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452 lines (355 loc) · 33.8 KB

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452 lines (355 loc) · 33.8 KB

7.3.0 (Aug, 16, 2023)

7.2.2 (Jul, 26, 2023)

7.2.1 (Jul, 18, 2023)

  • DIA-2370 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to show a wrong state for the "Do not sell" button on CCPA messages. #454
  • DIA-2229 Fixed an issue causing the tvOS message to show a Sourcepoint logo briefly before loading the real image. #460
  • DIA-2430 Fixed an issue causing the description text on some tvOS screens to be unreacheable and unscrollable. #457
  • DIA-2429 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to throw a runtime exception when scrolling through vendors rapidly on tvOS. #458
  • Minor tvOS layout adjustments
  • Fixed / improved on testing.

7.2.0 (June, 23, 2023)

  • DIA-2311 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to return default consent values for returning users before onConsentReady was invoked. #451
  • DIA-2271 SPPublisherData is now of type [String: AnyEncodable]. Passing "pubData" as [String: String] continues to work, but you should update your code to use SPPublisherData instead. #450
  • DIA-2308 Fixed an issue preventing tvOS home screen description text from being scrollable. #449
  • DIA-1888 Updated tvOS GDPR to display disclosure only vendors and purposes. #447

7.1.1 (June, 12, 2023)

  • DIA-2193 Fixed an issue that would cause the consent string for CCPA to be incorrect if the user moves to an area where CCPA does not apply. #448
  • DIA-2061 Re-introduce support to group PMs. #444
  • DIA-2137 Update error codes (used internally). #442
  • DIA-2136 Fixed an issue that could cause the user to be stuck in the webview where the message was loaded. #441
  • DIA-2136 Fixed an issue that could cause the user to be stuck in the webview where the message was loaded. #441

7.1.0 (May, 09, 2023)

  • DIA-2080 Fixed an issue preventing the GDPR Message from showing on iOS 14.2, due to a bug on iOS itself. #439
  • DIA-2049 Fixed a bug causing the SDK to use targeting params from GDPR campaign instead of CCPA. #426
  • DIA-2065 Fixed an issue affecting the correct behavior of authenticated consent on CCPA. #430
  • DIA-2120 Fixed an issue that could cause reporting data on no-action users to be incorrect. #430
  • DIA-1805 Implemented a new way of sharing consent from native SDK to webviews. The legacy way (via setConsentFor(authId: String)) is now DEPRECATED. For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to this section of the README file. #430
  • DIA-2101 Improved error logging data #431
  • DIA-1840 | DIA-1831 | DIA-2056 Corrected several layout issues on tvOS. #432 | #435 | #438
  • DIA-1837 Introduced beta support to tvOS #436
  • DIA-1678 Implemented translation logic for tvOS messages. #436

7.0.3 (Mar, 23, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue leading to abnormal "page views" reporting on Sourcepoint's dashboard. DIA-1964
  • Fixed an issue causing scenarios that included "Show Message Once" to not work. #420 DIA-1915

7.0.2 (Feb, 24, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue with our linting config preventing our CI from pointing out force unwrapping
  • Removed all forced unwraps from the SDK's code
  • Fixed an issue that would in some cases cause the app to crash #416 DIA-1842
  • ⚠️ Deployment target 10 is no longer supported by XCode and global usage of iOS 10 and below is very low. We are strongly considering bumping the iOS deployment target from 10 to 11 in the next minor release.

7.0.1 (Feb, 08, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from overwriting the language setting of the 1st layer message. #414 DIA-1770
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some users of a CCPA campaign to have their data reset after taking a consent action. #413 DIA-1694
  • Fixed an issue that would cause CCPA campaigns without message to result in empty consent object. #415 DIA-1789

7.0.0 (Jan, 20, 2023)

We have rewritten the network layer of the SDK almost in its entirety. Version 7 of the SDK uses new, "CDNed", heavily cached, endpoints and, as a result, it is now faster and less effected by service outages. On top of that, we have expanded our suit of tests as well as re-rewritten the majority of our UI specs to run faster and be less prone to "test flakiness".

