Go through these tutorials:
https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-the-command-line https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-git (only the first two needed: Git Basic Workflow and How to Backtrack) https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Working-with-Remotes
Install Git on your system, here are some links for that: https://github.com/greenfox-velox/velox-syllabus/tree/master/week-01/3-command-line#please-install-git-on-your-system
If you have time and energy:
Proceed with the other two chapter of git and try this https://try.github.io/ as well ;)
If you have questions post it on the trello card as comments and on Wednesday morning we'll talk about them! :)
- Windows (portable is good as well, installed is better but make sure to have command line bash version):
- Linux
sudo apt-get install git
(Ubuntu)sudo yum install git
- Mac
- http://git-scm.com/download/mac or
brew install git
- http://git-scm.com/download/mac or
- cd
- . and ..
- pwd
- ls
- touch
- mkdir
- cp
- mv
- rm
- command options
- < and > and >> and |
- sort
- uniq
- grep
- sed
- git init, clone, add, rm, commit, push, pull, remote
- Leave your mouse for today, try not to touch it, unless its inevitable
- Command Line
- setup the environment
- basic terminal operations
- manipulations
- redirections
- scripts
- Git
- basics
- workflow
- getting used to
- saving all your previous work
- creating a website yaaay :)
- Open a terminal (with git ;) )
- Check the current working directory
- Check the files and directories in your working directory
- Create a Greenfox directory
- Change into the Greenfox directory
- Check the files and directories in your working directory
- Create an empty index.html file
- Create an images directory
- Create a css directory
- Change into the images directory
- Go back to the parent directory
- Create at least one file to every directory
- Fork this git repository: https://github.com/greenfox-velox/velox-syllabus
- Visit the page
- Fork it!
- Clone your greenfox repository
git clone <repository>
- Change into week-01/3-command-line/ directory
- Change into the project directory
- List the detailed file and directory informations
- Copy the index.html into about.html
- Create a temp_images directory
- Copy 1.jpg and 2.jpg into temp_images directory
- Copy every jpg file into temp_images directory
- Move 6.jpg file from css into images directory
- Delete 7.jpg from css directory
- Navigate up one directory from project/css/ to project/
- Echo a string to a file
- cat a file content and redirect the content to another file
- redirect a file content to cat command
- count the words in index.html
- cat a file content and pipe to wc
- sort a file
- sort a file and redirect the input to a file
- remove the duplicated lines from tasks.txt
- cat task.txt and filter basic tasks
- cat task.txt and filter out with -v the basic tasks
- setup your environtment
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
- create a repo on github
- under greenfox-velox organisation and the repo name should be your github username
- clone it on your system using command line
- your working directory should look like this
- home
- user (your username if you're using mac or linux, on windows its git env username)
- .hidden_directories...
- greenfox
- githubusername (this should be the cloned repo, which is named after your github username, so the folder on your computer should be named that way as well)
- week-01
- day-1
- contents created on your first day
- day-3
- day-1
- week-01
- githubusername (this should be the cloned repo, which is named after your github username, so the folder on your computer should be named that way as well)
- other_visible_directories
- user (your username if you're using mac or linux, on windows its git env username)
- home
- change in to your githubusername directory
- see the changes
- set to staged
- commit with a nice understandable commit message
- it's nice if you can write commit messages to complete the following
- "If this commit is applied it will..."
- ...create my working directory for greenfox lessons
- ...create a new directory for task 1
- ...
- change in to your week-01/day-3 directory
- create 5 directory and 5 file with content
- see the changes
- add these files as staged files
- use git status to check
- commit it with commit message
- change the content of two file
- set to staged
- use git status
- commit it with commit message
- git pull
- git push -u origin my_branch
- check it on github
- change the content of two file
- use git status
- remove from staged git reset HEAD file
- change the content of two file
- use git status
- set to staged
- git diff --staged or --cached
- commit it
- check it on github
- Saving the Command Line edits
- change back to the directory where you completed the Command Line phase
- this should be a git repository as well
- stage and commit the changes, and push it to your remote repo
- see on github
- From tomorrow you'll only work in one repository, the one under greenfox-velox organisation
- its easier to track if everything related to your progress is in one repository
- we wont learn how to create git repositories inside other git repositories, but a link would be nice for today's learning curves ;)
- create a README.md file in your main greenfox repository root
- check out how to create a link in Markdown syntax: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#links
- create a link for your cloned syllabus repo with a nice title (stage, commit and push)
- The cherry on the cake for today
- Create a new repo under your username at github called yourgithubusername.github.io
- Make a local version of it (clone)
- Pay attention not to clone inside another git repo!
- Create an index.html file with content, images and styling or use the ones from first day
- push!
- see your website at http://githubusername.github.io
- its another repo, so you should include links in your main README.md
- about the website
- and the repository as well