Please feel free to add and / or modify files here but keep in mind that EPL requires that "derivative works" be licensed under the terms of the EPL whereas "separate modules of software" may be licensed arbitrarily. Modifications to the files and directories listed here are considered derivative work:
- activitygen
- dfrouter
- duarouter
- foreign
- gui
- guinetload
- guisim
- jtrrouter
- marouter
- mesogui
- mesosim
- microsim
- netbuild
- netedit
- netgen
- netimport
- netload
- netwrite
- od
- osgview
- polyconvert
- router
- tools
- traci-server
- traci_testclient
- utils
- guisim_main.cpp
- netconvert_main.cpp
- od2trips_main.cpp
- sumo_main.cpp
Exceptions with separate lists are:
- car following models that inherit from MSCFModel (excluding modifications of the existing models)
- lane changing models that inherit from MSAbstractLaneChangeModel (excluding modifications of the existing models)
- simulation output modules (excluding changes to the existing classes)
- vehicle device modules (excluding changes to the existing classes)
- network import modules (excluding changes to the existing classes)
- network export modules (excluding changes to the existing classes)