Migrating from version 6.x.y

We worked hard to keep the public API as close as possible to the previous version in order to keep your migration effort to a minimum.

// constructor
    accountId: 123,
+   propertyId: 123
    propertyName: try! SPPropertyName("myPropertyName"),
-   campaignsEnv: .Public, // optional - Public by default
    campaigns: SPCampaigns(
        gdpr: SPCampaign(),   // optional
        ccpa: SPCampaign(),   // optional
        ios14: SPCampaign(),  // optional
+       environment: .Public  // optional - .Public by default
    delegate: self

And that's it!

Notice: the internal data structure kept by the SDK in the UserDefaults has changed. If your app relied on data that was not publicly available through the SPDelegate protocol, you might face some issues. That does not impact the data described by the TCF spec (ie. data keyed and prefixed by IABTCF_).

⚠️ We are currently working on supporting TvOS in the next patch release. In other words, if you use our TvOS product, you should not upgrade to version 7.0.0 just yet.

6.7.3 (Dec, 16, 2022)

  • Fixed layout issues in the CCPA Native PM for TvOS when the message had less buttons than expected in the default UI. #401, #397
  • Fixed an issue preventing the "Do not sell information" button in the CCPA Native PM - from working as expected #400
  • Improved documentation and UI testing on TvOS

6.7.2 (Oct, 26, 2022)

  • Added support to custom actions coming from the privacy manager. #391

6.7.1 (Sep, 22, 2022)

  • Flipped default value of cleanUserDataOnError from true to false. In the event of an error, the SDK will now, by default, keep consent data unchanged while prior to this release the SDK would remove all its data from the user's device.

We took the decision to switch the default behaviour because it made sense to most use cases in which the App can decide wether to use the locally stored consent data or not when something goes wrong.

6.7.0 (May, 06, 2022)

  • Implemented deleteCustomConsentTo method. Now you're able to remove consent to custom vendors, purposes and legitimate interest purposes using that method. It works similarly to the customConsentTo method. For more info, please refer to this section of the README.
  • Added support to privacy manager from property groups. You can now pass a property pm id to SPCampaign constructor. For more info check this section of the README.
  • Several testing and QA improvements.

6.6.0 (May, 06, 2022)

  • Improved support to property groups and privacy manager belonging to property groups. For an example on how to use a privacy manager belonging to a a property group, please refer to the README.

6.5.1 (Apr, 07, 2022)

We have received a lot of valuable feedback from you and we listened. This release is all about fixing and improving our TvOS UI and layout.

6.5.0 (Feb, 21, 2022)

  • Added pubData to loadMessage method. #362
  • Implemented type alias for publisher data SPPublisherData = [String: String]
  • Fixed an issue preventing the pubData payload from being sent on a consent request. #363
  • Fixed AppleTV layout issues. #364, #361
  • Improved AppleTV UI tests. #355

6.4.1 (Feb, 01, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue (#359) preventing the SDK from being used with SPM. #360

6.4.0 (Jan, 31, 2022)

  • Added a brand new delegate method onSPFinished. As the name suggests, this method is invoked when the SDK is done displaying messages, sending/receiving consent to our APIs. At this point, the UserDefaults is guaranteed to have all consent data up to date. #350
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Native Message for AppleTV from showing the correct client logo. #358
  • Fixed an issue with the SPPropertyName not behaving correctly when the property name contained [http|https]://. #357
  • Fixed other issues regarding the Native AppleTV message. #352 #353
  • Improved and extended unit as well as UI tests. #356

6.3.1 (Nov, 17, 2021)

  • Added a new action type, Custom. You can be notified when an action is taken by the user via the onAction callback, the Custom action can be used to trigger any custom flow you have on your app, eg. subscribing, paywall, etc.
  • Added a section on the SPDelegate methods to our README.
  • Better document (XCode comments) the SPUserData and SPGDPRConsent classes.
  • Added a comment to make it more transparent the fact that SPSDK#userData accesses UserDefaults every time.

