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Avro fix read 2 level and 3 level files
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VitoMakarevich committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent 5b0d67b commit 93c6d3d
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Showing 2 changed files with 359 additions and 5 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ public HoodieAvroReadSupport() {
public ReadContext init(Configuration configuration, Map<String, String> keyValueMetaData, MessageType fileSchema) {
boolean legacyMode = checkLegacyMode(fileSchema.getFields());
// support non-legacy list
if (!legacyMode && configuration.get(AvroWriteSupport.WRITE_OLD_LIST_STRUCTURE) == null) {
"false", "support reading avro from non-legacy map/list in parquet file");
adjustConfToReadWithFileProduceMode(legacyMode, configuration);
ReadContext readContext = super.init(configuration, keyValueMetaData, fileSchema);
MessageType requestedSchema = readContext.getRequestedSchema();
// support non-legacy map. Convert non-legacy map to legacy map
Expand All @@ -62,6 +58,23 @@ public ReadContext init(Configuration configuration, Map<String, String> keyValu
return new ReadContext(requestedSchema, readContext.getReadSupportMetadata());

* Here we want set config with which file has been written.
* Even though user may have overwritten {@link AvroWriteSupport.WRITE_OLD_LIST_STRUCTURE},
* it's only applicable to how to produce new files(here is a read path).
* Later the config value {@link AvroWriteSupport.WRITE_OLD_LIST_STRUCTURE} will still be used
* to write new file according to the user preferences.
private void adjustConfToReadWithFileProduceMode(Boolean isLegacyModeWrittenFile, Configuration configuration) {
if (isLegacyModeWrittenFile) {
"true", "support reading avro from legacy map/list in parquet file");
} else {
"false", "support reading avro from non-legacy map/list in parquet file");

* Check whether write map/list with legacy mode.
* legacy:
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hudi

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hudi.TestParquetReaderCompatibility.NullabilityEnum.{NotNullable, Nullability, Nullable}
import org.apache.hudi.TestParquetReaderCompatibility.{SparkSetting, TestScenario, ThreeLevel, TwoLevel}
import org.apache.hudi.client.common.HoodieSparkEngineContext
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieMetadataConfig
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord.HoodieRecordType
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.ParquetTableSchemaResolver
import org.apache.hudi.common.testutils.HoodieTestUtils
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieBackedTableMetadata
import org.apache.hudi.testutils.HoodieClientTestUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, LongType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ConfigUtils.DEFAULT_HUDI_CONFIG_FOR_READER
import{HadoopStorageConfiguration, HoodieHadoopStorage}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource

import java.util.Collections
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object TestParquetReaderCompatibility {
val listFieldName = "internal_list"
abstract class SparkSetting {
def value: String
def overrideConf(conf: SparkConf): Unit

// Explicitly set 2 level
case object TwoLevel extends SparkSetting {
val value: String = "TwoLevel"
def overrideConf(conf: SparkConf): Unit = {
conf.set("spark.hadoop.parquet.avro.write-old-list-structure", true.toString)

// Explicitly set 3 level
case object ThreeLevel extends SparkSetting {
val value: String = "ThreeLevel"

def overrideConf(conf: SparkConf): Unit = {
conf.set("spark.hadoop.parquet.avro.write-old-list-structure", false.toString)

// Set nothing(likely most users do so) - default is 2 level inside Avro code.
case object Default extends SparkSetting {
def value: String = "TwoLevel"

def overrideConf(conf: SparkConf): Unit = {}

val cases: Seq[SparkSetting] = Seq(TwoLevel, ThreeLevel, Default)

object NullabilityEnum extends Enumeration {
type Nullability = Value
val Nullable: NullabilityEnum.Value = Value("Nullable")
val NotNullable: NullabilityEnum.Value = Value("NotNullable")

case class TestScenario(initialLevel: SparkSetting, listNullability: NullabilityEnum.Nullability, targetLevel: SparkSetting, itemsNullability: NullabilityEnum.Nullability)

