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Using SQLite for Development {#sqlite}

CAP provides extensive support for SQLite, which allows projects to speed up development by magnitudes at minimized costs. We strongly recommend using this option as much as possible during development and testing.

::: tip New SQLite Service This guide focuses on the new SQLite Service provided through @cap-js/sqlite, which has many advantages over the former one, as documented in the Features section. To migrate from the old service, find instructions in the Migration section. :::

::: info This guide is available for Node.js and Java. Press v to switch, or use the toggle. :::


Setup & Configuration

Run this to use SQLite for development:

npm add @cap-js/sqlite -D

Auto-Wired Configuration {.impl .node}

The @cap-js/sqlite package uses the cds-plugin technique to auto-configure your application for using an in-memory SQLite database for development.

You can inspect the effective configuration using cds env:

cds env requires.db


  impl: '@cap-js/sqlite',
  credentials: { url: ':memory:' },
  kind: 'sqlite'

See also the general information on installing database packages.{.learn-more}

Using the Maven Archetype {.impl .java}

When a new CAP Java project is created with the Maven Archetype, you can specify the in-memory database to be used. Use the option -DinMemoryDatabase=sqlite to create a project that uses SQLite as in-memory database.

Manual Configuration {.impl .java}

To use SQLite, add a Maven dependency to the SQLite JDBC driver:


Further configuration depends on whether you run SQLite as an in-memory database or as a file-based database.


Initial Database Schema

Configure the build to create an initial schema.sql file for SQLite using cds deploy --to sqlite --dry > srv/src/main/resources/schema.sql.

::: code-group

			<command>deploy --to sqlite --dry > srv/src/main/resources/schema.sql</command>


Learn more about creating an initial database schema{.learn-more}

In-Memory Databases

As stated previously, @cap-js/sqlite uses an in-memory SQLite database by default. For example, when starting your application with cds watch, you can see this in the log output:

[cds] - connect to db > sqlite { url: ':memory:' } // [!code focus]
  > init from db/init.js
  > init from db/data/sap.capire.bookshop-Authors.csv
  > init from db/data/sap.capire.bookshop-Books.csv
  > init from db/data/sap.capire.bookshop-Books.texts.csv
  > init from db/data/sap.capire.bookshop-Genres.csv
/> successfully deployed to in-memory database. // [!code focus]

::: tip

Using in-memory databases is the most recommended option for test drives and test pipelines.


The database content is stored in-memory. Configure the DB connection in the non-productive default profile:

::: code-group

  config.activate.on-profile: default
      mode: always
    url: "jdbc:sqlite:file::memory:?cache=shared"
    driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC
      maximum-pool-size: 1
      max-lifetime: 0


Learn how to configure an in-memory SQLite database.{.learn-more}

Persistent Databases

You can also use persistent SQLite databases. Follow these steps to do so:

You can also use persistent SQLite databases. In this case, the schema is initialized by cds deploy and not by Spring. Follow these steps:

  1. Specify a database filename in your db configuration as follows:

    ::: code-group

    { "cds": { "requires": {
       "db": {
          "kind": "sqlite",
          "credentials": { "url": "db.sqlite" } // [!code focus]


  2. Run cds deploy:

    cds deploy

This will:

  1. Create a database file with the given name.
  2. Create the tables and views according to your CDS model.
  3. Fill in initial data from the provided .csv files.

With that in place, the server will use this prepared database instead of bootstrapping an in-memory one upon startup:

[cds] - connect to db > sqlite { url: 'db.sqlite' }

Finally, configure the DB connection - ideally in a dedicated sqlite profile:

  config.activate.on-profile: sqlite
    url: "jdbc:sqlite:sqlite.db"
    driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC
      maximum-pool-size: 1

Learn how to configure a file-based SQLite database{.learn-more}

::: tip Redeploy on changes

Remember to always redeploy your database whenever you change your models or your data. Just run cds deploy again to do so.


Drop-Create Schema

When you redeploy your database, it will always drop-create all tables and views. This is most suitable for development environments, where schema changes are very frequent and broad.

Schema Evolution

While drop-create is most appropriate for development, it isn't suitable for database upgrades in production, as all customer data would be lost. To avoid this, cds deploy also supports automatic schema evolution, which you can use as follows:

  1. Enable automatic schema evolution in your db configuration:

    ::: code-group

    { "cds": { "requires": {
       "db": {
          "kind": "sqlite",
          "credentials": { "url": "db.sqlite" },
          "schema_evolution": "auto" // [!code focus]


  2. Run cds deploy:

    cds deploy

Learn more about automatic schema evolution in the PostgreSQL guide.
The information in there is also applicable to SQLite with persistent databases.


The following is an overview of advanced features supported by the new database services.

These apply to all new database services, including SQLiteService, HANAService, and PostgresService.