6.3.0 (Oct, 26, 2021)

6.2.1 (Oct, 20, 2021)

  • Fix an issue preventing the SDK from being built via SPM
  • Add example on how to use vendor grants on README

6.2.0 (August, 25, 2021)

  • Officially added support to AppleTV (check our NativePMExample app).
  • The SPDelegate protocol has been updated. All methods that expected a SPMessageViewController now receive a plain UIViewController instead.

6.1.7 (August, 25, 2021)

  • Added acceptedCategories property to SPGDPRConsent class. The acceptedCategories is an array of ids of the categories (purposes) consented by the user and that are consented in all vendors involved with it. If a single vendor of a given purpose is disabled by the user, that purpose won't be part of acceptedCategories. #335
  • Fixed an issue preventing using the SDK with Carthage. #334

6.1.6 (August, 17, 2021)

  • Added IDFAAccepted & IDFADenied to SPActionType to load the messages based on IDFA status #330

6.1.5 (July, 23, 2021)

  • Expand SPSDK protocol to contain all public method/attributes of the SDK.
    • VERSION: String
    • clearAllData()
    • cleanUserDataOnError: Bool
    • messageTimeoutInSeconds: TimeInterval
    • privacyManagerTab: SPPrivacyManagerTab
    • messageLanguage: SPMessageLanguage
  • Added AppleTV native Privacy Manager message flow.

6.1.4 (July, 20, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue preventing consent messages from rendering on iOS 13.3.x

6.1.3 (July, 6, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue preventing the CCPA Privacy Manager from rendering.

6.1.2 (July, 5, 2021)

  • Enable the SDK to try and open URLs with schemes other than http:// or https://, deep links. If there are no applications able to handle the url scheme, the action will be ignored.

6.1.1 (July, 1, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Privacy Manager from rendering correctly when using an id of a property group PM.

6.1.0 (July, 1, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent Stage campaigns from being loaded. #317 - This fix changes the constructor of the SDK, adding a new optional parameter: campaignsEnv = .Public to it. Refer to the README for more info.

6.0.4 (June, 30, 2021)

  • Added .uuid to SPGDPRConsent and SPCCPAConsent classes. #315
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the message from rendering in the right language. #313 (Thank you @mskrischke for reporting the issue and submitting a PR to fix it).
  • Implemented several features for AppleTV - WIP.
  • Improved integration with our Unity SDK.

6.0.3 (June, 04, 2021)

  • Configurable timeout. You now can configure a timeout in which either the consent message must be shown or the consent data should be returned to the app (onConsentReady) by setting the attribute .messageTimeoutInSeconds: TimeInterval. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #301
  • Updated Apple tracking API request. #302
  • Updated README with Configuring the Message/Consents timeout

6.0.2 (May, 21, 2021)

  • Fixes #295 - SPUserData properties not being accessible on ObjC.

6.0.1 (May, 3, 2021)

  • Fixed Swift Package Manager support.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from building on XCode 12.5
  • Updated README with IDFA status FAQ.

6.0.0 (April, 30, 2021)

  • Multi-campaign
  • ATT pre-prompt message
  • Lots and lots of performance improvements

These are only a few of the changes we are bringing to this new major version of the SDK. Are you worried it's going to be too much work to migrate from v5? We got you covered, check our Migration Guide. For a more comprehensive explanation of how the SDK works and what you can do with it, check our beloved README.

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us either via GitHub issues, slack or to your account manager directly. We appreciate your feedback.

5.3.6 (March, 04, 2021)

  • Added support to XCFramework #288
  • Added Obj-C support to Message Language and PMTab feature#289

5.3.5 (Feb, 11, 2021)

  • Fixed a regression that'd prevent the SDK from running on projects using Swift Package Manager #282

5.3.4 (Jan, 20, 2021)

  • Added a feature to overwrite default language. You can now configure language in which the consent message must be shown by setting the attribute .messageLanguage. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #262
  • Added a feature to overwrite default privacy manager tab. You can now configure tab which loads with privacy manager by setting the attribute .privacyManagerTab. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #273
  • Refactoring of error classes with addition of error codes. #269

5.3.3 (Nov, 23, 2020)

  • Fixed a regression that'd prevent the SDK from running on projects using Swift Package Manager #266

5.3.2 (Nov, 23, 2020)

  • Fixed a regression in the sharing consent with the webview new feature.

