This directory contains English and TLA+ specifications for the FastSync protocol as it is currently implemented in the Tendermint Core codebase.
The English Specification provides a detailed description of the fast sync problem and the properties a correct protocol must satisfy. It also includes a detailed description of the protocol as currently implemented in Go, and an anlaysis of the implementation with respect to the properties.
It was found that the current implementation does not satisfy certain properties, and is therefore not a correct solution to the fast sync problem. The issue discovered holds for all previous implementations of the protocol. A fix is described which is straight forward to implement.
Two TLA+ specifications are provided: a high level specification of the protocol and a low level specification of the scheduler component of the implementation. Both specifications contain properties that may be checked by the TLC model checker, though only for small values of the relevant parameters.
We will continue to refine these specifications in our research work, to deduplicate the redundancies between them, improve their utility to researchers and engineers, and to improve their verifiability. For now, they provide a complete description of the fast sync protocol in TLA+; especially the scheduler.tla, which maps very closely to the current implementation of the scheduler in Go.
The scheduler.tla can be model checked in TLC with the following parameters:
- Constants:
- numRequests <- 2
- PeerIDs <- 0..2
- ultimateHeight <- 3
- Invariants:
- TypeOK
- Properties:
- TerminationWhenNoAdvance
- TerminationGoodPeers
- TerminationAllCases
- Proofs that properties are not vacuously true:
- TerminationGoodPeersPre
- TerminationAllCases
- SchedulerIncreasePre