Path Expressions & Filters {.impl .node}

The new database service provides full support for all kinds of path expressions, including infix filters and exists predicates. For example, you can try this out with cap/samples as follows:

// $ cds repl --profile better-sqlite
var { server } = await cds.test('bookshop'), { Books, Authors } = cds.entities
await INSERT.into (Books) .entries ({ title: 'Unwritten Book' })
await INSERT.into (Authors) .entries ({ name: 'Upcoming Author' })
await SELECT `from ${Books} { title as book, as author, as genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { books.title as book, name as author, as genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Books} { title as book, author[ID<170].name as author, as genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Books} { title as book, as author, as genre }` .where ({'':{like:'Ed%'},or:{'author.ID':170}})
await SELECT `from ${Books} { title as book, as author, as genre } where like 'Ed%' or author.ID=170`
await SELECT `from ${Books}:author[name like 'Ed%' or ID=170] { books.title as book, name as author, as genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Books}:author[150] { books.title as book, name as author, as genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books { ID, title }}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books { ID, title, genre { ID, name }}}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books.genre { ID, name }}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books as some_books { ID, title, as genre }}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books[genre.ID=11] as dramatic_books { ID, title, as genre }}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { ID, name, books.genre[name!='Drama'] as no_drama_books_count { count(*) as sum }}`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { books.genre.ID }`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { books.genre }`
await SELECT `from ${Authors} { }`

Optimized Expands {.impl .node}

The old database service implementation(s) used to translate deep reads, that is, SELECTs with expands, into several database queries and collect the individual results into deep result structures. The new service uses json_object and other similar functions to instead do that in one single query, with sub selects, which greatly improves performance.

For example:

SELECT.from(Authors, a => {
  a.ID,, a.books (b => {
    b.title, b.genre (g => {

While this used to require three queries with three roundtrips to the database, now only one query is required.

Localized Queries {.impl .node}

With the old implementation, running queries like SELECT.from(Books) would always return localized data, without being able to easily read the non-localized data. The new service does only what you asked for, offering new SELECT.localized options:

let books = await SELECT.from(Books)       //> non-localized data
let lbooks = await SELECT.localized(Books) //> localized data

Usage variants include:


Standard Operators {.impl .node}

The new database services guarantee identical behavior of these logic operators:

  • ==, = — with = null being translated to is null
  • !=, <> — with != translated to IS NOT in SQLite
  • <, >, <=, >=, IN, LIKE — are supported as is in standard SQL

In particular, the translation of != to IS NOT in SQLite — or to IS DISTINCT FROM in standard SQL, or to an equivalent polyfill in SAP HANA — greatly improves the portability of your code.

These operators are available for runtime queries, but not in CDS files.

Standard Functions {.impl .node}

A specified set of standard functions is now supported in a database-agnostic, hence portable way, and translated to database-specific variants or polyfills. These functions are by and large the same as specified in OData:

  • concat(x,y,...) — concatenates the given strings
  • contains(x,y) — checks whether y is contained in x, may be fuzzy
  • search(xs,y) — checks whether y is contained in any of xs, may be fuzzy
  • startswith(x,y) — checks whether y starts with x
  • endswith(x,y) — checks whether y ends with x
  • matchesPattern(x,y) — checks whether x matches regex y
  • substring(x,i,n) — extracts a substring from x starting at i with length n 1
  • indexof(x,y) — returns the (zero-based) index of the first occurrence of y in x
  • length(x) — returns the length of string x
  • tolower(x) — returns all-lowercased x
  • toupper(x) — returns all-uppercased x
  • ceiling(x) — returns ceiled x
  • session_context(v) — with standard variable names → see below
  • year month, day, hour, minute, second — return parts of a datetime

1 Argument n is optional. These functions are only supported within runtime queries, but not in CDS files.

The database service implementation translates these to the best-possible native SQL functions, thus enhancing the extent of portable queries.

CQL query:

SELECT from Books where search((title,descr),'y')

Translated native SQLite query:

SELECT * from sap_capire_bookshop_Books
 WHERE ifnull(instr(lower(title),lower('y')),0)
    OR ifnull(instr(lower(descr),lower('y')),0)

Note: only single values are supported for the second argument y.

::: warning Case-sensitive

You have to write these functions exactly as given; all-uppercase usages aren't supported.


SAP HANA Functions {.impl .node}

In addition to the standard functions, which all new database services support, the new SQLite service also supports these common SAP HANA functions, to further increase the scope for portable testing:

  • years_between
  • months_between
  • days_between
  • seconds_between
  • nano100_between

With open source and the new database service architecture, we also have methods in place to enhance this list by custom implementation.

Both usages are allowed here: all-lowercase as given above, as well as all-uppercase.

