- Working memory
- Different purposed
- Fixed width
The stack
- LIFO data structure
- Is an array
- Stack pointer (register)
- Random access
The program for compiling assembler code
sudo apt install nasm
Comtiling binary file
nasm -f elf32 ex1.asm -o ex1.o
elf32 = executable and linking format
This is a command used in the process of compiling and linking assembly code. It invokes the linker (ld) to create an executable file (ex1) from an object file (ex1.o) for a 32-bit x86 system (elf_i386).
ld -m elf_i386 ex1.o -o ex1
For executing we use commands
echo $?
mov ebx, 123 // ebx = 123 mov eax, ebx // eax = ebx add ebx, ecx // ebx += ecx sub ebx, edx // ebx -= edx mul ebx // eax *= ebx div edx // eax /= edx
je A, B // Jump if Equal jne A, B // Jump if NOT Equal jg A, B // Jump if Greater jge A, B // Jump if Great or Equal jl A, B // Jump if Less jle A, B // Jump if Less or Equal
Command 'call'
- Pushes EIP to stack
- Performs jump
debugging assembly code with c++