Add an Opium example once more? #149
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Hello! I don't use Opium these days so I have fallen behind on updating examples related to it after making some breaking changes within this library. That said, here's an example that should help you get started! This takes a couple of different handlers from the example shown in Opium's readme, but with open Opium
module Person = struct
type t = { name : string; age : int }
let yojson_of_t t = `Assoc [ ("name", `String; ("age", `Int t.age) ]
let t_of_yojson yojson =
match yojson with
| `Assoc [ ("name", `String name); ("age", `Int age) ] -> { name; age }
| _ -> failwith "invalid person json"
let print_param_handler name _req =
Response.of_plain_text (Printf.sprintf "Hello, %s" name) |> Lwt.return
let print_person_handler name age _req =
{; age } |> Person.yojson_of_t |> Response.of_json |> Lwt.return
let not_found _req = Response.of_plain_text ~status:`Not_found "" |> Lwt.return
let routed_handler routes =
let router = Routes.one_of routes in
fun req ->
match Routes.match' router with
| Routes.NoMatch -> not_found req
| FullMatch r -> r req
| MatchWithTrailingSlash r ->
(* This branch indicates that incoming request's path finishes with a
trailing slash. If you app needs to distinguish trailing slashes
(/a/b vs /a/b/), this is where you'd write something to handle the
use-case *)
r req
let () =
|> App.all "**" (fun req ->
route (s "hello" / str /? nil) print_param_handler;
route (s "person" / str / int /? nil) print_person_handler;
|> App.run_command |
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Thanks a lot, your example really helped! What library do you use to build your HTTP layer? I really like your library so I'd be interested to hear your opinion :) Usually, my routes define acting on "resources", receiving one or many verbs. Since type 'a resource = { get : 'a Routes.route; post : 'a Routes.route }
let hello_resource =
{ get = Routes.(route (s "hello" / str /? nil) print_param_handler)
; post = Routes.(route (s "hello" / str /? nil) post_stuff)
let () =
|> App.get "**" (fun req ->
[ hello_resource.get
; route (s "person" / str / int /? nil) print_person_handler
|> "**" (fun req -> routed_handler [ ] req)
|> App.run_command
;; Please let me know if you can think of a better way :) Have a great day! |
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My preference is to use async when writing concurrent applications. I've been working on which provides a http codec implementation (only HTTP/1.1 for now) and my current preference is to use this when I need to write http services/clients. There are some docs hosted online ( for an intro to writing servers) and has some docs for using clients.
This is my preferred approach as well. I handle this slightly different from your example though, and implement the method handling within a handler like so: let validate_methods methods handler request =
match methods with
| [] -> handler request
| xs ->
if List.mem request.Request.meth xs then handler request
else Lwt.return (Response.make ~status:`Method_not_allowed ())
let print_param_handler name =
validate_methods [ `GET ] (fun _req ->
(* Dispatch different actions for HTTP verbs if needed *)
Response.of_plain_text (Printf.sprintf "Hello, %s" name) |> Lwt.return) I like this as it makes it very clear to me that a handler was invoked because a route "matched", but if it has a http verb that shouldn't be used we exit early and return a HTTP 405. Another potential option to organize this logic could be to create one router per http verb, and dispatch requests like so: module MethodMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = Method.t
let compare a b = compare a b
let routed_handler' routes req =
match MethodMap.find_opt req.Request.meth routes with
| None -> Lwt.return (Response.make ~status:`Method_not_allowed ())
| Some router -> (
match Routes.match' router with
| Routes.NoMatch -> not_found req
| FullMatch r -> r req
| MatchWithTrailingSlash r ->
(* This branch indicates that incoming request's path finishes with a
trailing slash. If you app needs to distinguish trailing slashes
(/a/b vs /a/b/), this is where you'd write something to handle the
use-case *)
r req) I tend to not prefer this as it leads to some duplication of route definitions if the same path sequence needs to work with multiple http verbs. |
