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Michael S. Molina edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 35 revisions

Apache Superset is an open-source software for data exploration and data visualization able to handle large amounts of data (big data). The application was developed by Airbnb, entered the Apache Incubator in 2017, and graduated to an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project in November of 2020.

Superset Resource Link

Mailing list info (subscriber count excludes known archivers)



github name First name Last name
PPMC suddjian Aaron Suddjian
PPMC betodealmeida Beto Dealmeida
PPMC bkyryliuk Bogdan Kyryliuk
PPMC williaster Chris Williams
PPMC craig-rueda Craig Rueda
PPMC dpgaspar Daniel Gaspar
PPMC etr2460 Erik Ritter
PPMC rusackas Evan Rusackas
PPMC graceguo-supercat Grace Guo
PPMC jfeng15 Jeff Feng
PPMC ktmud Jesse Yang
PPMC junlincc Junlin Chen
PPMC Kelley-Dotson Phillip Chen
PPMC john-bodley John Bodley
PPMC kristw Krist Wongsuphasawat
PPMC mistercrunch Max Beauchemin
PPMC michellethomas Michelle Thomas
PPMC nishantmonu51 Nishant Bangarwa
PPMC nytai Tai Dupree
PPMC villebro Ville Brofeldt
PPMC willbarrett Will Barrett
PPMC zhaoyongjie Yongjie Zhao
Committer Sylvia Tomiyama
Committer Fabian Menges
Committer Hugh Miles
Committer khtroung Kim Truong
Committer serenajiang Serena Jiang
Committer Slim Bouguerra
Committer timifasubaa Timi Fasubaa
Committer vylc Vyl Chiang
Committer Ashutosh Chauhan
Committer benceorlai Bence Orlai
Committer michael-s-molina Michael Molina
Committer geido Diego Pucci


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