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Releases: appearhere/bloom


06 Oct 10:47
Choose a tag to compare

Added components

  • <SectionHeader />
  • <Synopsis />
  • <Indicator />
  • <IndicatorGroup />
  • <StickyNode />
  • <Sunrise />
  • <GridFader />
  • <Swap />
  • <Wrapper />
  • <BtnContainer />
  • <LeftRight />
  • <Carousel />
  • <Video />
  • <VideoWithRichPoster />
  • <StepIcon />
  • <Quote />
  • <RandomSix />
  • <Tabs />
  • <Tab />

Comonent updates

  • Add caption support to <Hero /> component

Added Icons

  • appearhere
  • appearhere-brackets
  • camera
  • chart-arrow
  • chatting
  • comment
  • dollar
  • download
  • globe
  • manage
  • percentage
  • play
  • play-c
  • search
  • shield
  • signature
  • teamwork
  • tick
  • tick-starred
  • ticket
  • travel-idea
  • vip-entrance

Base components

20 Sep 18:07
Choose a tag to compare
  • <Btn /> component
  • <Icon /> component and iconHelper to generate components for different icon sets
  • <ScreenReadable /> component for accessible buttons
  • <Hero /> component