* Here we are generating all possible combinations of settings, including default.
def allPossibleCombinations:[TestScenario] = {
val allPossibleCombinations = for (
initialLevel <- cases;
listNullability <- NullabilityEnum.values.toSeq;
targetLevel <- cases;
itemsNullability <- NullabilityEnum.values.toSeq
) yield TestScenario(initialLevel, listNullability, targetLevel, itemsNullability)
allPossibleCombinations.filter {
case c => {
val notAllowedNulls = Seq(TwoLevel, Default)
// It's not allowed to have NULLs inside lists for 2 level lists(this matches explicit setting or default).
!(c.itemsNullability == Nullable && (notAllowedNulls.contains(c.targetLevel) || notAllowedNulls.contains(c.initialLevel)))

def selectedCombinations:[TestScenario] = {
// This scenario leads to silent dataloss mentioned here - - basically all arrays
// which are not updated in the incoming batch are set to null.
TestScenario(initialLevel = TwoLevel, listNullability = Nullable, targetLevel = ThreeLevel, itemsNullability = NotNullable),
// This scenario leads to exception mentioned here - the only difference with silent dataloss
// is that writer does not allow wrongly-read null to be written into new file, so write fails.
TestScenario(initialLevel = TwoLevel, listNullability = NotNullable, targetLevel = ThreeLevel, itemsNullability = NotNullable),
// This is reverse version of scenario TwoLevel -> ThreeLevel with nullable list value - leads to silent data loss.
TestScenario(initialLevel = ThreeLevel, listNullability = Nullable, targetLevel = TwoLevel, itemsNullability = NotNullable),
// This is reverse version of scenario TwoLevel -> ThreeLevel with not nullable list value - leads to exception.
TestScenario(initialLevel = ThreeLevel, listNullability = NotNullable, targetLevel = TwoLevel, itemsNullability = NotNullable)
def testSource:[TestScenario] = if(runAllPossible) {
} else {

* Change the value to run on highlighted ones.
def runAllPossible = true

* Ensure after switch from reading file with schema with which file was written to deduced schema(RFC 46)
* different list levels can interoperate.
class TestParquetReaderCompatibility extends HoodieSparkWriterTestBase {
* Generate schema with required nullability constraints.
* The interesting part is that if list is the last element in the schema - different errors will be thrown.
private def getSchemaWithParameters(listNullability: Nullability, listElementNullability: Nullability): StructType = {
val listNullable = listNullability == Nullable
val listElementsNullable = listElementNullability == Nullable
val schema = StructType(Array(
StructField("key", LongType, nullable = false),
StructField("partition", StringType, nullable = false),
StructField(TestParquetReaderCompatibility.listFieldName, ArrayType(LongType, listElementsNullable), listNullable),
StructField("ts", LongType, nullable = false)
private def defaultPartition = "p1"

private def generateRowsWithParameters(listNullability: Nullability, listElementNullability: Nullability, combineValue: Long = 1L, dummyCount: Int = 10): Map[Long, Row] = {
val listNullable = listNullability == Nullable
val listElementsNullable = listElementNullability == Nullable
val res = mutable.Map[Long, Row]()
var key = 1L
for (_ <- 1 to dummyCount) {
res += key -> Row(key, defaultPartition, Seq(100L), combineValue)
key += 1
res += key -> Row(key, defaultPartition, Seq(1L, 2L), combineValue)
key += 1
if (listNullable) {
res += key -> Row(key, defaultPartition, null, combineValue)
key += 1
if (listElementsNullable) {
res += key -> Row(key, defaultPartition, Seq(1L, null), combineValue)
key += 1

private def createSparkSessionWithListLevel(listType: SparkSetting): SparkSession = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
val spark = SparkSession.builder()

* Test interoperability of different parquet list types and their nullability.
def testAvroListUpdate(input: TestScenario): Unit = {
val path = tempBasePath + "_avro_list_update"
val options = Map(
DataSourceWriteOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> "key",
DataSourceWriteOptions.PRECOMBINE_FIELD.key -> "ts",
DataSourceWriteOptions.PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> "partition",
HoodieWriteConfig.TBL_NAME.key -> hoodieFooTableName,
"path" -> path
val initialLevel = input.initialLevel
val listNullability = input.listNullability
val targetLevel = input.targetLevel
val itemsNullability = input.itemsNullability
val structType = getSchemaWithParameters(listNullability, itemsNullability)
val initialRecords = generateRowsWithParameters(listNullability, itemsNullability)

val firstWriteSession = createSparkSessionWithListLevel(initialLevel)
try {
firstWriteSession.createDataFrame(firstWriteSession.sparkContext.parallelize(initialRecords.values.toSeq), structType)

val firstWriteLevels = getListLevelsFromPath(firstWriteSession, path)
assert(firstWriteLevels.size == 1, s"Expected only one level, got $firstWriteLevels")
assert(firstWriteLevels.head == initialLevel.value, s"Expected level $initialLevel, got $firstWriteLevels")
} finally {

