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91 lines (83 loc) · 3.01 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (83 loc) · 3.01 KB


This package brings in the functionality to replace important keywords in a Git message’s header with icons specified by text properties of your choice. This package is meant to work in line with the Git message conventions as laid out in “Conventional Commits”

A typical Git message should be of the form where the text in angled brackets are the default names for sections of the Git message:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>


To be able to use this package, fonts with icon support is required. A good, free font that covers most icons that you would need is Source Code Pro.

On Spacemacs, you can install this by adding the following to dotspacemacs-additional-packages:

   (pretty-magit :location (recipe
                            :fetcher github
                            :repo "arifer612/pretty-magit"))

Example configuration

The following configuration is an example that I use. It covers most of the general header types that are recommended in Conventional Commits.

(use-package pretty-magit
  :after magit
  :hook (magit-mode . pretty-magit-mode)
      :desc "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#00008B" :height 1.2))
      :desc "Updating grunt tasks."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#F5F5DC" :height 1.2))
      :desc "Changes to CI configuration files and scripts."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#008080" :height 1.2))
      :desc "Documentation only changes."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#A1f757" :height 1.2))
      :desc "A new feature."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#8D012F" :height 1.2))
      :desc "A bug fix."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#FB6542" :height 1.2))
      :desc "A code change that improves performance."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#607D8B" :height 1.2))
      :desc "A code changes that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature."
      :icon ?פּ
      :props (:foreground "#F5F5F5" :height 1.2))
      :desc "For commits that reverts previous commit(s)."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#FDFD96" :height 1.2))
      :desc "Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#FFFF3D" :height 1.2))
      :desc "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests."
      :icon ?
      :props (:foreground "#FAAED2" :height 1.2)))))