Session Variables {.impl .node}

The new SQLite service can leverage better-sqlite's user-defined functions to support session context variables. In particular, the pseudo variables $, $user.locale, $valid.from, and $ are available in native SQL queries as shown below:

SELECT session_context('$')
SELECT session_context('$user.locale')
SELECT session_context('$valid.from')
SELECT session_context('$')

Among other things, this allows us to get rid of static helper views for localized data like localized_de_sap_capire_Books.

::: tip Portable API

The API shown below, which includes the function session_context() and specific pseudo variable names, is supported by all new database services, that is, SQLite, PostgreSQL and SAP HANA. This allows you to write respective code once and run it on all these databases.


Using Lean Draft {.impl .node}

The old implementation was overly polluted with draft handling. But as draft is actually a Fiori UI concept, none of that should show up in database layers. Hence, we eliminated all draft handling from the new database service implementations, and implemented draft in a modular, non-intrusive way — called 'Lean Draft'. The most important change is that we don't do expensive UNIONs anymore but work with single (cheap) selects.

Consistent Timestamps {.impl .node}

Values for elements of type DateTime and Timestamp are handled in a consistent way across all new database services along these lines:

:::tip Timestamps = Timestamp as well as DateTime

When we say Timestamps, we mean elements of type Timestamp as well as DateTime. Although they have different precision levels, they are essentially the same type. DateTime elements have seconds precision, while Timestamp elements have milliseconds precision in SQLite, and microsecond precision in SAP HANA and PostgreSQL.


Writing Timestamps

When writing data using INSERT, UPSERT or UPDATE, you can provide values for DateTime and Timestamp elements as JavaScript Date objects or ISO 8601 Strings. All input is normalized to ensure DateTime and Timestamp values can be safely compared. In case of SAP HANA and PostgreSQL, they're converted to native types. In case of SQLite, they're stored as ISO 8601 Strings in Zulu timezone as returned by JavaScript's Date.toISOString().

For example:

await INSERT.into(Books).entries([
  { createdAt: new Date },                       //> stored .toISOString()
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11Z' },         //> padded with .000Z
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.123Z' },     //> stored as is
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.1234563Z' }, //> truncated to .123Z
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11+02:00' },    //> converted to zulu time

Reading Timestamps

Timestamps are returned as they're stored in a normalized way, with milliseconds precision, as supported by the JavaScript Date object. For example, the entries inserted previously would return the following:

await SELECT('createdAt').from(Books).where({title:null})
  { createdAt: '2023-08-10T14:24:30.798Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.000Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.123Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.123Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T09:11:11.000Z' }

DateTime elements are returned with seconds precision, with all fractional second digits truncated. That is, if the createdAt in our examples was a DateTime, the previous query would return this:

  { createdAt: '2023-08-10T14:24:30Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11Z' },
  { createdAt: '2022-11-11T09:11:11Z' }

Comparing DateTimes & Timestamps

You can safely compare DateTimes & Timestamps with each other and with input values. The input values have to be Date objects or ISO 8601 Strings in Zulu timezone with three fractional digits.

For example, all of these would work:

SELECT.from(Foo).where `someTimestamp = anotherTimestamp`
SELECT.from(Foo).where `someTimestamp = someDateTime`
SELECT.from(Foo).where `someTimestamp = ${new Date}`
SELECT.from(Foo).where `someTimestamp = ${req.timestamp}`
SELECT.from(Foo).where `someTimestamp = ${'2022-11-11T11:11:11.123Z'}`

While these would fail, because the input values don't comply to the rules:

SELECT.from(Foo).where `createdAt = ${'2022-11-11T11:11:11+02:00'}` // non-Zulu time zone
SELECT.from(Foo).where `createdAt = ${'2022-11-11T11:11:11Z'}` // missing 3-digit fractions

This is because we can never reliably infer the types of input to where clause expressions. Therefore, that input will not receive any normalisation, but be passed down as is as plain string.

:::tip Always ensure proper input in where clauses

Either use strings strictly in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ format, or Date objects, as follows:

SELECT.from(Foo).where ({ createdAt: '2022-11-11T11:11:11.000Z' })
SELECT.from(Foo).where ({ createdAt: new Date('2022-11-11T11:11:11Z') })


The rules regarding Timestamps apply to all comparison operators: =, <, >, <=, >=.

Improved Performance {.impl .node}

The combination of the above-mentioned improvements commonly leads to significant performance improvements. For example, displaying the list page of Travels in cap/sflight took >250ms in the past, and ~15ms now.

Migration {.impl .node}

While we were able to keep all public APIs stable, we had to apply changes and fixes to some undocumented behaviours and internal APIs in the new implementation. While not formally breaking changes, you may have used or relied on these undocumented APIs and behaviours. In that case, you can find instructions about how to resolve this in the following sections.

These apply to all new database services: SQLiteService, HANAService, and PostgresService.

