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How to analyse LoRaWAN payloads with Amazon Timestream and visualize them with Grafana

You can use "AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN" to ingest time series data from your LoRaWAN devices into Amazon Timestream. After that you can visualize your data in Grafana using a Grafana timestream plugin. Below you will see an example for visualization of both LoRaWAN metadata (RSSI, SNR) as well as LoRaWAN device sensor telemetry (temperature, humidity):

Example of LoRaWAN device sensor telemetry visualization:

This repository contains the resources needed to setup and test data ingestion to Amazon Timestream and implement visualizations using Amazon Timestream Grafana adapter.

The SAM template will create the following resources in your AWS account:

  1. A Timestream database with a name LoRaWANDatabase and tables with names LoRaWANTelemetryTable and LoRaWANMetadataTable:

    • LoRaWANTelemetryTable will store the decoded telemetry payload from LoRaWAN devices
    • LoRaWANMetadataTable will store LoRaWAN metadata (e.g. RSSI and SNR per LoRaWAN gateway) for each ingestion
  2. AWS IoT Rule lorawan2timestream_WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestream_sample_device and related IAM Roles and Policies. The IoT Rule will use following topics as default:

    • lorawanbinary : pattern for subscription to incoming LoRaWAN messages
    • lorawanerror: Name of MQTT topic for to publish IoT Rule action error messages
    • debug: Name of MQTT topic to publish debugging information
  3. AWS Lambda function TransformLoRaWANBinaryPayloadForTimestreamFunction and related IAM Roles and Policies. The Lambda function will be invoked as a part of a rule query statement of the AWS IoT Rule. It will decode a binary payload and create an output with a decoded payload in JSON. The decoded payload is to be processed by WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestreamFunction.

  4. AWS Lambda function WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestreamFunction and related IAM Roles and Policies. This function write the decoded payload attributes as measures into the Timestream table LoRaWANTelemetryTable. Additionally this function will write LoRaWAN metadata (e.g. RSSI and SNR per LoRaWAN gateway) into the Timestream table LoRaWANMetadataTable. To load payload decoders, this function will include AWS Lambda layer LoRaWANPayloadDecoderLayer.

  5. AWS Lambda Layer LoRaWANPayloadDecoderLayer. The layer contains sample binary decoders which will be used by the above mentioned AWS Lambda function, but also can be reused for other AWS lambda functions. As we want to make this sample usable with any kind of LoRaWAN devices, this decoder will simulate decoding of temperature and humidity values. You can follow these steps to build a binary decoder for your LoRaWAN device.

Please note: the CloudFormation stack in this sample prepends a stack name to the name of the above mentioned resources. For example if you use the lorawan2timestream as a stack name, the name of Timestream database will be lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANDatabase and the name of AWS IoT Rule will be lorawan2timestream_StoreLoRaWANDataInTimestream.


If you want to use this sample by simulating ingestion from a LoRaWAN device (e.g. if you don't have a LoRaWAN device yet), please jump directly to the next section Setup.

If you want to ingest telemetry from your LoRaWN device, please ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

1. Your LoRaWAN devices and gateways are connected to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
The instructions in this sample assume that you already have connected LoRaWAN devices and LoRaWAN gateways to LoRaWAN for IoT Core according to the documentation. However, this sample also contains guidelines on how to test the functionality by simulating ingestion from a LoRaWAN device.

2. You have implemented a binary decoder for your LoRaWAN device

You can learn how to build a binary decoding logic for your LoRaWAN device by following guidelines in this section


Step 1: Launch the AWS CloudFormation stack

Launch CloudFormation stack in us-east-1

Launch CloudFormation stack in eu-west-1

After you have been redirected to the "Quick create stack" page at the AWS CloudFormation console please take the following steps to launch you stack:

  • Leave the default values for Stack name
  • Capabilities (at the bottom of the page):
    • Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources
    • Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    • Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND
  • Create stack
  • Wait until the complete stack is created. It should take round about 10 mins for the stack to complete.

