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Samples at a glance

Jose Alcérreca edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 4 revisions

Check out each project's README for more information and reasoning.

Sample Complexity / Learning cost Testability Dexcount* LOC** Typical use case / advantages
todo-mvp Low High 11386 (100%) 3451 No dependencies, low learning cost.
todo-mvp-clean Medium-Low Very High +1% 4121 Large development teams, focus on testability and maintainability
todo-mvp-dagger Medium Very High +2% 3699 Full flexibility to create variants for automated and manual testing
todo-databinding Medium-Low High +10% 3327 Cleaner layouts with complex data models
todo-mvp-loaders Medium-Low Medium-high +1% 3517 Asynchronous loading with no external dependencies
todo-mvp-contentproviders Medium Medium -0.5% 3535 Sharing data with other apps or widgets
todo-mvp-rxjava High High +11% 3740 Complex data flows

* The dex method count is particular to this app and won't grow linearly. For example, bigger projects will probably benefit from using Data Binding compensating the overhead.

**LOC: Lines of code, Java only.

APK size

The differences in APK size are insignificant (less than 1%), with the exception of the Data Binding and RxJava samples. As with the dex method count, bigger projects won't be affected.

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