Use Old and New in Parallel {.impl .node}

During migration, you may want to occasionally run and test your app with both the new SQLite service and the old one. You can accomplish this as follows:

  1. Add the new service with --no-save:

    npm add @cap-js/sqlite --no-save

    This bypasses the cds-plugin mechanism, which works through package dependencies.

  2. Run or test your app with the better-sqlite profile using one of these options:

    cds watch bookshop --profile better-sqlite
    CDS_ENV=better-sqlite cds watch bookshop
    CDS_ENV=better-sqlite jest --silent
  3. Run or test your app with the old SQLite service as before:

    cds watch bookshop
    jest --silent

Avoid UNIONs and JOINs {.impl .node}

Many advanced features supported by the new database services, like path expressions or deep expands, rely on the ability to infer queries from CDS models. This task gets extremely complex when adding UNIONs and JOINs to the equation — at least the effort and overhead is hardly matched by generated value. Therefore, we dropped support of UNIONs and JOINs in CQN queries.

For example, this means queries like these are deprecated / not supported any longer:



  1. Use path expressions instead of joins. (The former lack of support for path expressions was the most common reason for having to use joins at all.)

  2. Use plain SQL queries like so:

    await`SELECT from ${Books} join ${Authors} ...`)
  3. Use helper views modeled in CDS, which still supports all complex UNIONs and JOINs, then use this view via cds.ql.

Fixed Localized Data {.impl .node}

Formerly, when reading data using cds.ql, this always returned localized data. For example:

SELECT.from(Books)       // always read from localized.Books instead

This wasn't only wrong, but also expensive. Localized data is an application layer concept. Database services should return what was asked for, and nothing else. → Use Localized Queries if you really want to read localized data from the database:

SELECT.localized(Books)  // reads localized data
SELECT.from(Books)       // reads plain data

::: details No changes to app services behaviour

Generic application service handlers use SELECT.localized to request localized data from the database. Hence, CAP services automatically serve localized data as before.


Skipped Virtuals {.impl .node}

In contrast to their former behaviour, new database services ignore all virtual elements and hence don't add them to result set entries. Selecting only virtual elements in a query leads to an error.

::: details Reasoning

Virtual elements are meant to be calculated and filled in by custom handlers of your application services. Nevertheless, the old database services always returned null, or specified default values for virtual elements. This behavior was removed, as it provides very little value, if at all.


For example, given this definition:

entity Foo {
  foo : Integer;
  virtual bar : Integer;

The behaviour has changed to:

SELECT.from('Foo')         //> [{ foo:1, bar:null }, ...] // [!code --]
SELECT.from('Foo')         //> [{ foo:1 }, ...]
SELECT('bar').from('Foo')  //> ERROR: no columns to read

<> Operator {.impl .node}

Before, both <> and != were translated to name <> 'John' OR name is null.

  • The operator <> now works as specified in the SQL standard.
  • name != 'John' is translated as before to name <> 'John' OR name is null.

::: warning This is a breaking change in regard to the previous implementation. :::

Miscellaneous {.impl .node}

  • Only $now and $user are supported as values for @cds.on.insert/update.
  • CQNs with subqueries require table aliases to refer to elements of outer queries.
  • Table aliases must not contain dots.
  • CQNs with an empty columns array now throw an error.
  • * isn't a column reference. Use columns: ['*'] instead of columns: [{ref:'*'}].
  • Column names in CSVs must map to physical column names:
ID;title;author_ID;currency_code // [!code ++]
ID;title;author.ID;currency.code // [!code --]

Adopt Lean Draft {.impl .node}

As mentioned in Using Lean Draft, we eliminated all draft handling from new database service implementations, and instead implemented draft in a modular, non-intrusive, and optimized way — called 'Lean Draft'.

When using the new service, the new cds.fiori.lean_draft mode is automatically switched on. You may additionally switch on cds.fiori.draft_compat in case you run into problems.

More detailed documentation for that is coming.

Finalizing Migration {.impl .node}

When you have finished migration, remove the old sqlite3 driver :

npm rm sqlite3

And activate the new one as cds-plugin:

npm add @cap-js/sqlite --save

SQLite in Production?

As stated in the beginning, SQLite is mostly intended to speed up development, but is not fit for production. This is not because of limited warranties or lack of support, but rather because of suitability.

A major criterion is this: cloud applications are usually served by server clusters, in which each server is connected to a shared database. SQLite could only be used in such setups with the persistent database file accessed through a network file system. This is rarely available and results in slow performance. Hence, an enterprise client-server database is a more fitting choice for these scenarios.

Having said this, there can indeed be scenarios where SQLite might also be used in production, such as using SQLite as in-memory caches. → Find a detailed list of criteria on the website.

::: warning SQLite only has limited support for concurrent database access due to its very coarse lock granularity. This makes it badly suited for applications with high concurrency. :::