In the Outputs section of your stack in the AWS CloudFormation console you find several values for resources that have been created. You can go back at any time to the Outputs section to find these values. Now it's time to test the sample by simulating the ingestion.

Note: if you prefer to deploy the stack from your workstation, please consider using AWS SAM CLI as described in this section

Step 2: Simulate ingestion from a LoRaWAN device

In this step we will test the successful deployment of the stack by simulating an ingestion from a LoRaWAN device. You can also use this step to test the sample if you have not connected your LoRaWAN devices and gateways to AWS IoT Core yet.

To simulate an ingestion from a LoRaWAN device, please use an AWS IoT MQTT Test Client by publishing a following payload to the topic lorawanbinary:

    "WirelessDeviceId": "904d63b1-ed1d-42ad-8cb4-6778dd03e86c",
    "WirelessMetadata": {
      "LoRaWAN": {
        "DataRate": 0,
        "DevEui": "a84041d55182720b",
        "FPort": 2,
        "Frequency": 867300000,
        "Gateways": [
            "GatewayEui": "dca632fffe45b3c0",
            "Rssi": -69,
            "Snr": 10
            "GatewayEui": "aca632fffe45b3c0",
            "Rssi": -9,
            "Snr": 15
        "Timestamp": "2020-12-09T16:39:29Z"
    "PayloadData": "y60JKwGJAQmrf/8="

According to the query statement of the AWS IoT Rule lorawan2timestream_WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestream_sample_device, the AWS Lambda function TransformLoRaWANBinaryPayloadFunction to a perform a binary decoding of the data stored in the "PayloadData" attribute. After performing binary decoding, the AWS IoT Rule will invoke AWS Lambda function WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestreamFunction, providing decoded payload as an input. The WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestreamFunction function will write the decoded payload to the Amazon Timestream tables LoRaWANTelemetryTable and LoRaWANMetadataTable.

Step 3: Query the Amazon Timestream tables

Please run a following command in your shell to query the data for a Timestream table lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANMetadataTable

aws timestream-query query --query-string "SELECT time,DevEui, measure_value::double AS SNR FROM lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANDatabase.lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANMetadataTable WHERE measure_name='SNR' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1"

Please verify the expected output:

    "Rows": [
            "Data": [
                    "ScalarValue": "2020-11-27 11:54:21.917000000"
                    "ScalarValue": "a84041b3618248f7"
                    "ScalarValue": "11.75"
    "ColumnInfo": [
            "Name": "time",
            "Type": {
                "ScalarType": "TIMESTAMP"
            "Name": "DevEUI",
            "Type": {
                "ScalarType": "VARCHAR"
            "Name": "SNR",
            "Type": {
                "ScalarType": "DOUBLE"

You can also use the Amazon Timestream console to query tables LoRaWANTelemetryTable and LoRaWANMetadataTable.

Step 3: Integrating with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN

After a successful deployment of the AWS CloudFormation stack, you should configure AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to invoke AWS IoT Rule lorawan2timestream_WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestream_sample_device each time a LoRaWAN device is sending payload:

  1. Open "IoT Core" in an AWS management console

  2. Click on "Wireless connectivity"

  3. Click on "Destinations"

  4. Click on "Add destination"

  5. Configure the new destination:

    • IAM Role : if you have not created the IAM role for invocation of AWS IoT Rule yet, please click here for guidelines
    • DestinationName: for example SampleDeviceDestination
    • RuleName: please input lorawan2timestream_WriteLoRaWANDataToTimestream_sample_device
  6. Click on "Add destination" button at the bottom of the page

  7. Please assign the newly created destination SampleDeviceDestination to a LoRaWAN device:

    • If you create a new LoRaWAN device in AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, you should specify SampleDeviceDestination as a destination
    • If you already have created a LoRaWAN devices, please use the "Edit" function of the console to update the Destination of the device

Step 4. Verify the ingestion of time series data into Amazon Timestream.

Congratulations, you successfully prepared everything necessary to ingest time series data from your LoRaWAN devices connected to AWS IoT Core into Amazon Timestream.

