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This section describes the error handling capabilities provided by the CAP Java SDK.

Indicating Errors

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The CAP Java SDK provides two different ways to indicate errors:

  • By throwing an exception: This completely aborts the event processing and rollbacks the transaction.
  • By using the Messages API: This adds errors, warnings, info, or success messages to the currently processed request, but doesn't affect the event processing or the transaction.

The message texts for both exceptions and the Messages API can use formatting and localization.


Any exception that is thrown by an event handler method aborts the processing of the current event and causes any active transaction to be rolled back. To indicate further details about the error, such as a suggested mapping to an HTTP response code, the CAP Java SDK provides a generic unchecked exception class, called ServiceException. It's recommended to use this exception class, when throwing an exception in an event handler.

When creating a new instance of ServiceException you can specify an ErrorStatus object, through which an internal error code and a mapping to an HTTP status code can be indicated. An enum ErrorStatuses exists, which lists many useful HTTP error codes already. If no such error status is set when creating the ServiceException, it defaults to an internal server error (HTTP status code 500).

// default error status
throw new ServiceException("An internal server error occurred", originalException);
// specifying an error status
throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.CONFLICT, "Not enough stock available")
// specifying an error status and the original exception
throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No book title specified", originalException);

The OData V4 adapter turns all exceptions into an OData error response to indicate the error to the client.


The Messages API allows event handlers to add errors, warnings, info, or success messages to the currently processed request. Adding info, warning or success messages doesn't affect the event processing or the transaction. For error messages by default a ServiceException is thrown at the end of the Before handler phase. You can change this by setting cds.errors.combined to false.

The Messages interface provides a logger-like API to collect these messages. Additional optional details can be added to the Message using a builder API. You can access the Messages API from the Event Context:

context.getMessages().success("The order was successfully placed");

In Spring, you can also access it using Dependency Injection:

Messages messages;

messages.warn("No book title specified");
messages.error("The book is no longer available").code("BNA").longTextUrl("/help/book-not-available");

The OData V4 adapter collects these messages and writes them into the sap-messages HTTP header by default. However, when an OData V4 error response is returned, because the request was aborted by an exception, the messages are instead written into the details section of the error response. Writing the messages into explicitly modeled messages properties isn't yet supported.

SAP Fiori uses these messages to display detailed information on the UI. The style how a message appears on the UI depends on the severity of the message.

Throwing a ServiceException from Error Messages { #throwing-a-serviceexception-from-messages}

It is also possible to throw a ServiceException from error messages. This can, for example, be useful to cancel a request after collecting multiple validation errors. The individual validation checks will collect error messages in the Messages API. After the validation checks have been run, you call the throwIfError() method. Only if error messages have been collected, this method cancels the request with a ServiceException:

// throw a ServiceException, if any error messages have been added to the current request

If there are any collected error messages, this method creates a ServiceException from one of these error messages. The OData V4 adapter turns this exception into an OData error response to indicate the error to the client. The remaining error messages are written into the details section of the error response.

If the CDS property cds.errors.combined is set to true (default), Messages.throwIfError() is automatically called at the end of the Before handler phase to abort the event processing in case of errors. It is recommended to use the Messages API for validation errors and rely on the framework calling Messages.throwIfError() automatically, instead of throwing a ServiceException.

Formatting and Localization

Texts passed to both ServiceException and the Messages API can be formatted and localized. By default you can use SLF4J's messaging formatting style to format strings passed to both APIs.

// message with placeholders
messages.warn("Can't order {} books: Not enough on stock", orderQuantity);
// on ServiceException last argument can always be the causing exception
throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid number: '{}'", wrongNumber, originalException);

You can localize these strings, by putting them into property files and passing the key of the message from the properties file to the API instead of the message text.

When running your application on Spring, the CAP Java SDK integrates with Spring's support for handling text resource bundles. This handling by default expects translated texts in a file under src/main/resources.

The texts defined in the resource bundles can be formatted based on the syntax defined by java.text.MessageFormat. When the message or exception text is sent to the client it's localized using the client's locale, as described in the Localization Cookbook.

::: code-group

my.message.key = This is a localized message with {0} parameters
my.message.key = Das ist ein übersetzter Text mit {0} Parametern


// localized message with placeholders
messages.warn("my.message.key", paramNumber);
// localized message with placeholders and additional exception
throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "my.message.key", paramNumber, originalException);

Exporting the Default Messages

As of CAP Java 1.10.0, you can extract the available default messages as a resource bundle file for further processing (for example, translation). Therefore, the delivery artifact cds-services-utils contains a resource bundle with all available error codes and default messages. Application developers can use this template to customize error messages thrown by the CAP Java SDK in the application.