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Thank you very much for your valuable feedback @anuragsoni! You gave me juts enough information to get over my initial hurdle (as an newcomer to OCaml, hadn't looked at Maps yet) Below is what I managed to do as a working demo, I'm fairly happy with the result. I'll probably shuffle stuff around but it's a good start :) I'm open to any suggestions by any experienced users obviously. I'll keep an eye on your Have a great week! (*
Quickly test the endpoints by copy/pasting the following:
for PATH_ in dog cat "dog/1" "cat/1";do curl -w " => %{http_code}\\n" localhost:3000/$PATH_;done
for VERB in GET POST PUT DELETE;do curl -w " => %{http_code}\\n" -X $VERB localhost:3000/dog/1;done
open Opium
let not_found _req = Response.of_plain_text ~status:`Not_found "" |> Lwt.return
module MethodMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = Method.t
let compare a b = compare a b
let routed_handler
(routes : (Request.t -> Response.t Lwt.t) Routes.router MethodMap.t)
(req : Request.t) =
match MethodMap.find_opt req.Request.meth routes with
| None -> Lwt.return (Response.make ~status:`Method_not_allowed ())
| Some router -> (
match Routes.match' router with
| Routes.NoMatch -> not_found req
| FullMatch r -> r req
| MatchWithTrailingSlash r ->
(* Tcats branch indicates that incoming request's path finishes with a
trailing slash. If you app needs to distinguish trailing slashes
(/a/b vs /a/b/), tcats is where you'd write something to handle the
use-case *)
r req)
let get_many_dogs () : ('a -> Response.t Lwt.t) Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" /? nil)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return @@ Response.of_plain_text "GET many dogs")
let get_one_dog () : (Request.t -> Response.t Lwt.t) Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" / int /? nil)
(fun id _req ->
@@ Response.of_plain_text
@@ Printf.sprintf "GET one dog (ID=%d)" id)
let post_one_dog () : (Request.t -> Response.t Lwt.t) Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" / int /? nil)
(fun id _req ->
@@ Response.of_plain_text
@@ Printf.sprintf "POST one dog (ID=%d)" id)
let put_one_dog () : (Request.t -> Response.t Lwt.t) Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" / int /? nil)
(fun id _req ->
@@ Response.of_plain_text
@@ Printf.sprintf "PUT one dog (ID=%d)" id)
let delete_one_dog () : 'a Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" / int /? nil)
(fun id _req ->
@@ Response.of_plain_text
@@ Printf.sprintf "DELETE one dog (ID=%d)" id)
let delete_many_dog () : 'a Routes.route =
Routes.(s "dog" /? nil)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return @@ Response.of_plain_text "DELETE many dogs")
let get_many_cats () : 'a Routes.route =
Routes.(s "cat" /? nil)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return @@ Response.of_plain_text "GET many cats")
let get_one_cat () : 'a Routes.route =
Routes.(s "cat" / int /? nil)
(fun id _req ->
@@ Response.of_plain_text
@@ Printf.sprintf "GET one cat (ID=%d)" id)
let dog_routes : (Method.t * ('a Routes.route) list) list =
[ (`GET, [ get_many_dogs ()
; get_one_dog ()
; (`POST, [ post_one_dog () ])
; (`PUT, [ put_one_dog (); put_one_dog () ])
; (`DELETE, [ delete_many_dog (); delete_one_dog () ])
] [@@ocamlformat "disable"]
let cat_routes : (Method.t * ('a Routes.route) list) list =
[ (`GET, [ get_many_cats ()
; get_one_cat ()
; (`POST, [])
; (`PUT, [])
; (`DELETE, [])
] [@@ocamlformat "disable"]
let merge_routes (lst : (Method.t * 'a Routes.route list) list list) :
(Method.t * 'a Routes.route list) list =
(fun acc routes ->
(fun acc (meth, routes) ->
let curr_routes =
try List.assoc meth acc with
| Not_found -> []
(meth, routes @ curr_routes) :: List.remove_assoc meth acc)
acc routes)
[] lst
let build_router =
(fun meth_map (meth, handlers) ->
MethodMap.add meth (Routes.one_of handlers) meth_map)
let all_resource_routes : (Method.t * 'a Routes.route list) list =
merge_routes [ dog_routes; cat_routes ]
let handle_routes req = routed_handler (build_router @@ all_resource_routes) req
let () = App.empty |> App.all "**" handle_routes |> App.run_command |
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I see that you provided an example of an integration with Opium a while ago, but then removed id.
I've been having issues trying to make my demo work so I'd appreciate if you could provide a little example once more.
Thanks :)
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