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HackMD Hub

GitHub App

HackMD Hub

GitHub App

Collaborate on documentation in real-time with Markdown.

Collaborative documentation

Benefits: Design documents, meeting minutes, tutorials, runbooks.. collaborate on any documents with your developer community!

HackMD supports your project documentation with:

  • Version control: Name the document version and sync back to GitHub after each collaborative session.
  • Template: Design once and re-use many times documents that work with your process and style.

Best Markdown Editor

Benefits: The portable Markdown formatting frees your content from being locked in any single tool.

HackMD provides the best Markdown editing experience, in addition to standard CommonMark Markdown syntax:

  • UML Diagram: Draw in plain text Sequence diagrams, Flow charts, Mermaid, and Graphviz (syntax supported including: "circo”, “dot”, “fdp”, “neato”, “osage”, and “twopi”).
  • LaTeX: Write math formula in LaTeX and HackMD would render them to HTML
  • Multimedia: Embed videos, PDFs, slide decks, and images in your notes and make your message clear.


HackMD Hub is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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