Learn how to use the tools.
- Introduction
- Team building :)
- Command-line, GIT
- Create own CV
- Create, open, modify files using the editor
- Internet:
- Able to explain the purpose of the internet related protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, IP, TCP
- Tell the magnitude of highest possible stored numbers in Bit and Byte related measures, eg: 2 Bytes -> 65k
- Explain how a DNS server works and what it's purpose
- Tell if an IP address is valid
- Explain what a router do
- Explain the mechanism of public key encryption
- Tell how these hacking methods are working: DDos, Virus, Phising, Backfor
- Command Line:
- Travesing directories
- Copy, Move, Delete, Create files and directories
- Modify the content of a file
- Basic usage of:
- Understanding stdout, stderr and redirection with | and >
- Developer Tools:
- View a page's source
- Inspect Element
- Modify HTML content
- Modify CSS properties
- Toggle CSS properties
- Add new CSS properties
- Follow indentation guidelines
- Write valid HTML and CSS code
- Understanding Doctype
- Using tags:
- Understanding the semantic meaning of tags
- Coloring backgrounds and fonts
- Creating Paddings, Borders and Margins
- Specify sizes
- Using bacground images
- Using google web fonts
- Understanding Color codes