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Superset Third‐Party Dependencies

Geido edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 3 revisions

Apache Superset leverages a variety of third-party services and tools to enhance its functionality, streamline development processes, and facilitate project management and communication. Below is a categorized list of these dependencies, providing insights into how each is utilized within the project.


Development and Testing


  • Usage: Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework used for testing the web interface of Apache Superset. It helps ensure that changes to the codebase do not break existing functionality.
  • Website:


  • Usage: Applitools is integrated into the testing suite to perform visual regression testing. This tool helps in detecting unintended visual changes in the UI.
  • Website:

Documentation and Collaboration

Google Apps (Docs, Sheets, Calendar, etc.)

  • Usage: Google's suite of productivity tools, including Docs, Sheets, and Calendar, is used for documentation, planning, scheduling meetings, and collaborative work on spreadsheets and documents.
  • Website:


  • Usage: Scarf provides insights into how Apache Superset's software is being used, helping the project maintainers understand and improve the distribution of their package.
  • Website:

Hosting and Infrastructure


AWS for hosting the ephemerals

  • Usage: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is utilized for hosting ephemeral instances of Apache Superset. These instances are typically used for testing, previews, and other temporary deployments.
  • Website:


  • Usage: This Gmail account is used for official communication among Apache Superset committers and with the broader community. It serves as a central point for project-related inquiries.
  • Website:


  • Usage: Bitly is used to create a short, memorable link that makes it easier for community members to join the Apache Superset Slack workspace.
  • Website: [



  • Usage: 1Password is used by the Apache Superset team to securely store and share sensitive information, such as passwords, secrets, and secure notes related to the project's infrastructure and third-party services.
  • Website:

This list represents the core third-party dependencies and services currently utilized by the Apache Superset project. It is subject to change as the project evolves and adopts new tools or services to meet its needs. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the project's official documentation or contact the project maintainers.

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