Full Procedure : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
docker build https://github.com/SkydelSolutions/openstreetmap-tile-server.git -t osm
docker volume create osm-data
docker volume create osm-tiles
You can run this command again to download additional regions.
This container will stop once it is done.
docker run -e THREADS=8 -e "OSM2PGSQL_EXTRA_ARGS=-C 8192" -e DOWNLOAD_PBF=https://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/canada/quebec-latest.osm.pbf -e DOWNLOAD_POLY=https://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/canada/quebec.poly -v osm-data:/data/database/ -v osm-tiles:/data/tiles/ osm import
without network :
docker run -e THREADS=8 -e "OSM2PGSQL_EXTRA_ARGS=-C 8192" -v /home/user/Downloads/quebec-latest.osm.osm.pbf:/data/region.osm.pbf -v /home/user/Downloads/quebec.poly:/data/region.poly -v osm-data:/data/database/ -v osm-tiles:/data/tiles/ osm import
This will take a VERY long time to complete.
- 32 Thread
- 64 GB of RAM
- 1TB of SSD This container will stop once it is done.
docker run -e THREADS=32 -e "OSM2PGSQL_EXTRA_ARGS=-C 65536" -e "FLAT_NODES=enabled" -e DOWNLOAD_PBF=https://planet.openstreetmap.org/pbf/planet-latest.osm.pbf -v osm-data:/data/database/ -v osm-tiles:/data/tiles/ osm import
docker run -p 80:80 -v osm-data:/data/database/ -v osm-tiles:/data/tiles/ -d osm run
in order for the file server to work on client devices you need to update this configuration file on the clients.
The IP should be the IP of the docker host.
nano /usr/lib/skydel-sdx/data/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml
C:\Program Files\Skydel\data\maps\earth\openstreetmap\openstreetmap.dgml
<downloadUrl protocol="https" host="a.tile.openstreetmap.org" path="/"/>
<downloadUrl protocol="https" host="b.tile.openstreetmap.org" path="/"/>
<downloadUrl protocol="https" host="c.tile.openstreetmap.org" path="/"/>
<downloadUrl protocol="http" host="192.168.1.###" path="/tile/"/>
- Address: 192.168.1.###
- Transport Protocol : Http
- Port : 80