5.3.1 (Nov, 23, 2020)

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the consentLanguage field from the consent string to always be set to EN. #260
  • Added a feature to ease sharing consent between native and webviews. Check how to use it in this section of the README. #263
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the property .userConsents from the GDPRConsentViewController to be outdated after calling the .customConsentTo method. #264
  • Updated the README and the AuthExample app.

5.3.0 (Oct, 16, 2020)

  • Added support to Swift Package Manager (SPM).

5.2.10 (Oct, 15, 2020)

  • Improved MessageWebView error handling. #247

5.2.9 (Oct, 13, 2020)

  • Fixed compatibility with Xcode 12.x

5.2.8 (Aug, 19, 2020)

  • improved the error handling code of our WebMessageViewController. #229 (thank you @ivanlisovyi)

5.2.7 (Aug, 19, 2020)

  • fixed an issue affecting iOS 12 and 13.1 that would shift the ConsentUI to the top after the KeyBoard was dismissed.

5.2.6 (Aug, 11, 2020)

  • fixed an issue that'd, in some cases, prevent authenticated consent from being stored #224
  • disabled "back and forward" gestures in the WebView, to prevent users from skipping the consent message when no dismiss button is present. #221
  • we are now getting the privacy manager id from the consent message when the user taps on Show PM instead of using the one provided to the SDK via constructor. #201
  • fixed an issue that'd prevent GDPRMessageJson from having all its fields encoded #218 (thank you @ivanlisovyi)
  • considerably increase UI test coverage for both Native and Web messages.

5.2.5 (Jul, 3, 2020)

  • fixed an issue that'd prevent the consent message from showing up on iOS 10

5.2.4 (Jun, 25, 2020)

  • fixed an issue preventing the vendorGrants from being filled in when calling customConsentTo.
  • cache the user's consent in the UserDefaults
  • we now make sure the onConsentReady is always called (except when returning from the PM to the consent message).
  • increase test and code coverage

5.2.3 (Jun, 09, 2020)

  • Fixed an issue that'd prevent the user from interacting with the app when the PMId passed to the SDK was wrong. We now encapsulate that in a WebViewError and call the onError callback on the ConsentDelegate.

5.2.2 (Jun, 04, 2020)

  • Add vendorGrants attribute to GDPRUserConsent class. The vendorGrants attribute, simply put, is a dictionary representing the consent state (on a legal basis) of all vendors and its purposes for the current user. For example:
  "vendorId1": VendorGrant(
    vendorGrant: Bool,
    purposeGrants: [
      "purposeId1": Bool,
      "purposeId2": Bool,
      // more purposes here
  // more vendors here

The vendorGrant attribute is derived from purposeGrants and will be true if all purposes are also true.

  • Removed the bounce effect from the MessageWebView to improve on the UX while interacting with the consent message or the Privacy Manager.

5.2.1 (May, 27, 2020)

  • Introduce the configurable timeout. You now can configure a timeout in which either the consent message must be shown or the consent data should be returned to the app (onConsentReady) by setting the attribute .messageTimeoutInSeconds: TimeInterval. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #145
  • Fixed an issue that would in some cases show the consent message for logged in users. #144

5.2.0 (May, 15, 2020)

  • Added the method customConsentTo to GDPRConsentViewController. It's now possible to programmatically consent the current user to a list of vendors, categories and legitimate interest categories. The ids passed will be appended to the list of already accepted vendors, categories and leg. int. categories. The method is asynchronous so you must pass a completion handler that will receive back an instance of GDPRUserConsent in case of success or it'll call the delegate method onError in case of failure. It's important to notice, this method is intended to be used for custom vendors and purposes only. For IAB vendors and purposes it's still required to get consent via the consent message or privacy manager. #139
  • Fix an issue preventing consent data from being completely removed when calling clearAllData #141
  • Removed one (and hopefully the last one) retaining cycle from our SDK #136

5.1.0 (April, 16, 2020)

This is big one. We're moving more and more towards a stable API, so bare with us.

