (without the need to re flash each time!), you can save the values in the yaml config, and even hide the dynamic configuration with the option show_config: false

Setup without pairing

Yes, it is possible! If you already have a phone app or a remote already paired with the device to be controlled, then it means there is already an existing identifier (and possibly index) setup on the control device, so you just need to find it and setup your controller accordingly (forced_id and index).

Check the tech section to know how to capture and log those parameters.

If you already captured some traffic with app such as nRF Connect or wireshark, you can inject them directly using this HA Service.

Reverse Cold / Warm

If this component works, but the cold and warm temperatures are reversed (that is, setting the temperature in Home Assistant to warm results in cold/blue light, and setting it to cold results in warm/yellow light), add a reversed: true line to your ble_adv_controller config.

Cold / Warm and brightness do not work on Zhi Jia v1 or v2 lamp

If the brightness or color temperature does not work for your Zhi Jia v1 or v2 lamp, please setup the separate_dim_cct option to true and try again.

Minimum Brightness

If the minimum brightness is too bright, and you know that your light can go darker - try changing the minimum brightness via the min_brightness configuration option (it takes a percentage) or directly via the dynamic configuration in HA Min Brightness.

Saving state on ESP32 reboot

Fan and Light entities are inheriting properties from their ESPHome parent Fan and Light, in particular they implement the restore_mode which has default value ALWAYS_OFF on ESPHome base lights and fans.

The default has been forced to value RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF on the fan and light entities of this component so that they could remember their last state (ON/OFF, but also brightness, color temperature and fan speed). You can still modify this value if it is not OK for you.

Action on turn on/off

Some devices perform some automatic actions when the main light or the fan are switched off, as for instance switch off the secondary light, or reset the Fan Direction or Oscillation status. In order to update the state the same way in Home Assistant, simply add an automation in your config, for instance:

  • Switch Off the secondary light at the same time than the main light:
  - platform: ble_adv_controller
      ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
      name: Main Light
          light.turn_off: secondary_light
    - platform: ble_adv_controller
      id: secondary_light
      name: Secondary Light
      secondary: true
  • Reset Fan Direction and Oscillation at Fan turn_on:
  - platform: ble_adv_controller
      ble_adv_controller_id: my_controller
      id: my_fan
      name: My Fan
            id: my_fan
            direction: forward
            oscillating: false

This triggers a second ON message, but also the proper state of direction and oscillating if they are reset by the device at turn off.

Holding Pair button

If the pairing process of your lamp is requesting you to "hold the pair button on the phone app while switching on the lamp", it is not a reason to do the same in HA! The phone app has its own way to advertise messages for a long time which is in their case to maintain the button.

Our way of handling it is different: the HA button is only sending ONE request to the component that will start advertising process during a maximum of max_duration if no other command is requested. If the default 3s is not enough for the process of your lamp you can increase it to 10000 (10s) or regularly press the pair button and the pairing will not stop being emitted (or only for a very very very short time).

Light Transition

Esphome is providing features to handle 'smooth' transitions. While they are not very well supported by this component due to the BLE ADV technilogy used, they can still help reproduce the app phone behavior in such case.

For instance, the Zhi Jia app is always sending at least 2 messages when the brightness or color temperature is updated and this can be achieved the same way by setting the light property 'default_transition_length' to the same value than 'duration', as per default 200ms. (NOT TESTED but may work and solve flickering issues)

Warning in logs

You can have the following warnings in logs:

[16:08:56][W][component:237]: Component 'xxxx' took a long time for an operation (56 ms).
[16:08:56][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.

This is not an issue, it just means ESPHome considered it spent too much time in our component and that it should not be the case. It has no real impact but it means the Api / Wifi / BLE may not work properly or work slowly. In fact this is mostly due to ESPHome itself as 99% of the time spent in our component is due to the logs... Each line of log needs 10ms to be processed ............... So 5 lines of log during a transaction and we are over the limit... A PR in ESPHome is pending to solve this.

In order to avoid this, once you have finalized your config and all is working OK, I recommend to setup the log level to INFO instead of DEBUG (which is the default).

No encoder is working, help !!!!!

Two different cases here:

  • You have successfully paired your device with one of the referenced app at the top of this guide, but you cannot pair the controller you setup whereas you followed this guide. This is not normal, open an Issue on this git repo specifying your full config (anonymized), the phone App to whcich it is paired, the steps you followed and the corresponding DEBUG logs.
  • Your device is not working with any of the phone app referenced (another one or a remote?), but you want to have it work with HA! Try to capture the advertising messages generated by your controlling app or remote.
    • If nothing is captured, your device is not controlled by BLE advertising, and we cannot do anything for you.
    • If something is captured and a config is extracted, then all is OK!
    • If something is captured but no config is extracted but your are in a hurry, you can still build a HA Template light from the captured messages, using the Raw injection service
    • If something is captured but no config is extracted and you are not in a hurry, and you manage to control your device from another phone app, then open an Issue to have your phone app integrated to this component!

For the very tecki ones

If you want to discover new features for your lamp and that you are able to understand the code of this component as well as the code of the applications that generate commands, you can try to send custom commands, details here.