mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="couchbase.test.sdk.Loader" -Dexec.args="-n <ip> -user <username> -pwd <password> -b <bucket-name> -p 11210 -create_s 0 -create_e 10000000 -cr 100 -ops 100000 -docSize 1024 -scope <> -collection <>"
Required options: n, user, pwd, b, p
usage: Supported Options
-b,--bucket <arg> Bucket
-collection <arg> Collection
-cr,--create <arg> Creates%
-create_e,--create_e <arg> Creates Start
-create_s,--create_s <arg> Creates Start
-delete_e,--delete_e <arg> Delete End
-delete_s,--delete_s <arg> Delete Start
-deleted,--deleted <arg> To verify deleted docs
-dl,--delete <arg> Deletes%
-docSize,--docSize <arg> Size of the doc
-durability <arg> Durability Level
-ex,--expiry <arg> Expiry%
-expiry_e,--expiry_e <arg> Expiry End
-expiry_s,--expiry_s <arg> Expiry Start
-gtm,--gtm <arg> Go for max doc ops
-keySize,--keySize <arg> Size of the key
-keyType,--keyType <arg> Random/Sequential/Reverse
-loadType,--loadType <arg> Hot/Cold
-n,--node <arg> IP Address
-ops,--ops <arg> Ops/Sec
-p,--port <arg> Memcached Port
-pwd,--rest_password <arg> Password
-rd,--read <arg> Reads%
-read_e,--read_e <arg> Read End
-read_s,--read_s <arg> Read Start
-replace_e,--replace_w <arg> Replace End
-replace_s,--replace_s <arg> Replace Start
-scope <arg> Scope
-touch_e,--touch_e <arg> Touch End
-touch_s,--touch_s <arg> Touch Start
-transaction_patterns <arg> Transaction load pattern
-up,--update <arg> Updates%
-update_e,--update_e <arg> Update End
-update_s,--update_s <arg> Update Start
-user,--rest_username <arg> Username
-validate,--validate <arg> Validate Data during Reads
-valueType,--valueType <arg>
-w,--workers <arg> Workers