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Gun Broker README

# =======================================================================================================================================
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# ========================================================================================================================================

GunBroker Sniper

A sniper to automate bidding on gunbroker

Looking for testing volunteers!

Need testing volunteers whilst I am not in the market for purchasing a firearm!



Original Intent

Originally intended to be based off of a sniper for EBay, this project has since broken continuity, and is now completely written from the ground up.

Current conception

Provide a means that will allow users to automate and monitor the bidding process on gunbroker, because we all have better things to do than to sit around and wait for the opportune time to arrive so we can click a button.

Bidding on GunBroker

A few words of caution concerning gunbroker:

  • “Auctions” are not always or necessarily cheaper than the “Buy Now” option.
  • The “Buy Now” options remains available throughout the auction, regardless of the bidding price or count.
  • If someone uses the “Buy Now” option to purchase the item, all bids are considered null/void and are discarded regardless of bid amount or count.
  • If for some reason, the seller refuses to sell the item to you, gunbroker will not do anything about it.

GunBroker’s 15min Rule

Although the intent of this rule is to circumvent any and all sniping, it does not mitigate the automation of the bidding process before 15min from the end time. Gunbroker 15min rule


Usage is fairly easy, or for at least us it seems that way. Usage of the project takes place in three primary stages.


  1. Fill out your username and password in the configuration file without spaces. Ex. username=dude password=bigdude
  2. Open the page of the item in your browser, and copy the numbers that follow item/. This is the item identification number, it is required by the script. Copy that number into your configuration file in the itemid label. For example, if the url of the item page is then you will write itemid=123456789 in your configuration file.
  3. Notice the current bidding price and decide how much you are willing to bid on the item. When ready write that amount in the label bidamount=. So, if you want to bid $200, then you would write bidamount=200. Making sure to leave out any dollar sign or decimel.


Before you can actually use the program, you need to crawl the item url page to acquire the needed information for the snipe. This can be done using the -c or --create flag, and the required information will be stored in the item_store.toml file.


Using the -s or --stalk flag, will begin the sniping process. From which point, the stored data in item_store.toml file will be retrieved.

The process goes a little like:

  1. First appropriate checkin times are calculated in order to check that the item is still available and the price is within range.
  2. When the time arrives, the checkin will be performed and parameters will be checked to ensure the process will complete the snipt successfully.
  3. When the time draws near, approximately fifteen minutes before the end of the auction, the sniper will spring into action and perform the desired bid, and confirm the bid for the user automatically.
  4. Unfortunately, all that is needed to do after this point… is pay…


One has found that prayer often helps. If not, fill out an issue on github, and we will see what we can do for you.