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Learn about CAP's intrinsic querying capabilities, which allows clients to request the exact data they need, and are key enablers for serving requests automatically.

Querying and View Building

{{ $frontmatter.synopsis }}


Overview — Why Querying?

We all know querying from SQL databases: we use queries to express which data we're interested in, by applying selection — i.e., filtering the rows to fetch data for —, and projection — choosing data attributes. The database engine interprets the query and calculates an optimized execution plan, to collect and return the requested data.

Example Using Querying

Here is a typical case reading nested data using cds.ql in Node.js:

let authors = await SELECT.from `Authors` .columns `{
   ID, name, books [where stock>4] {
      ID, title, stock, as genre
}` .where `born < 1900`
.orderBy `name asc`

What data excerpt is required is expressed in a single query statement; all data is read in a single operation. This is frequently called the functional/intentional programming approach: in the code the programmer expresses what s/he wants not how, leaving it to the runtime framework to optimize behind the scenes.

Querying vs Imperative Coding

Assumed we'd have to read from data sources, which don't support querying — that is, no projections, no expands, no filtering, no sorting — doing the equivalent of the above might end up in imperative coding like that:

let db = //... be some REST-like data source
let authors = [] //... to be filled in below
let allAuthors = db.get('Authors')   //> all data of all authors!
let allBooks = db.get('Books')       //> all data of all books!
for (let a of allAuthors) {
  if (a.born >= 1900) continue       //> ignoring unwanted rows
  let a2 = {                         //> ignoring unwanted data
      ID    : a.ID,
      name  :,
      books : []
  for (let b of allBooks) {
    if ( !== a.ID) continue  //> ignoring unwanted rows
    let b2 = {                       //> ignoring unwanted data
      ID    : b.ID,
      title : b.title,
      stock : b.stock
    let gid = b.genre.ID
    let g = db.get('Genre/'+b.genre) //> expensive single fetch
    b2.genre =                //> ignoring unwanted data
    a2.books.push (b2)
  authors.push (a2)
return authors

Clearly this example shows that data-oriented applications need data sources which at least some kind of querying support.

Querying vs. ORM

If we'd use an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) instead, we would benefit from the ORM-typical deferred fetching of related data, like author.books and books.genre in our example.

let authors = [] //... to be filled in below
let _authors = Authors.where({       //> all data of selected authors
  born: { gt: 1900 }
for (let a of _authors) {
  let a2 = {                         //> ignoring unwanted data
      ID    : a.ID,
      name  :,
      books : []
  for (let b of a.books) {           //> ORM-typical deferred fetch
    let b2 = {                       //> ignoring unwanted data
      ID    : b.ID,
      title : b.title,
      stock : b.stock
    b2.genre =          //> ignoring unwanted data
    a2.books.push (b2)
  authors.push (a2)
return authors

Typically with ORMs:

  • navigating along relationship looks convenient → like object references, yet...
  • still rather poor re projections → reading all attributes
  • and at the cost of 1+n queries syndromes
  • which requires object identity and caching to perform
  • which conflicts with scalability in clusters

View and Projections (in CDL) {#views}

Similar to SQL, CDS allows to declare new entities as views on underlying entities, using queries to capture the respective mappings.

entity MyFavoriteBooks as select from Books {
   ID, title, as author
} where ID in (SELECT book from MyFavorites)
entity LatestBooks as projection on Books {
   ID, title, as author
} where publication >= $now - 1 year

Learn more about Views and Projections in CDL.{.learn-more}

CDS provides two syntax variants for declaring views:

as select from

allows full native SQL feature sets of underlying databases → use that only if you are sure you can map to such a database. {.indent}

as projection on

is restricted to projections and filters → use that if the views might be served from other sources than databases. {.indent}

Things only supported with as select from comprise JOINs, UNIONs, sub selects, aggregations, DB-native features.

CDS Query Language (CQL)

Within the CDS language family, CQL is the human-readable language to express queries. Such queries can be executed at runtime, or used to define new entities as views on underlying ones, as introduced above.

Designed as an Extension to SQL

CQL is designed as an extension to SQL, so, queries written in CQL look familiar to all who know SQL, and all the commonly known SQL constructs are supported.

For example, this is valid SQL, as well as valid CQL:

SELECT ID, title as Title, descr as Description from Books

Moreover, this allows CQL to be used as a stand-in to SQL when talking to databases as also things like JOINs, UNIONs, etc. up to native features from underlying databases can be used.

Path Expressions

The most important extension to SQL is path expressions allow to navigate along associations, thereby eliminating the need for joins.

For example, this query written in SQL:

SELECT ID, title, as author from Books
JOIN Authors ON Books.author_ID = Authors.ID

... simplifies to that in CQL:

SELECT ID, title, as author from Books

Learn more about Path Expressions in CQL.{.learn-more}

Nested Projections

Another important extensions are deeply nestable projections, which allow to expand result sets to data read from association targets. We saw this already above:

SELECT from Authors {   -- postfix projection
  ID, name, books {     -- nested projection to-many
    ID, title, genre {  -- nested projection to-one

Learn more about projections in CQL.{.learn-more}

Core Query Notation (CQN)

Constructing Queries ...

For example all these would result in the same CQN as shown below:

  • by parsing incoming OData request URLs:

    const OData = { URL: cds.odata.parse }
    let q = OData.URL `/Authors?$select=name&$expand=books`
  • by parsing CQL:

    let q = CQL `SELECT from Authors { name, books{*} }`
  • using cds.ql APIs:

    let q = SELECT.from (Authors, a=>{
      a.ID,, a.books('*')
  • using cds.Service Querying APIs:

    let q = (Authors, a=>{
      a.ID,, a.books('*')
  • by simply constructing plain CQN objects:

    let q = {
      SELECT: {
        from: { ref: [ 'Authors' ] },
        columns: [
          { ref: [ 'name' ] },
          { ref: [ 'books' ], expand: [ '*' ] }

Translating Queries to SQL, CQL, OData, GraphQL

First-Class Query Objects

Queries on Queries on Queries ...

Views as Named Queries

Pushing down Query Execution

Late Materialization

Generic Providers

Database services translate CQN to native (S)QL

Generic Providers Delegate Queries

Middlewares Enhance Queries

CQL, SQL, OData, GraphQL

This is a brief comparison

Applicable to non-database services? yes yes yes
Project, Expand, Transform 1) +++ + + ++ ++
Filtering, Infix Filters ++ + ++ 2)
Pagination, Sorting ++ ++ ++ 2)
Views → Generic Providers ++ ++
Late Materialization, 1st-class Queries ++ + 3) 3)
JOINs, UNIONs, Native DB Features +++ +++

1) for example, as baz 2) through custom operations 3) through custom implementations