Currently M5Stack list this product as EOL, but they promise a new version will be out soon
Video tutorial
The M5Stack is an excellent ESP32 based off the shelf device that comes with a charging dock. We had a bitcoin PoS running, in the iconic Room77 bar in Berlin, for a year, and it performed very well.
- Install Arduino IDE 1.8.19
- Install ESP32 boards, using boards manager
- Download this repo
- Copy these libraries into your Arduino install "libraries" folder
- Open this LNPoSM5Stack.ino file in the Arduino IDE
- Select "M5Stack-Core-ESP32" from tools>board
- Upload to device
Note: If using MacOS, you will need the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers available here
Working Arduino settings in "Tools":
- Board: M5Stack-Core-ESP32
- Upload Speed: 921600
- Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
- FlashMode: QIO
- Partition Scheme: Default
- Core Debug Level: None or Error
- Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (could very well be different, such as /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART)
Common port locating/debug method:
- checking available ports
- unplugging M5Stack
- check which Port is not listed anymore
- plug M5Stack back in and use that Port
If your M5Stack-screen stays black after flashing, check if Tools/Flash Mode is set to QIO and the partition scheme to "default/standard"
Drunk Germans giving a terrible demo