  • Fixed an issue that'd prevent the user to save consents from the privacy manager with the action Save & Exit #118
  • Added legitimateInterestCategories: [String] to GDPRUserConsent class #121
  • Added specialFeatures: [String] to GDPRUserConsent class #121
  • Updated the AuthExample app to use SDKv5 #116
  • Disabled zooming and pinch zooming actions on the message webview #114
  • Changed the delegate method from onAction(_ action: GDPRAction, consents: PMConsents?) to onAction(_ action: GDPRAction). The consents is now part of GDPRAction and it's encoded into Data. 462e9b6
  • GDPRUserConsent.tcfData has changed types from [String: StringOrInt] to SPGDPRArbitraryJson. It can be used as a dictionary by calling its .dictionaryValue -> [String: Any]? property.

5.0.3 (April, 03, 2020)

  • Storing IAB consent data earlier by persisting it at the very first http call #109
  • Added Swiftlint pod and to GitHub workflow #107
  • Fixed a ton of lint issues including one forced unwrap #107
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Example app to crash on iPad 75e5472

5.0.2 (March, 26, 2020)

  • support type changes in nativeMessageJSON

5.0.1 (March, 23, 2020)

  • added support to TCFv2 for native message
  • updated swift version to 5.0
  • removed all warnings during build time
  • deprecated consentUIWillShow in favor of gdprConsentUIWillShow

5.0.0 (January, 11, 2020)

  • added support to TCFv2. The public API remained the same and the upgrade from v4 to v5 should require no development effort.

4.1.2 (January, 13, 2020)

  • Fixed compatibility with Xcode 10.x

4.1.1 (January, 10, 2020)

  • Fixed authId message

4.1.0 (January, 05, 2020)

Wow, that's huge! Behold the native message! Now you are be able to build your own consent message using naive elements and layout. It's a lot to cover in one CHANGELOG entry so please refer to the this nice wiki our team put together.

4.0.1 (January, 27, 2020)

  • expanded GDPRPropertyName to accept property names with dashes (-)

4.0.0 (January, 17, 2020)

Alright ladies and gentlemen, what your're that's not a regular release... THAT'S A FULL-ON REWRITE 🔥 There are many small changes in the public API so instead of listing them here we kindly ask you to check the README. It should provide you with everything you need to get up and running with the changes.

Long story short we have:

  • Fixed a naming conflict issue uncovered when using both GPDR and CCPA SDKs
  • Got rid of Reachability dependency
  • Completely re-wrote the way we load the consent message and Privacy Manager. I don't mean to brag but we have seen an huge performance boost!

As usual, if you see something wrong or have a question feel free to create an issue in our repo or contact us via slack directly.

3.1.0 (December, 4, 2019)

  • Added support to Carthage
  • In order to maintain compliance even in the event of an outage on our side, we’re now clearing all local consent information of a user on onErrorOccurred. This behaviour is opt-in be default but can be opted-out by setting flag .shouldCleanConsentOnError = false
  • changed initialization params from siteId and siteName to propertyId and property (after all, it makes no sense to have “site” inside our apps…)
  • fix two memory leaks due to retaining cycle and WKWebView (thanks to @victorbenning)
  • Improved test coverage

3.0.0 (October, 4, 2019)

Oh wow, time flies when we're having fun huh? This is a major release and, with major releases comes major responsibilities changes.

New Message script

Our Web Team worked pretty hard to slim down our consent message platform and improve its performance. In this release we make use of the new message script.

It's important to notice, SDK version 3 onwards will only be compatible with messages built using the new message builder.

Consent message lifecycle

  • Moved the main message lifecycle callbacks (onMessageReady, onInteractionComplete and onErrorOccurred)to the ConsentDelegate protocol.
  • Renamed onInteractionComplete to onConsentReady to better reflect the meaning of that callback.

TODO: Add a flowchart on how the lifecycle callbacks work (order and conditions)

Plug & Play Privacy Manager

Prior to this release, there was no way to show the Privacy Manager programmatically, without relying on setting up a tricky scenario on our Dashboard.

We've changed that (keep reading).