val updateRecords = generateRowsWithParameters(listNullability, itemsNullability, 2L, 1)
val secondWriteSession = createSparkSessionWithListLevel(targetLevel)
var expectedRecordsWithSchema: Seq[Row] = Seq()
try {
secondWriteSession.createDataFrame(secondWriteSession.sparkContext.parallelize(updateRecords.values.toSeq), structType)
val secondWriteLevels = getListLevelsFromPath(secondWriteSession, path)
assert(secondWriteLevels.size == 1, s"Expected only one level, got $secondWriteLevels")
assert(secondWriteLevels.head == targetLevel.value, s"Expected level $targetLevel, got $secondWriteLevels")

val expectedRecords = (initialRecords ++ updateRecords).values.toSeq
expectedRecordsWithSchema = dropMetaFields(
secondWriteSession.createDataFrame(secondWriteSession.sparkContext.parallelize(expectedRecords), structType)
} finally {

val readSessionWithInitLevel = createSparkSessionWithListLevel(initialLevel)
try {
compareResults(expectedRecordsWithSchema, readSessionWithInitLevel, path)
} finally {

val readSessionWithTargetLevel = createSparkSessionWithListLevel(targetLevel)
try {
compareResults(expectedRecordsWithSchema, readSessionWithTargetLevel, path)
} finally {


* For some reason order of fields is different,
* so produces difference like
* Difference: Expected [2,p1,WrappedArray(1, 2),2], got [2,WrappedArray(1, 2),2,p1]
* Difference: Expected [3,p1,WrappedArray(1, null),2], got [3,WrappedArray(1, null),2,p1]
* So using manual comparison by ensuring length is the same, then extracting fields by names and comparing them.
* This will not work for nested structs, but it's a simple test.
def compareIndividualRows(first: Row, second: Row): Boolean = {
if (first.length != second.length) {
} else {
first.schema.fieldNames.forall { field =>
val firstIndex = first.fieldIndex(field)
val secondIndex = second.fieldIndex(field)
first.get(firstIndex) == second.get(secondIndex)

private def compareResults(expectedRecords: Seq[Row], sparkSession: SparkSession, path: String): Unit = {
implicit object RowOrdering extends Ordering[Row] {
def compare(a: Row, b: Row): Int = {
val firstId = a.getLong(a.fieldIndex("key"))
val secondId = b.getLong(b.fieldIndex("key"))
val expectedSorted = expectedRecords.sorted
val readRecords = dropMetaFields("hudi").load(path)).collect().toSeq.sorted
assert(readRecords.length == expectedSorted.length, s"Expected ${expectedSorted.length} records, got ${readRecords.length}")
val recordsEqual = {
case (first, second) => compareIndividualRows(first, second)
val explanationStr = if (!recordsEqual) { {
case (row, index) => {
val expectedRow = expectedSorted(index)
if (row != expectedRow) {
s"Difference: Expected $expectedRow, got $row"
} else {
s"Equals: expected $expectedRow, got $row"
} else {
assert(recordsEqual, explanationStr)

private def getListLevelsFromPath(spark: SparkSession, path: String): Set[String] = {
val engineContext = new HoodieSparkEngineContext(spark.sparkContext, spark.sqlContext)
val metadataConfig = HoodieMetadataConfig.newBuilder().enable(true).build()
val baseTableMetadata = new HoodieBackedTableMetadata(
engineContext, HoodieTestUtils.getDefaultStorage, metadataConfig, s"$path", false)
val fileStatuses = baseTableMetadata.getAllFilesInPartitions(Collections.singletonList(s"$path/$defaultPartition"))

fileStatuses.asScala.flatMap(_._2.asScala).map(_.getPath).map(path => getListType(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, path)).toSet

private def getListType(hadoopConf: Configuration, path: StoragePath): String = {
val reader = HoodieIOFactory.getIOFactory(new HoodieHadoopStorage(path, new HadoopStorageConfiguration(hadoopConf))).getReaderFactory(HoodieRecordType.AVRO).getFileReader(DEFAULT_HUDI_CONFIG_FOR_READER, path)
val schema = ParquetTableSchemaResolver.convertAvroSchemaToParquet(reader.getSchema, hadoopConf)

val list = schema.getFields.asScala.find(_.getName == TestParquetReaderCompatibility.listFieldName).get
val groupType = list.asGroupType()
val originalType = groupType.getOriginalType
val isThreeLevel = originalType == OriginalType.LIST && !(groupType.getType(0).getName == "array")

if (isThreeLevel) {
} else {


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