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Chapter 07 | Using a Database | Putting Python's DB-API to Use

  • We have stored the visitor data into text file, though the information is saved, but it is not in a helpful state to give certain other information.
  • We need to store it in a RDBMS, to use SQL like language to retrieve data.
  • 4 Steps are involved in achieving this.
    • Install MySQL Server
    • Install a MySQL database driver for Python.
    • Create our WebApp's database and tables
    • Create Code to work with our webapp's database and tables.
  • Installing MySql Server is pretty straight forward. We can use any package manager available for the OS, or install directly from the MYSQL webpage.

DataBase Connector for Python

  • Python interpreter comes with the support to work with database.
  • A standard APIs called DB-APIs are provide by Python.
  • For the above DB-APIs to work with database like MySQL, we need to install MySQL Connector/Driver program.
  • The biggest advantage of DB-APIs is that we can change the underlying Database technology completely still the application code will still work.
  • Download the MySQL DB driver from the MySQL Website.
  • Installing the DB Driver in a Virtual env can be challenging.
    • Activate your Virtual ENV.
    • Go to the Untared directory of the DB Driver.
    • python install
    • This will require some dependency.
      • python -m pip uninstall dnspython : Un-install dnspython first
      • python -m pip install dnspython : Install dnspython
      • python -m pip install protobuf==3.6.1 : Install a particular version of protobuf

Create Database and Tables

  • We can login to MySQL prompt by using the below command.
    • mysql -u root -p : username is root, and it will ask for password, which we might have given during the installation of MySQL.
  • create database vsearchlogDB; : Create the database.
  • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'vsearch'@'localhost'; grants vsearch user all access to the database.
  • Till now everything was happening with root user, now we will use the vsearch user to create database.
  • mysql -u vsearch -p vsearchlogDB : login as vsearch user for the vsearchlogDB.
  • We need to create table called log.
create table log(id int auto_increment primary key,
    ts timestamp default current_timestamp,
    phrase varchar(128) not null,
    letters varchar(32) not null,
    ip varchar(16) not null,
    browser_string varchar(256) not null,
    results varchar(64) not null);
  • describe log : show the table information.

DB-API connection to Database

DB-API - Define Connection

  • These 4 information is required while connecting toe the MySql DB.
    • The IP address/name of the computer running the MySql Server.
    • The user ID to use.
    • The password associated with the user ID.
    • The name of the database the user ID wants to interact.
  • These 4 information can be stored in a dictionary and passed onto while creating connection.
dbconfig = {
    "host": "",
    "user": "vsearch",
    "password": "hello",
    "database": "vsearchlogDB",

DB-API - Establish Connection

  • We have to import the MySql Connector.
    • import mysql.connector
  • We should establish connection with the DB Server.
    • conn = mysql.connector.connect(**dbconfig)
  • We also need a cursor to execute SQL commands on DB.
    • cursor = conn.cursor()


  • SQL queries are often passed in a """ """ triple quotes, as the SQL can run into multiple line.
  • _SQL = """select * from log""" : the SQL statement is stored.
  • cursor.execute(_SQL) : Send the SQL query to the server
    • The result is not immediately returned, we have request them
  • .fetchone() : retrieves a single row of results.
  • .fetchmany() : retrieve the number of row that make up the results.
  • .fetchall() : retrieve all the row that make up the results.

DB-API - SQL insert

  • Insert Query in SQL's will look like this.
_SQL = """insert into log
        (phrase, letters, ip, browser_string, results)
        ('hitch-hiker', 'aeiou', '', 'FireFox', "{'e', 'i'}")"""
  • The above code with hardcoding of values will also work, but we can also pass the parameters.
_SQL = """insert into log (phrase, letters, ip, browser_string, results)
            values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
  • This above code works with parametrized arguments.
  • We are using %s as a data place holder
  • The values are passed during the .execute function.
    • The .execute function expects only 2 parameter, so we are passing the second arguments in a tuple.
  • Each operation of the DataBase is not immediately written on the DB. As the DB's Write operation is costly.
  • If we want to immediately write into the database we should call .commit, which will be a costly operation.

DB-API - Close

  • At the end of the operation we should close the cursor and connection
  • cursor.close() : This return's True on successful close of the cursor.
  • conn.close() : This close the connection.