  1. Download the artifact or get it from the local Maven repository in ~/.m2/repository/com/sap/cds/cds-services-utils/<VERSION>/cds-services-utils-<VERSION>.jar.

  2. Extract the file.

    jar -f cds-services-utils-<VERSION>.jar -x

    ::: tip <VERSION> is the version of CAP Java you're using in your project. :::

  3. Rename the extracted file appropriately (for example, to and move it to the resource directory of your application.

  4. In your Spring Boot application, you have to register this additional resource bundle accordingly.

Now, you're able to customize the stack error messages in your application.

With new CAP Java versions, there could be also new or changed error messages in the stack. To identify these changes, export from the new CAP Java version and compare it with the previous version using a diff tool.


When SAP Fiori interprets messages it can handle an additional target property, which, for example, specifies which element of an entity the message refers to. SAP Fiori can use this information to display the message along the corresponding field on the UI. When specifying messages in the sap-messages HTTP header, SAP Fiori mostly ignores the target value. Therefore, specifying the target can only correctly be used when throwing a ServiceException as SAP Fiori correctly handles the target property in OData V4 error responses.

A message target is always relative to an input parameter in the event context. For CRUD-based events this is usually the cqn parameter you can find in the underlying map of the event context. For action or function events you find their input parameters in the map, as well.

Therefore, when creating a message target, one of these event context parameters needs to be selected to specify what the relative message target path refers to.

By default a message target always refers to the CQN statement of the event. In case of CRUD events this is the targeted entity. In case of bound actions and functions this is the entity that the action or function was bound to.

Let's illustrate this with the following example:

entity Books : cuid, managed {
    title  : localized String(111);
    descr  : localized String(1111);
    author : Association to Authors;

entity Authors : cuid, managed {
    name         : String(111);
    dateOfBirth  : Date;
    placeOfBirth : String;
    books        : Association to many Books
                       on = $self;

entity Reviews : cuid, managed {
    book   : Association to Books;
    rating : Rating;
    title  : String(111);
    text   : String(1111);

service CatalogService {
    type Reviewer {
        firstName : String;
        lastName  : String;
    entity Books as projection on my.Books excluding {
    } actions {
        action addReview(reviewer : Reviewer, rating : Integer, title : String, text : String) returns Reviews;

Here, we have a CatalogService that exposes et al. the Books entity and a Books bound action addReview.

CRUD Events

Within a Before handler that triggers on inserts of new books a message target can only refer to the cqn parameter:

public void validateTitle(CdsCreateEventContext context, Books book) {

    // ...

    // event context contains the "cqn" key

    // implicitly referring to cqn
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No title specified")
        .messageTarget(b -> b.get("title"));

    // which is equivalent to explicitly referring to cqn
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No title specified")
        .messageTarget("cqn", b -> b.get("title"));

    // which is the same as (using plain string)
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No title specified")

    // ...

Instead of using the generic API for creating the relative message target path, CAP Java SDK also provides a typed API backed by the CDS model:

public void validateTitle(CdsCreateEventContext context, Books book) {
    // ...

    // implicitly referring to cqn
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No title specified")
        .messageTarget(Books_.class, b -> b.title());

    // ...

This also works for nested paths that with associations:

public void validateAuthorName(CdsCreateEventContext context, Books book) {
    // ...

    // using un-typed API
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No title specified")
        .messageTarget(b ->"author").get("name"));

    // using typed API
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "No author name specified")
        .messageTarget(Books_.class, b ->;

    // ...

Bound Actions and Functions

The same applies to message targets that refer to an action or function input parameter:

public void validateReview(AddReviewContext context) {
    // ...

    // event context contains the keys "reviewer", "rating", "title", "text",
    // which are the input parameters of the action "addReview"

    // referring to action parameter "reviewer", targeting "firstName"
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid reviewer first name")
        .messageTarget("reviewer", r -> r.get("firstName"));

    // which is equivalent to using the typed API
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid reviewer first name")
        .messageTarget("reviewer", Reviewer_.class, r -> r.firstName());

    // targeting "rating"
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid review rating")

    // targeting "title"
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid review title")

     // targeting "text"
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid review text")

    // ...

If a message target refers to the cqn of the event context, for bound actions and functions that means, that the message target path is relative to the bound entity.

