by Anthony Long.
Wait for one of two conditions to happens before continuing. wait_for_either("//*[contains(@class, 'foo-empty')]", "//*[contains(@class, 'foo-full')]") Block until the count of an xpath query returns a specific number. wait_for_xpath_count(xpath, number, [wait_time=60]). Switch to any other active session. Intelligently kill other sessions, will not end current session if another session ID is specified. New commands: get_current_session_id get_active_session_ids switch_to_session kill_session Create an 'on_error' method, that will be ran whenever you encounter a failure. New command: selenium.on_error = your_func Add headers, and view your current headers. New commands: add_headers view_headers True implicit waits for all functions that take a locator. New commands: This is done automatically for you. Wait for things to happen with: wait_for_element wait_for_element_to_disappear wait_until wait_for_attribute wait_for_attribute_to_disappear
1: Built in, intelligent support for javascript libraries such as Moo Tools, Prototype and more. 2: Better methods for validating attributes.