After each ingestion from a LoRaWAN device, you should be able to retrieve respective measurement values from Amazon Timestream tables LoRaWANTelemetryTable and LoRaWANMetadataTable as in examples below:

Amazon Timestream console

6. Optional: visualize data using Grafana

You can use Amazon Timestream plugin for Grafana to visualize LoRaWAN metadata by using the queries described before. Please take a look to an example of visualization:

Below you will find a sample queries to use in Grafana with Amazon Timestream plugin for Grafana to implement the following:

  • RSSI per gateway
  • Total received messages
  • Humidity

Visualize RSSI per gateway

Please set the following macros in Grafana:

$__database = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANDatabase
$__table = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANMetadataTable
$__measure = Rssi

Please use the following query:

SELECT GatewayEui , CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, measure_value::double) 
AS "LoRaWAN GatewayEUI"  
FROM $__database.$__table 
WHERE measure_name = 'Rssi' 
GROUP BY GatewayEui

Below you can see an example of Grafana configuration for these parameters:

Visualize total number of received messages per minute

Please set the following macros in Grafana:

$__database = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANDatabase
$__table = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANTelemetryTable
$__measure = temperature

Please use the following query:

SELECT BIN(time, 1m), count(*) 
AS "Number of received messages" 
FROM $__database.$__table 
WHERE measure_name = '$__measure'  
GROUP BY BIN(time, 1m) 
ORDER BY BIN(time, 1m)

Visualize humidity

Please set the following macros in Grafana:

$__database = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANDatabase
$__table = lorawan2timestreamLoRaWANTelemetryTable
$__measure = humidity

Please use the following query:

SELECT DevEui, CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, measure_value::double) 
       FROM  $__database.$__table 
       WHERE measure_name = '$__measure'
       GROUP BY DevEui

How to build a binary decoder for your LoRaWAN device


AWS SAM CLI shall be installed on your workstation. You can verify it by calling sam --version:

``` shell
$ sam --version
SAM CLI, version 0.53.0

Implementation steps

Please perform following steps to implement your own binary transformation model:

  1. Check out this repository on your computer

    git clone 
    cd aws-iot-core-lorawan/transform_binary_payload
  2. Review source code of binary transformation for example in src-payload-decoders/python/ Create a copy of the example, e.g.

    cp src-payload-decoders/ src-payload-decoders/python/
  3. Implement decoding logic in src-payload-decoders/python/

  4. Modify src-iotrule-transformation/ by

    • Adding import
    • Adding "mydevice" value to VALID_PAYLOAD_DECODER_NAMES
  5. This sample uses AWS SAM to build and deploy all necessary resources (e.g. AWS Lambda function, AWS IoT Rule, AWS IAM Roles) to your AWS account. Please perform the following commands to build the SAM artifacts:

    sam build

    As a results, the artifacts for the deployment will be placed in a an .aws-sam directory.

  6. Deploy the SAM template to your AWS account.

    sam deploy --guided

    Please note that sam deploy --guided should be only executed for a first deployment. To redeploy after that please use sam deploy.

  7. Update name of a binary decoder in your AWS IoT Rule

    Please modify the SQL query of your AWS IoT Rule and replace "PayloadDecoderName": "sample_device" with "PayloadDecoderName": "mydevice".

Congratulations! You successfully deployed your binary transformation logic into your AWS account. Please follow this guidelines to integrate with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN


To monitor AWS IoT activity you should enable logging.

In case something doesn't work as expected try to use Amazon CloudWatch insights:

  • Log group: AWSIoTLogsV2
  • Filter

fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp desc | limit 20 | filter ruleName = "lorawan2timestream_StoreLoRaWANDataInTimestream"

How to create an IAM role for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN destination

Please use AWS IAM to add an IAM role with the following configuration:

Trust relationship

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": [
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Role permissions will depend on your use-cases, however they should at least contain the permission to publish to an IoT topic:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:<your account id>:topic/*"

Please adjust the policy according to your use case following a least privilege principle.