For the addReview action that is the Books entity, as in the following example:

public void validateReview(AddReviewContext context) {
    // ...

    // referring to the bound entity `Books`
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid book description")
        .messageTarget(b -> b.get("descr"));

    // which is equivalent to
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid book description")
        .messageTarget(b -> b.descr());

    // or (using the typed API, referring to "cqn" implicitly)
    throw new ServiceException(ErrorStatuses.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid book description")
        .messageTarget(Books_.class, b -> b.descr());

    // ...

::: tip The previous examples showcase the target creation with the ServiceException API, but the same can be done with the Message API and the respective target(...) methods. :::

Error Handler { #errorhandler}

An exception thrown in an event handler will stop the processing of the request. As part of that, protocol adapters trigger the ERROR_RESPONSE event of the Application Lifecycle Service. By default, this event combines the thrown exception and the messages from the RequestContext in a list to produce the error response. OData V4 and V2 protocol adapters will use this list to create an OData error response with the first entry being the main error and the remaining entries in the details section.

You can add event handlers using the @After phase for the ERROR_RESPONSE event to augment or change the error responses:

  • Method getException() of ErrorResponseEventContext returns the exception that triggered the event.
  • Method getEventContexts() of ServiceException contains the list of event contexts, identifying the chain of processed events that led to the error. The first entry in the list is the context closest to the origin of the exception.

You can use the exception and the list of events contexts (with service, entity and event name) to selectively apply your custom error response handling. Some exceptions, however, may not be associated with a context and the list of contexts will be empty for them.

The list of messages available via getResult().getMessages() of the ErrorResponseEventContext contains the messages (see Messages API) the protocol adapter will use to generate the final error response. You can remove, reorder or add new messages to this list by using Message.create() . You can also override the resulting HTTP status with method getResult().setHttpStatus(). Use only statuses that indicate errors, meaning status code 400 or higher.

::: warning Don't create new messages in the Messages of the RequestContext (also available through context.getMessages()). They will not be included in the response. Only the result provided by the ErrorResponseEventContext is considered by the protocol adapter. :::

In case your implementation of the error handler throws an exception, returns no messages or sets a non-error HTTP status, the error response will default to a generic internal server error with HTTP status 500 and will not display any error details.

The following example of a simple error handler overrides the standard message text of authorization errors. Technically, it replaces the first message, that is the main error in OData, in the response with a new message that has a custom text, only for exceptions with error code CdsErrorStatuses.EVENT_FORBIDDEN.

public class SimpleExceptionHandler implements EventHandler {

  public void overrideMissingAuthMessage(ErrorResponseEventContext context) {
    if (context.getException().getErrorStatus().equals(CdsErrorStatuses.EVENT_FORBIDDEN)) {
        context.getResult().getMessages().set(0, Message.create(Severity.ERROR, "You cannot execute this action"));

The second example shows how to override validation messages triggered by the annotation @assert.range for a certain entity. The exception triggered by CAP contains a reference to the event context that can be used to identify the target entity. The target of each message can be used to identify the affected field, but keep in mind that targets are always relative to the root entity of the request. That means in case of deep inserts or updates, you need to match not only the entity that has annotations but also the parent entities.

public class ExceptionServiceErrorMessagesHandler implements EventHandler {

  public void overrideValidationMessages(ErrorResponseEventContext context) {
    context.getException().getEventContexts().stream().findFirst().ifPresent(originalContext -> {
      if (Books_.CDS_NAME.equals(originalContext.getTarget().getQualifiedName())) { // filter by entity
        List<Message> messages = context.getResult().getMessages();
        for(int i=0; i<messages.size(); ++i) {
          Message message = messages.get(i);
          if (CdsErrorStatuses.VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.getCodeString().equals(message.getCode())) { // filter by error code
            if (Books.PRICE.equals(message.getTarget().getRef().targetSegment().id())) { // filter by target
              messages.set(i, Message.create(Severity.ERROR, "The exceptional price is not in defined range!", message));
            } else if (Books.STOCK.equals(message.getTarget().getRef().targetSegment().id())) {
              messages.set(i, Message.create(Severity.ERROR, "The exceptional stock of specified items is not available!", message));

::: tip If you replace the message with a new one, make sure that you copy the code and target of the original. Otherwise, SAP Fiori clients may not be able to display them properly. Use method Message.create(Severity severity, String text, Message message) to create a new message and copy all additional attributes from the existing one. :::