Constructor changes

In order to support the Plug & Play Privacy Manager and the ConsentDelegate protocol, we needed to add extra parameters to the constructor. The additional parameters are:

  • siteId: a Number representing the property id - available on the dashboard
  • privacyManagerId: a String representing the id of the Privacy Manager you wish to show - available on the dashboard
  • consentDelegate: a ConsentDelegate compliant object.
  • showPM: a boolean indicating if you wish to load the consent message or the Privacy Manager.

Other improvements

  • Reduced the amount of network calls
  • Improved our timeout mechanism
  • Simplified the Javascript Interface

2.4.1 (August, 16, 2019)

  • Check for the GDPR status on every message load
  • Raise iOS min version support from 8 to 9

2.4.0 (June, 27, 2019)

  • Implement Identity feature
  • Versioning of in-app web page

2.3.1 (May, 20, 2019)

  • Fix an issue on iPads that when rotating the device would prevent the user from scrolling on the WebView
  • Added ConsentViewController.enableNewPM. When called passing true, will switch to the new (experimental) Privacy Manager.

2.3.0 (May, 20, 2019)

  • ConsentViewController.getCustom*Consents now always return an collection of Consents rather than an Optional
  • Pod is able to be built on Swift 5 projects (thanks to @pwallrich)
  • The example app is now simplified and the README has been updated

2.2.4 (April 20, 2019)

  • Moved the API calls on secondary thread to keep main thread independent and free for UI operation.

2.2.3 (April 09, 2019)

  • fix an issue that'd crash the client app if subclassing ConsentViewController

2.2.2 (April 08, 2019)

  • add the ConsentViewController.messageTimeoutInSeconds - used to control the timeout between first load of the webview and onMessageReady callback

2.1.2 (April 08, 2019)

  • fixed the interface for Objective-C, allowing the ConsentViewController to be used in Obj-c projects.

2.1.1 (April 04, 2019)

  • fixed in which on iOS >= 11 the message background veil wouldn't cover the entire screen

2.1.0 (March 29, 2019)

  • load the webview in a separate function and call onMessageReady when the message is ready to be shown.
  • no longer add/remove the view from the super view. it's up to the parent to decide if/when the view should be added (we recommend using onMessageReady to add it and onInteractionComplete to remove it)

2.0.1 (March 21, 2019)

  • We now call done() always after onErrorOccurred

2.0.0 (March 15, 2019)

Look at that, we barely released version 1.x and we're already launching v2.0 🎉

This is a major release that includes several bug fixes and improved stability.

  • Much better error handling.
  • Major internal refactoring and code simplification.
  • Dramatically reduce forced optional unwrapping.

Having all those great advantages does come with a price. However, it's a rather small one. I promise.

The Migration Guide below will tell you all you need to know about using v2.0 coming from v1.x

Migration Guide

  • Constructors:
    • New convenience constructor has changed from init(accountId: , siteName: ) to init(accountId: , siteName: , stagingCampaign: Bool).
    • If you need full control of the endpoints' urls, there're still other constructors that can be used.
    • It now throws an error implementing the ConsentViewControllerError protocol.
  • Custom Consents:
    • The getters for singular custom consent (getPurposeConsent and getCustomVendorConsent) were removed.
    • getPurposeConsents was renamed to getCustomPurposeConsents
    • Both getCustomPurposeConsents and getCustomVendorConsents no longer receive any params and will return [PurposeConsent] and [VendorConsent] respectively.
    • PurposeConsent and VendorConsent classes introduced.
  • Error Handling:
    • Several Errors subclasses were introduced in order to make debugging easier and the framework more robust.
    • When instantiating ConsentViewController or when calling one of the custom consent getters you need to catch on ConsentViewControllerError
    • Since we have to conform to WKUIDelegate, we can't just throw an exception when something goes bad in the WebView. We introduced ConsentViewController#onErrorOccurred callback for that matter. Faulty internet connection or a bad setup campaign will no longer crash your app.
  • Gone for good:
  • The properties page, isInternalStage, isStage and msgJSON were either removed or became private.
  • The callback function onReceiveMessageData has been removed.

For more information make sure to check Usage section of our README.