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Supported ONNX Operation for Target cpu.

Onnx-mlir currently supports ONNX operations targeting up to opset 19. Limitations are listed when applicable. This documentation highlights the minimum and maximum opset versions that are fully supported by onnx-mlir and not the version changes.

  • Operations are defined by the ONNX Standard.
  • Supported Opsets indicates the lowest and highest opset a model may have for onnx-mlir to support compiling a model with the operator.
    • A * indicates onnx-mlir is compatible with the latest version of that operator available as of opset 19.
Op Supported Opsets (inclusive) Limitations Notes
Abs 6 - *
Acos 7 - *
Acosh 9 - *
Adagrad none
Adam none
Add 6 - * No support for short integers.
And 7 - *
ArgMax 6 - *
ArgMin 13 - *
ArrayFeatureExtractor none
Asin 7 - *
Asinh 9 - *
Atan 7 - *
Atanh 9 - *
AveragePool 6 - *
BatchNormalization 6 - * Training not supported.
Bernoulli none
Binarizer none
BitShift none
BitwiseAnd 18 - *
BitwiseNot none
BitwiseOr 18 - *
BitwiseXor 18 - *
BlackmanWindow none
Cast 6 - 18 Cast only between float and double types. Only ppc64le and MacOS platforms support float16.
CastLike none
CastMap none
CategoryMapper none
Ceil 6 - *
Celu none
CenterCropPad none
Clip 6 - * No support for short integers.
Col2Im none
Compress 9 - *
Concat 6 - *
ConcatFromSequence none
Constant 6 - 18
ConstantOfShape 9 - *
Conv 6 - *
ConvInteger none
ConvTranspose 6 - * Unknown dimension in spatial dimensions (such as H and W) not supported.
Cos 7 - *
Cosh 9 - *
CumSum 11 - *
DFT none
DeformConv none
DepthToSpace 13 - *
DequantizeLinear 10 - * Only support for per-tensor or layer dequantization. No support for per-axis dequantization.
Det none
DictVectorizer none
Div 6 - * No support for short integers.
Dropout 6 - * Does not support masked and training.
DynamicQuantizeLinear 11 - *
Einsum 12 - * Limited to the types supported by ReduceSum and MatMul (which we decompose to in most cases) which exclude integers with width < 32.
Elu 6 - *
Equal 7 - 18
Erf 9 - *
Exp 6 - *
Expand 8 - *
EyeLike none
FeatureVectorizer none
Flatten 6 - *
Floor 6 - *
GRU 7 - *
Gather 6 - *
GatherElements 11 - *
GatherND 11 - *
Gemm 6 - *
GlobalAveragePool 6 - *
GlobalLpPool none
GlobalMaxPool 6 - *
Gradient none
Greater 7 - *
GreaterOrEqual 12 - *
GridSample none
GroupNormalization none
HammingWindow none
HannWindow none
HardSigmoid 6 - *
HardSwish none
Hardmax 6 - *
Identity 16 - * Sequence identity not supported.
If 16 - * Sequence and Optional outputs are not supported.
Imputer none
InstanceNormalization 6 - *
IsInf 10 - *
IsNaN 9 - *
LRN 6 - *
LSTM 7 - *
LabelEncoder none
LayerNormalization 17 - *
LeakyRelu 6 - *
Less 7 - *
LessOrEqual 12 - *
LinearClassifier none
LinearRegressor none
Log 6 - *
LogSoftmax 13 - * Axis 0, 1, and default currently disabled due to changes in ONNX 1.8.1/Opset 13. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
Loop 6 - *
LpNormalization none
LpPool none
MatMul 6 - *
MatMulInteger 10 - *
Max 6 - * No support for unsigned int. Only ppc64le and MacOS platforms support float16.
MaxPool 6 - * Does not support argmax and short ints. Support single output only.
MaxRoiPool none
MaxUnpool none
Mean 6 - *
MeanVarianceNormalization none
MelWeightMatrix none
Min 6 - * Does not support unsigned numbers. Only ppc64le and MacOS platforms support float16.
Mish none
Mod 10 - * Support float and double only. Only ppc64le and MacOS platforms support float16.
Momentum none
Mul 6 - * Does not support short integers.
Multinomial none
Neg 6 - *
NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss none
NonMaxSuppression 10 - *
NonZero 9 - *
Normalizer none
Not 6 - *
OneHot 9 - *
OneHotEncoder none
Optional none
OptionalGetElement none
OptionalHasElement none
Or 7 - *
PRelu 6 - *
Pad 6 - 18 axes input not supported.
Pow 7 - * No support for power with integer types.
QLinearConv none
QLinearMatMul none
QuantizeLinear 10 - 18 Do not support per-axis and i8 quantization.
RNN 7 - *
RandomNormal none
RandomNormalLike none
RandomUniform none
RandomUniformLike none
Range 11 - *
Reciprocal 6 - *
ReduceL1 13 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceL2 13 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceLogSum 13 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceLogSumExp 13 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceMax 6 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceMean 6 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceMin 6 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceProd 13 - * do_not_keep_dim not supported.
ReduceSum 6 - * Default axis and do_not_keep_dim not supported. Default axis and do_not_keep_dim temporarily removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
ReduceSumSquare 13 - * Default axis and do_not_keep_dim not supported.
Relu 6 - *
Reshape 6 - * allowzero not supported.
Resize 10 - 18 Missing support for linear, cubic, crop, pytorch_half_pixel, and floor. Attributes antialias, axes and keep_aspect_ratio_policy are not supported.
ReverseSequence 10 - *
RoiAlign none
Round 11 - *
STFT none
SVMClassifier none
SVMRegressor none
Scaler none
Scan 8 - * Does not support dynamic shapes. Precision issue with newer opset, maybe just unsupported. Dynamic shape?.
Scatter none
ScatterElements 11 - * Does not support duplicate indices.
ScatterND 11 - * Does not support scatternd add/multiply.
Selu 6 - *
SequenceAt none
SequenceConstruct none
SequenceEmpty none
SequenceErase none
SequenceInsert 11 - * Does not support unranked sequence element.
SequenceLength none
SequenceMap none
Shape 15 - * Does not support start and end attributes.
Shrink none
Sigmoid 6 - *
Sign 9 - *
Sin 7 - *
Sinh 9 - *
Size 13 - *
Slice 13 - 18 Axis must be a constant argument. Add tests to slices, currently have none.
Softmax 6 - *
SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss none
Softplus 6 - *
Softsign 6 - *
SpaceToDepth 13 - * Example works, the other is imprecise. To investigate.
Split 6 - 18 Does not support static and dynamic shape, zero size splits. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
SplitToSequence none
Sqrt 6 - *
Squeeze 6 - * Does not support static and dynamic shape. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
StringNormalizer none
Sub 6 - * Does not support short integers.
Sum 6 - *
Tan 7 - *
Tanh 6 - *
TfIdfVectorizer none
ThresholdedRelu none
Tile 6 - *
TopK 10 - *
Transpose 6 - *
TreeEnsembleClassifier none
TreeEnsembleRegressor none
Trilu 14 - *
Unique 11 - *
Unsqueeze 6 - * Does not support static and dynamic shape. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
Upsample 7 - *
Where 9 - *
Xor 7 - *
ZipMap none