- The airline management system should allow users to search for flights based on source, destination, and date.
- Users should be able to book flights, select seats, and make payments.
- The system should manage flight schedules, aircraft assignments, and crew assignments.
- The system should handle passenger information, including personal details and baggage information.
- The system should support different types of users, such as passengers, airline staff, and administrators.
- The system should be able to handle cancellations, refunds, and flight changes.
- The system should ensure data consistency and handle concurrent access to shared resources.
- The system should be scalable and extensible to accommodate future enhancements and new features.
- The Flight class represents a flight in the airline management system, with properties such as flight number, source, destination, departure time, arrival time, and available seats.
- The Aircraft class represents an aircraft, with properties like tail number, model, and total seats.
- The Passenger class represents a passenger, with properties such as ID, name, email, and phone number.
- The Booking class represents a booking made by a passenger for a specific flight and seat, with properties such as booking number, flight, passenger, seat, price, and booking status.
- The Seat class represents a seat on a flight, with properties like seat number, seat type, and seat status.
- The Payment class represents a payment made for a booking, with properties such as payment ID, payment method, amount, and payment status.
- The FlightSearch class provides functionality to search for flights based on source, destination, and date.
- The BookingManager class manages the creation and cancellation of bookings. It follows the Singleton pattern to ensure a single instance of the booking manager.
- The PaymentProcessor class handles the processing of payments. It follows the Singleton pattern to ensure a single instance of the payment processor.
- The AirlineManagementSystem class serves as the main entry point of the system, combining all the components and providing methods for flight management, booking, payment processing, and other operations.